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Aurora Rosier_____________________________

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Aurora Rosier

I gasped as air hit the back of my throat, my eyes shot open causing me to sit up on my bed.

I looked around the room as my thoughts flooded threw my mind.I remembered what happened and tears pooled my eyes as I pulled myself up from the bed and headed straight for the door.

I ran as fast as my feet could run making my way to the courtyard.I swung open the door almost falling to the floor.

The fresh cold air hit my face as tears flooded down my face.I saw everyone standing clearly separating the two sides.

I ran out from the crowd and made eye contact with my brother before looking straight ahead of me.

There he was.

My love, my desire, my reason to live, he was laying there on the floor completely lifeless.

Voldemort was dead.

But so was he, I ran over to him dropping to my knees.

"Mattheo'I whispered.

"Please Mattheo don't leave me"I cried holding him in my arms.

"You can't leave me please, I cant live without you"I pleaded breaking down infront of everyone.

I felt a hand place on my shoulder.

"Come on Aurora he's gone"Issac spoke trying to pull me away.

"He's not, see this"I took the ring from his hand.

"He was suppose to make a horcrux, he's going to be okay"I spoke sobbing as I stared up at him.

"Aurora come on, we both know he'd be awake by now"Issac began pulling me up from the ground.

Lorenzo came over and they both tried to pull me away from him.

"No"I shouted "I am not leaving him, please let me go just let me go"I cried out fighting against them.

They dragged me into the building and into the common room.

I was numb, emotionless, I had ran out of tears to cry.

I held the ring tightly in my hand.

"You promised"I whispered missing him more than ever.

I knew I couldn't live without him, he was my anchor, my stability that prevented me from cracking.

"I'm going a walk"I spoke looking at them before leaving the common room giving them no time to object.

I walked to the astronomy tower knowing exactly what I needed to do.

Mattheo Riddle

I coughed as the air stuck my throat and my eyes flickered open.

I noticed the ring wasn't in my hand and I was laying on my bed in my dorm.

"She told the truth"I heard Draco speak from beside my bed.

"She said you made a horcrux but no one believed her"

"Where is she"I asked and before he could answer Lorenzo burst into the room.

"Draco-"he cut himself off when he saw me awake.

"Even better, welcome back but we need your help, she went a walk and no one can find her and she thinks your dead and she kept saying she can't live without you"

I knew exactly where she would be.

"She's at the astronomy tower yous go to the top I'll go to the bottom"I rushed out the room and to the bottom of the tower.

I ran down the halls, my heart was beating irregularly fast and my body was weak but I needed to be strong for her.

I placed myself at the bottom of the tower and waited incase my Princess needed to be saved.

Aurora Rosier

I stood at the edge of the tower holding myself against the railing looking below at the ground beneath me.

"Please Aurora just come back"Issac extended his hand to me in hope I would take it.

"I'm sorry, I have to do this, I need to be with him"I let myself fall from the tower.

I heard screams as I fell from the tower tumbling down with my body pushing against the cold air.

So many thoughts go through your mind in the moment before your death.

Was it for a good purpose, will your loved ones be okay, will you reunite with your soulmate in another life.

It all piles in not giving you anytime to comprehend the speed your falling at as your thoughts are so slow.

It all stopped, the thoughts,the pain,the stress the worry, gone it was all gone.

But I could still move.

Am I dead?

"Open your eyes my love"a familiar voice spoke making me open my eyes so fast it gave me a slight headache.

"No"I whispered.

"Is this real, am I dead"I asked the boy looking up into his deep brown eyes.

"It worked darling, the horcrux worked, I'm alive and I'm not leaving you ever again"he held me in his arms not letting go.

Tears pooled down my face as I pulled him into a deep and meaningful kiss.

I pulled away and placed my head on his shoulder as I cried.

"Shhh, it's okay I'm here"he whispered whilst stroking my hair.

"I thought I lost you"I mumbled as I cried against his chest.

"You'll always have me princess"he placed me on the ground and cupped my face to make me look at him.

"Your stuck with me forever"

I smiled as I looked up at him, I had him back, all of him, he was safe and alive.

"I love you so much"

"I love you Aurora"he replied pulling me into a hug.

He clutched me tightly and whispered against my head.

"My greatest desire"

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