A problem

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Y/n's pov

Yeji left for her meeting with jyp-nim so i decided to head back to my appartement, well the band's appartement but no one was there since last night didn't go so well. Everyone was in their individual appartement me and Alex decided to leave our appartements because we thought it was a waste to have them while we have this one as well.
This means that I don't think anyone will bother Rosie so fast since they must have a hell of a hangover.
I got no texts from Rosie which meant she was still asleep.

I opened the door carefully to not wake up Rosie, i walked to my room where i left her and i find her exactly as I expected, asleep. I chuckled at how Rosie was sleeping, so messy but I somehow expected it.
I decided to close the door and go make her some healthy smoothie and breakfast when she wakes up so her hangover will be gone.

While i was making the breakfast Rosie woke up and she seemed like a little kid rubbing her eyes looking sleepy.

"What are you doing? My head hurts so bad" She says putting her hand on her head.

"I'm making breakfast and I'm almost done so go take a shower and take the one pill of what i left for you on the nightstand, you'll feel better in one hour" I said focusing on cooking.

"Okay boss" Rosie walked away with a small smile on her lips. She took her shower and came back.

"Hello boss, i am all fresh now. I borrowed some clothes from you hope you don't mind" Rosie had a grin on her face when i looked at her.

"I guess I don't just give me back once you're done with it" I put everything i made on the plates and gave it to her, we sat my the kitchen table instead of the living room table.
My phone started ringing showing Yeji's id in it, I turned it off rejecting her call automatically.

"You can pick up it might be important" Rosie said looking a little concerned at me.

"It's fine, i will give her a call later today don't worry" She nodded and hummed an okay.

"You and Yeji seem very close to each other" Rosie said while shoving her fork in her mouth.
I choked and coughing because of her comment. Did she suspect something?

"Ye we are, she's ummm one of my closest friends" I felt bad for lying to Rosie who i became very close with in this past 5 months but she couldn't know what's going on with me and Yeji.

"Mmm okay how did you too meet?" Rosie seemed curious about my relationship with Yeji and i wonder why.

"It's a funny story actually, I bumped into her before my debut say and later i saw her by Jessi's interview thing and yeah we've been friends since then" I gave her a warm smile offering her half of my food because i wasn't hungry anymore.

"Sounds like a whole kdrama to me babes" Rosie was focused on the food while talking. She really did look like a kid. I was kinda flustered to the nickname she gave me just now.

"Babes? Your crush must be one hella unlucky guy ahahaha" I playfully said meaning to make fun of her cheesy pet name.

"My crush is kinda dense so she won't notice" She gave me an interesting look.

"She? You like girls? How come do i only know this now?" I said raising one of my eyebrows and a grin.

"You never asked..." The look on her face changed to what it seem disappointment.

"No need to be sad about it, I know now and maybe i can help?" I didn't want to get too involved in this just in case she gets hurt by this person.

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