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*short chapter*

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*short chapter*

Aurora Rosier

Usually in April the Sun hits off the Mannor as we welcome in spring.The trees bloom with beautiful vibrant flowers as the wind blows the petals across the courtyard.

This is a lot different..

The trees had no leaves nor did they have any flowers,there was no sun shining across the Mannor only dark grey clouds forming above us.

The walls were covered in ivy and moss and it looked horrible.I felt a sense of darkness overcome me the closer we walked towards to door.

I was scared, i clutched onto Issacs arm as we walked into the place we call home.It was empty there was no elves running around or maids putting Easter flowers along the staircase.


We walked into the dining room and that's when we saw our parents.

Our father looked the same as for our mother, her hair was a lot darker and she was paler than usual.

Our parents looked up at us and our father remained seated and our mother rushed over to us.

"My children, I have missed yous so much"she pulled us into her embrace.

It felt so awkward being home and like something wasn't right.

We sat down at the table and ate our meal.

The food was nice and not a lot was said during the time.I had a bad feeling in my gut and I looked over at Issac who sat next to my father and it seemed he felt the same.

I was about to excuse myself when people with black cloaks and masks burst threw the doors and windows smashing the glass and ornaments as they arrived.

I was terrified, Issac rushed over to me and we raised our wands at the people as did our mother and father.

"Who are you"I asked them raising my voice.

"We are members of The Order and we're here to kill death eaters"the figure that stood in the middle of them replied.

I looked at Issac for approval and he nodded.

"Stupefy"we both shouted disarming a few of them before taking cover from the spells they were shooting at us.

We managed to take out the majority of them but 5 still remained.

I hid behind the cabinet and as I was about to jump out to send a spell, someone grabbed me by the waist and pulled me out flinging me onto the cold floor.

"Crucio"as the words left there mouth a burning sensation like I have felt before hit me.

I screamed as I felt my skin tear leaving me defenceless on the floor.

I closed my eyes as I saw the man point his wand at me and I knew it was the end for me.

"Avada kedavra"two of the men shouted.

I waited and waited to be released from this life but I opened my eyes and they were gone.

I was to weak to move however I saw my worst nightmare.

Issac was sat against the wall clutching a cut on his stomach and my parents were ...


They lay before me not moving and paler than usual.

I tried to move but screamed at the pain that struck me in my stomach.I looked down to see a stake of wood in my stomach and tears pulled down my face.

"Issac"I breathed out looking at my brother.

"Please don't leave me Issac"I begged my brother who was clinging onto his life next to me.

I took my wand and dug it into my dark mark summoning death eaters before my hands collapsed at my side.

"I love you Issac"I spoke before my eyes closed and it was all darkness.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - 𝐌.𝐑Where stories live. Discover now