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Willow Dolohov_____________________________

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Willow Dolohov

𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 -

I woke up around 8:30 am, I glanced over to see Aurora passed out on her bed and Pansy was with Ruby in her bed. Im not sure if they official yet but they're always together so I think everyone can see.

I got up from my bed and went for a shower as we had a lot to prepare for the party tonight.I got out the shower and put on some leggings and a hoodie and woke up the other girls.Aurora groaned and clutched her temples adjusting to the light of the room, meanwhile Pansy and Ruby started to get up and out of bed.

I waited for the girls to change and we walked to breakfast.As we sat down at Daphne and Zaras table Aurora placed her head on the table and the Ruby and Pansy started eating.

"Hey Aurora are you okay" I asked trying to hold in a laugh.

She glared at me and flipped me off before placing her head back on the table giggling.

After 10 minutes we were finished eating and Aurora grabbed an apple as she didn't eat anything due to the hangover .

We walked along the corridor passing the boys who were all dressed in black suits.I assume they are required by the dark lord as they were dressed so formally.Us girls know there all death eaters but they never mention it when we're around.

We got into the common room and started moving tables to the side, we moved couches apart, we placed chairs around so more people could sit and then started hanging decorations.

I hung cobwebs all over the room whilst Aurora attached led light projectors to each corner of the room, Pansy placed smoke machines and speakers in the corners and the other girls placed pumpkins and other decorations out.

2 hours later we finally finished decorating.We began putting cups out on the table along with alcohol and some drugs not all of them though.

"Time to go get ready" Pansy squealed racing to the dorm.The girls were getting ready in our dorm so we all walked up not as excited as Pansy.

Mattheo Riddle

I went to bed last night thinking of how beautiful she looked underneath me, how her cheeks were flushed and red and how her breathing was uneasy- I was snapped out my thoughts when my father summoned me.

"Mattheo" he spoke looking at me.

"Yes father"I replied not showing how I didn't want to be here.

"Draco has been tasked with fixing the cabinet you will observe and help if required"he spat looking at me.I didn't answer which angered him.

He raised his wand and pointed it at me "Crucio" he shouted and the spell came right towards me and hit me in the chest.

I got sympathetic looks from the others but little did they know I was used to it.My father tortured me all threw my childhood and still does now.

It felt like knifes were tearing my skin and plunging into me in every direction blood seeped threw my shirt onto my hand as I clutched my chest.I didn't scream or show any weakness.

My father lifted the spell and dismissed us with no further tasks.

We apparated to Hogwarts and returned to the common room to see all the decorating the girls had done.They must really be looking forward to it however I hope Aurora remembers what I said.

Aurora Rosier

I got out the shower and looked myself in the mirror before putting on a house coat so I could go and start getting ready.

I dried my hair and curled it.I brushed them out so they were loose instead of having them tight.I clipped my hair back and began doing my makeup, I went for a natural look with black smoked out eyeliner and a pink lip.

I was a dark fairy, Willow was a devil, Daphne was tinkerbell, Zara was barbie, Pansy was a witch and Ruby was Cupid.

We all got changed and finished getting ready.We could hear the music from our room and took a few shots for confidence before walking out the dorm and down the stairs to the common room.

As we reached the bottom of the chairs we got some cheers from the boys and the other students I was smiling and laughing until my gaze fell upon a set of eyes filled with darkness and anger.I looked at his white knuckles and clenched fists and started to wonder what I have gotten myself in to...

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