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Gaara's POV

"Are you sure about this, Gaara?" Temari asks. "I mean, taking down'll make everyone question your authority. You'll have to appoint all new council members. Are you sure you're up for it?"

"My intention isn't to completely get rid of Dezato," I reply. "It's to wound his ego enough that he backs off. And to scare his laqueys enough that they don't try to usurp me ever again. If they leave on their own after that, so be it. I have a few replacement council members in mind."

Y/n smiles. "This is going to be fun."

Temari slowly turns to look at her. "Your loyalties sure changed quickly."

"Well, it's hard to stay loyal to a guy who only sees you as a tool for his political ambitions," Y/n answers.

Temari nods, satisfied with her response. Though she won't admit it, I can tell that she's starting to like Y/n. 

"But you're solidly on our side now, right?" Kankuro asks Y/n.

Y/n shrugs. "Even if I wanted to betray you, there's no way that I could get away with it. You three are like the strongest ninja in the Land of Wind, and I'm just kind of fast and strong."

Kankuro preens at the compliment, and Temari and I both roll our eyes. 

My office goes silent, and the four of us just kind of stare at each other for a while. Then I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what's coming, and slowly stand up from my chair. "Shall we?"

To my surprise, Y/n prances up to me and links her arm through mine. "Let's get this son of a bitch."

Kankuro and I both stare at her in surprise, but Temari just laughs. "That's my girl."

"I might have grown up in a wealthy family, but that doesn't mean that I was raised by them," Y/n says with a sly grin. "Let's go."

Y/n drags me out of my office, and I can feel my siblings looking at us. I don't really know what to think myself. Just a few days ago, Y/n wouldn't so much as look at me, and now we're walking down the hallway arm in arm. 

We pause in front of the entrance to the council chamber, where we're planning to perform our plan. Y/n looks slightly queasy, and she grips my arm tighter.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I'm nervous," she admits. "Is it weird that I'm nervous?"

"Not at all," I reply, giving her what I think is a reassuring smile. I still haven't quite mastered social interactions yet, and sometimes I'm worried that I'll end up scaring someone.

But it seems like it worked this time, because Y/n smiles back. She gives my arm a little squeeze before walking away to her wedding planning session with Dezato's wife.

"Promise you me that you won't do anything too reckless," Temari murmurs to me.

"Don't worry," I answer, but I don't promise. 

We enter the council chamber where most of the members are already seated, waiting for us to arrive. Temari and Kankuro take their usual seats, but I have to make one more stop before I go to mine.

"Dezato, may I speak with you for a minute?"

The old man blinks at me, apparently surprised. "Uh. Yes. Of course."

Dezato stands, and I lead the way out into the hallway. The door to the council chamber thuds shut behind us.

"I know that it was you," I tell him. "I know that you're the one who hired that rogue shinobi to kill me, and that you summoned Y/n here to try and sabatoge me. I know everything, Dezato."

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