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A disclaimer for the next couple of chapters: it's been a while since I watch the Five Kage Summit Arc of Naruto Shippuden, so there's a lot that I don't perfectly remember. That said, I'll probably take a little bit of creative licence when writing about these events, and I ask that you'll all forgive me if I make any mistakes. Thanks!


Y/n's POV

I'm sprawled out on my back on top of a pile of wood, looking up at the clouds and soaking on the warm sunlight. I take a deep breath of the muggy summer air, the spicy smell of wood mingling with salty tang of Ichiraku Ramen. During the past week that I've spent in the Leaf Village, it almost makes me feel like I'm twelve years old again, which is super nice, considering how adult the events of the past couple months have been.

As I watch the clouds making their slow procession across the blue sky, I find myself wondering if Gaara's looking at the same sky right now, miles away. I wonder what he's doing, what he's thinking about. I hope that Temari hasn't made him take care of all the wedding preparations in my absence, and that he's remembering to take time for himself. I wonder if he misses me...

As soon as I think it, I mentally slap myself. Why should it matter if he misses me? Why am I even thinking of him at all? This is my time to not have to think about Gaara, or anyone in the Sand Village, for that matter.

Before I can overthink any more, Naruto climbs up next to me on the pile of wood. "Hey, Y/n. Whatcha doing?"

I just shrug. That's answer enough for Naruto, who lays down on his back beside me.

"Sakura's going to be mad that we're not helping," Naruto says.

"We have a least a few minutes before she finds us," I reply.

"So how are you liking being back home?" Naruto asks.

"It's nice," I say. "I'm starting to think I might never leave."

Naruto turns to look at me. "Really?"

Before I can answer, a familiar voice shouts our names, and we both sit up. Sakura is charging straight for us, her cheeks flushed pink with anger.

"I guess we didn't have as long as I thought," I say, bracing myself for the scolding that I know is coming.

"What're you two doing, just lounging around?" she shouts. "You need to help! This village isn't going to rebuild itself!"

"We'll be there in just a minute, Sakura," I say, hopping down from the pile of wood.

"You'd better," she says, storming away.

"So much for that," I say, offering Naruto a hand down. He takes it, even though he probably doesn't need it. We head off in the direction Sakura went.

Naruto and I spend the rest of the afternoon helping Sai and Sakura and some other people rebuild the hospital. Even with my enhanced strength, lifting heavy things and hammering and all that is still miserable. Also, I'm less than happy about having to be in a group with Sai. I'm not a huge fan of the new member of Squad 7. He's so quiet that it's kind of spooky, and I can't shake the feeling that he's Sasuke's replacement, which is obviously weird. It doesn't seem like he likes me very much, either, because he constantly calls me a gold digger. I got tired of telling him to stop a long time ago, so I've just given up.

When I get home, my mom is waiting for me in our tent.

"What're you still doing up?" I ask, pulling off my shoes.

"You got a letter, from the Kazekage," she says, pulling out a piece of paper and holding it out to me. "It seemed important."

A letter from Gaara? I think, taking the paper. I read it over, and I can feel my mom's eyes on me the whole time, waiting for me to tell her what it's about.

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