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Aurora Rosier ___________________________

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Aurora Rosier

I said hello to Pansy and Ruby as I have already seen everyone else that day.

I didn't want to talk much as I wasn't in the mood so I just went up to my dorm and lay in my bed.

I stared at my ceiling for what felt like minutes but it was actually hours.My thoughts were closing in on me and I felt like my mind would never be at rest.

I decided I needed to do something to take my mind off it.I grabbed a bottle of fire whiskey from Pansys stash and I took a joint aswell.

I didn't bother changing I just made my way to the astronomy tower trying not to be seen.

I arrived at the astronomy tower and sat down against the pillar.

I smoked the joint whilst looking at the stars, I started to feel the high as my head was spinning.

My thoughts were still roaming around my mind.I wanted them gone I didn't want to think about anything I wanted to be free of it all.

I opened the bottle taking big drinks.I went to take another but someone snatched the bottle from me.

I looked up and saw Kai.

He sat down next to me and took a drink from the bottle.I watched as he finished the whole thing.

"What's so important that he had to leave"i slurred out now shaking my head.

"He's going to meet some friends and he has a few business matters to attend to"

I didn't reply,instead I stood up stumbling a bit.I reached my hand out to Kai.

"Coming?"I question him.

He took my hand and I helped him up.We walked down the stairs I tripped a few times resulting in him laughing at me.

We made it back to the common room and I had a grazed knee.We walked in and everyone was sitting on the couches.

Willow looked furious.She charged towards me and slapped me in the face.I wasn't fully balanced on my feet so I fell to side and hit my head on a table.

I heard ringing in my ears and muffled sounds of people arguing.I clutched my head and looked at my hand I saw blood running down my hand and I soon passed out.


I woke up to see Enzo by my side.I slowly sat up and groaned at the pain coming from my head.

"Where am I"

"Your in the hospital wing"he replied looking at me.

I then remembered what happened and got up from my bed.

"Aurora-"Enzo tried to reason with me but I needed to explain to Willow.

I walked to the common room and stormed in.I still had a cut on my head but it was stitched up.

"Where is she"I asked Liam.

He was about to say something but I immediately thought our dorm and I walked up.I heard Liam telling me not too but I ignored it.

I walked into the dorm.

"Look Willow it's not-"I immediately cut myself off when I saw her laying on the bed with Kai on top of her.

They're were about to have sex.

"Really"I shouted at her, I caught both there attentions.

"You bitch, I hate you" I shouted at her, I was enraged I bet this was her plan.I bet she sent Kai to me so she could shout at me so I'd leave and she could fuck him in the dorm.

I turned around and slammed the door behind me.I picked up a vase of flowers and flung it at a wall and watched it shatter.

I stormed down stairs and went straight to the couches.

"Someone apparate me to my home now"

"No Aurora you literally just got here"Issac spoke looking at me.

"And what, I don't really care I hate it here and want to go home what so hard for you to get"

"No"he sneered standing up from his chair.

"Fine I'll get someone else to take me"I responded walking away ignoring him.

I walked along the corridors and whilst I did I thought a lot about what I was going to do next.The idea popped into my head when I saw Willow and Kai I needed to get my anger out somehow so I thought about the only way I could.

I walked into Snapes classroom and there he was sitting at his desk grading papers I assume.

"Professor can I ask a favour of you"I spoke in a subtle tone trying to conceal my anger.

"Yes miss Rosier how can I help"he replied looked up at me.

"Could you apparate me to see the dark lord please"I asked him.

"Why" he asked now with a look of concern on his face.

"Please don't ask why, I just need to speak with him"I replied looking down.

It was silent for a few minutes but he then spoke "okay fine if that's what you want."

He apparated me to the Mannor before returning to hogwarts.

I walked into the dining room and saw him sitting at the head of the table with a few death eaters around him.

"Miss Rosier, what a pleasant surprise I did not expect to see you here today".

"Sorry about the sudden visit my lord but may I ask something of you"I replied looking at him .

"Hm I'm intrigued, continue".

"Well all of a sudden I have this urge of anger all the time and I need a way to distract myself so I don't hurt anyone so I was wondering if you have tasks I could do?"I asked him now looking down.

"Well I must say I'm surprised and as for your request I do have tasks I can give you but what else are you looking for" he questioned me now petting his snake.

"Well the only thing I really need is to learn how to apparate and if you could please keep this from Mattheo I would be utterly grateful"

"Ahh my child apparation is really quite easy and I'm sure you'll learn it quickly as for Mattheo your secrets safe with me"he said as he started laughing maniacally.

I stared at the table as he laughed, other death eaters began to join in.I now questioned if what I done was the right thing to do or not.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - 𝐌.𝐑Where stories live. Discover now