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I was going to perform for television for the first time. Me and my bandmates, Doyeon, Alex and Kai.

Doyeon was my childhood friend, she's the total opposite of me which is why i never understood our friendship, but i'm glad she's my friend.
Alex, he's a total dick but also not, i met him while i was a trainee and we were both very asocial, that's how we got to be friends tbh.
Well Kai, he's the youngest a total goofball and had a huge crush on me or still has, I don't know. He confessed to me a few months back and I politely declined saying that i was interested in someone else, which was the case.

But anyways we were all getting nervous with our first television performance. We were getting in in 5 minutes.

"Y/n" Doyeon screamed "we're totally gonna rock this right?" I laughed at her, in this type of situation she always lose her cool and i have to calm her down.

"We're gonna rock this!"  I screamed making Alex and Kai coming closer to us. I put my hand in the air waiting for them to put theirs on top of mine.

"WE... ARE... GONNA... ROCK... THIS........WE... ARE...ACE" they screamed the last part with me.

After the performance

Wow that was amazing, I love this. We were all very tired from the performance but we still needed to do a interview so it wasn't totally over for us.

We changed into another clothes and sat so we could get interviewed.

"We have a special guest today as you all saw it... ACE" The interviewer, Jessi, introduced us "So guys you're a very promising band from what i've seen today. You play a very different type of music that usual k-pop, actually its more like a k-rock. Do you maybe want to explain how your dynamic works"

"Uh yeah sure, we do have a diff type of music and what we're trying to do is show people that there's another sounds and melodies that can be discovered. Rock is seen as a aggressive type of music which in my opinion is not totally right. I think that in rock our emotions are expressed in the sound such as in the song itself"  I explained.

"I get it i get it, well it seems like you're going in a right way to me so keep going" She laughed and so did we "who's the leader in your group?"

"Y/n" my bandmates answered before I could.

"Wow hahaha why is she the leader?" She looked at Kai so he could answer.

"To begin with she's the oldest and in a lot of moments in the past few years she's always the one who keep us together. When someone panics she will be the first to help, she's a good noona" He said with his usual smiley face.

"A lot of admiration for the leader i see" She got up and came closer to us with a camera, she approached Alex first "you guys know how my show goes so i will begin with the usual jessi show interview" We laughed knowing what's coming "so handsome... going straight to the point, you have a gf?"

Alex laughed almost falling from his chair "N-No I don't" this is funny.

"Is that so? I guess we're done with the interview him and i will drink some soju" me and Doyeon were dying of laughter.

Jessi got the information that he was 18 from the people behind the cameras.

"For real? We can still go i mean it's a legal drinking age ahahah" She then came to Doyeon and made her the same question she did to Alex.

"No no pretty much single" Doyeon was laughing awkwardly.

Jessi was now in front of me with the same question.

"Uhm no no one" i gave her a weak smile, but Alex and Doyeon coughed loudly which made her laugh and raise her eyebrows at me

"Seems like you do, c'mon don't be shy tell us"

"They're just messing around there's really no one" I said so I could look convincing. I mean there was no one cuz I'm looking for the girl I bumped into months ago before our debut.

Jessi walked to Doyeon and Alex and asked them to tell her, which they did and i hate them for it.

"She has no one, she's waiting for this girl she bumped into once to magically appear" Alex said laughing with Doyeon, I could kill them right now, so embarrassing.

"We have a hopeless romantic guys..." Jessi came over to me and shoved the camera on my face.

"Nothing like that" i said they're just making up stuff.

The interview went on and it was funny, Jessi was very blunt and unusual but it was good, I enjoyed having this interview. Unfortunately we needed to stop cuz she was going to interview this k-pop group, Itzy, next.

We went to the backstage talked for a while till her next band came, i was shocked with who i saw, it was her the girl I bumped into.
We started at each other for a while till one of her bandmates called her name, yeji was it, and then looked at me and laughed at her. I turned my back to them not wanting to make a fool out of myself and joined Kai and Alex conversation.


I saw that there weren't a lot of yeji x fem reader, or at least I couldn't find any 😓 so I decided to write one.

My first language is not English so if i make any mistakes feel free to tell me.

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