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Aurora Rosier_____________________________

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Aurora Rosier

I woke up and I felt worse than I did the prior day.My head was pounding and sweat was dripping off my forehead.

I got out of my bed and walked into the bathroom.I tied my hair into a ponytail and splashed cold water on my face.

I decided to go a run as it seems to help calm me down.I pulled on leggings and a top and headed down stairs.

I found my music player, I think it might be an MP3 player I'm not too sure but I like to listen to music when I run.

I put in my headphones and walked out the door closing it behind me.I always run threw the Forrest,I used to go runs all the time so I know the route very well.

I started running along the path,my thoughts cleared my mind as I felt the cold breeze hit my face.I paced myself so I didn't get too tired but I still went quite fast.

After a while I was halfway done, I stopped running and took a quick rest.I was about to keep running but I saw someone moving around in the trees next to me.

I ran behind a tree and kept looking over to where I saw them move.I moved slowly to behind another tree and I saw two people talking.

I was now very close to the two people it was a girl and a boy, I didn't recognise the girl and I couldn't see the boy as his back was facing me.

I tried to listen in to there conversation but they were whispering so I couldn't hear anything.I went to move but a stick crunched under my feet,I was still peaking over at them and now saw the boys face.

It was Mattheo.

I was so confused on what was going on but I knew I needed to go before they could catch me.

I pulled up my hood so they couldn't see my face.I counted to 3 and ran, I heard them shouting at me to stop but I didn't I kept running.

I glanced back and saw them both standing on the path, Mattheo had his hands on the back of his head and the girl tried to calm him down.

I ran and ran as fast as I could until I reached my house.I walked in and sat down at the kitchen with a glass of water.

I was exhausted, my feet hurt so much.I placed my earphones on the table and grabbed an apple before walking up to my room.

I went for a shower and all I could think about was why he was in the Forrest with a girl.I knew we werent dating but was he seeing someone else.

I wanted to know what he was hiding but I knew he didn't want to see me.

I hadn't looked at the clock at all today and it was only 9:30am to be exact.I made a rational decision to go to school.

I got changed into my uniform and packed up my things.There was no point of me hiding from them anymore and if I don't catch up I'm going to have to repeat 5th year.

I apparated to my dorm and put my bag down.I grabbed my books and made my way to my first class which was muggle art.

Zara and Willow was in this class and I didn't want to talk to willow due to past events.I arrived at the class and I was 10 minutes early so I decided to get started on my canvas.

I started painting the view from the bench near the Riddle Mannor.It was such a calm and peaceful place to relax so I decided to paint that.

10 minutes later students starting walking in including Zara and Willow.

Willow glanced at me and went to her seat and Zara saw me and ran straight my way wrapping her arms around me.

"Omg Aurora I've been so worried about you, I missed you so much"she spoke as she pulled away and sat down next to me.

"I've missed you too"I replied and continued my work.

The class passed and me and Zara caught up.I really did miss her she was always so kind to me.

Class ended and I walked along the halls by myself.I bumped into someone, it was Marcus.


"Haven't seen you around much"

"Yeh I just needed a break"I replied looking up at the blonde boy.

"Hmm is that so"he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What are you doing"I asked my swatting away his hand.

"Nothing princess"

I scoffed and walked to my next class.The day went by smoothly, no arguments or loosing my temper and I was making my way to Dumbleodore's office to request a new dorm.

I walked into his office.

"Hello Miss Rosier how can I help you"

"Hi I was wondering if I could have my own dorm?"I asked sitting down on the chair in front of him.

"And why would that be"he questioned me.

"Well two reasons 1. I'm not on good terms with my friends and 2. I have been getting really angry lately and I think it's best for me to have my own space to calm down and for the safety of my friends incase I lash out"

"Okay, I think it's best for you to have your space your dorm will be room 318 and your stuff will be there when you arrive"

"Thank you"

I made my way to the common room and when I walked in I saw Mattheo sitting on the couches with that girl I saw him with in the woods.

I also saw Blaise sitting too and the resemblance between the girl and Blaise was so alike.I wondered, did Blaise have a sister and how did she know Mattheo.

I made eye contact with Mattheo before quickly breaking it and walking up to my dorm.

I walked into my dorm, it was big.There was a double bed,some drawers,a mirror and some book shelves with a few chairs next to them.

My clothes were already in my drawers and all my stuff was placed where it should be.

I got into my pjs and got into bed.I stared out the window and played with the sheets and soon fell asleep.

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