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Mattheo Riddle_____________________________

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Mattheo Riddle

We arrived at the Mannor,It was decorated for the occasion and the light lit up the sky.I walked in along side Aurora.She looked beautiful in her dress and her hair being tied up exposed her neck and chest perfectly.

We walked in and Lorenzo greeted us near the entrance to the main hall.

"Wow you look amazing"he spoke as he kissed her cheek.

I tried not to let it bother me.

"Mattheo" he nodded and walked away to greet the others.

We walked into the hall and grabbed a drink before sitting at a table.I couldn't help but stare at her as a result of her beauty.

"Stop staring".

"My bad"I replied smirking at her.

"Let's dance" she suggested standing up from her chair.

"I don't-"she cut me off "you do now"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me up from my chair and to the dance floor.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

We danced to the slow song, she placed her head against my chest as we swayed to the music.

Aurora Rosier

It was perfect we were dressed nicely dancing in a beautiful ballroom surrounded by our friends and family.I was upset I couldn't see my parents but having my friends there and my brother really made it special.

I lifted my head from his chest and looked up at him, he was already looking at me.It felt so special dancing with him being in his arms enjoying the moment.

It was all ruined when two boys walked towards us, I noticed as they were walking from behind Mattheo.

"Mattheo there's two boys walking our way from behind you" I whispered in his ear.

He turned his head around and his expression changed from happiness to anger.

He turned back around and looked at me "go find your brother or Willow just don't be alone"

"Mattheo what's going-"he cut me off "now" he spat.

I quickly separated from him and left to find one of my friends.I found Lorenzo talking to Marcus at the drinks.I walked over to them and grabbed a drink.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - 𝐌.𝐑Where stories live. Discover now