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Aurora Rosier_____________________________

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Aurora Rosier

I opened my eyes as I was being dragged along a hallway.I tried to pry myself out from there hold but it was no use.

"Let me go"I shouted at the person dragging me along.

They pulled me up and shoved me into a room.I could see the person now it was the same boy that pushed me against the wall and was with Mattheo at the ball.

He pinned me to the bed and I went to try and fight but for some reason I didn't.I let him,he connected our lips and it's like I didn't have a choice but to kiss him back and I did.

He started to kiss down my neck earning a moan to escape my lips.

What is going on this isn't real,I quickly looked down at my fingers and counted them.

There was 13 I tried to wake myself up but I couldn't.That's until I felt someone touch my hand.

I sprung awake and saw the same boy sitting next to me on my bed.I quickly got out of my bed and ran to the door but it was spelled shut.I banged on the door shouting for someone to help me but there was no one there.

I walked into the corner of the room far away from him as possible.He watched amused as tears escaped my eyes.

"Please let me go"I begged looking over to the boy sat in my bed.

"Now why would I let you go when I'm going to kill you"he replied standing up from the bed.

I couldn't see my wand anywhere and my only option was to apparate.

I've never done it on my own and I was too scared and confused to think about a certain place so I just apparated.

I landed in a snowy path.I was wearing joggers,a hoodie and a crop top under neath.

I ran along the path as fast as I could.I slipped a few times but I knew I couldn't apparate again or I could end up in the middle of nowhere again.

I ran and ran until I reach a large house.I was freezing my breathing was hitched and I felt like I was going to pass out.

I fell to my knees and tried to breathe but it was no use.I clutched my neck trying to warm it a little with what's left of the heat from my hands.

I looked up and saw two boys walking towards me.I stood up and tried to run but one grabbed me.

It was Blaise.

"Aurora what are you doing out here"he asked now wrapping his coat around me and leading me to the house before me.

The other boy was Theodore and he helped me back.

"Someone- tried to kill me"I spoke in between the shivers in my voice.

We reached the house, it was the Zabini Mannor.We walked and he took me to his mother who was cooking in the kitchen.

She put a blanket around me and gave me a cup of tea to warm me up.She then introduced herself and told me to call her Ella.

"We're going to go get Mattheo and Issac".Minutes later him and Theodore apparated away.

I played with my fingers as I waited for them to return.I was scared to go back there, a few tears escaped my eyes and Ella must have saw.She pulled me into her embrace,she hugged me tightly as I cried into her shoulder.

A few minutes later I went to use the restroom and when I returned they boys were back but they brought Mattheo and Issac with them.

I slowly walked over still shivering from the coldness.

Mattheo noticed me walking over and immediately made his way over to me.He pulled me into a hug as I broke down in his arms.

I sobbed into his chest as he stroked my hair trying to comfort me.

"He was there"I choked out in between my sobs.

"Who was where darling"he asked still holding me.

"The boy from this morning"I paused and took a breathe"he was in my room" I continued as more sobs escaped my lips.

He pulled away and held my face in his hands wiping away the tears that escaped my eyes.

"Why was he in your room" he questioned.

"He put a dream inside my head"

"What kind of dream"he asked now looking down at me.

"I-i don't want to talk about it just look".

He looked in my mind and he must have saw it as I could feel his body tense.

He looked down at me "what else happened".

"I tried to get out the room but he spelled it shut and told me he was going to kill me"I replied looking away from him.

"He made his way towards me and the only thing I could do was apparate and I ended up in the snow that's when Blaise found me"

"I'll deal with him"he spat clearly angry about the whole situation.

"Mattheo I don't want to go back to my room, especially now he's lay in my bed"

"Your sleeping in my room so no one can get to you".

I didn't say anything, he walked over to the others taking me with him.

I let go of his hand to hug Blaise and Theodore goodbye.I hugged Ella also and thanked her for the hospitality.

I walked back to Mattheo and took his hand before he apparated us home.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - 𝐌.𝐑Where stories live. Discover now