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Hello everyone! Sorry that it's been so long since I've posted - I've been focusing on other projects and I honestly haven't had a whole lot of time to write. But I've decided to revisit this story, and hopefully bring it to a satisfying conclusion. Here's the next chapter - hope you enjoy!


Y/n's POV

I don't know what this means. Has Sasuke finally come to his senses? Is he going to come back to the village? Or has he just completely lost his marbles? Was he planning to betray Orochimaru from the beginning?

Does Naruto know?

Why the heck does he always have to wait until I'm kind of okay with my life to do something totally insane? I just want to be done with Sasuke Uchiha.

Or do I? Why am I so freaking invested with him and whatever the heck he's doing if I'm really done with him?

It all makes my brain hurt. And my stomach. I constantly feel like I'm going to puke. 

I want to strangle Sasuke. But I also kind of want to find him and just talk to him. Figure out whatever the hell is going through that thick skull of his. 

What would I do if I ever really did see Sasuke again?

I don't know, and that's part of the problem. 

Sometimes I just want to scream.


Gaara's POV

After days of not seeing her, I end of finding Y/n sitting on the roof of the mansion, looking out at the stars. She has a strange, almost pained expression on her face, like she's lost in a memory that she would rather not relive.

She's so lost in her thoughts that she doesn't notice me sitting down next to her. 

"You know," I say, breaking the silence, "when I told you about Sasuke I didn't think it would mean that I wouldn't get to see you for the next few days."

She doesn't even look at me, and she stays silent for so long that I'm scared that wasn't the right thing to say. I mean, it kind of just slipped out, and I guess it sounded kind of weird...

"I didn't mean to disappear," Y/n says finally. "But what you told me...I guess I'm just confused."

"Do you mind if I ask why?" I ask, settling in next to her. I have a feeling I'm going to have to use my limited social skills. 

"The stars make me think of him," Y/n says, ignoring my question.


"Sasuke," Y/n says. "We made a promise, years ago, that if we were ever separated, we'd look up at the stars and think of each other." She looks up at the sky, the stars reflected in her e/c eyes. "We were both naive."

"You and Sasuke weren't just acquaintances, were you?"

Y/n smiles, but it's humorless. She shakes her head. "I probably shouldn't be telling you this, since there's no way that you care about my drama. But I'm going to tell you anyway because it'll feel good to tell someone."

I lean forward, trying to communicate that I'm ready to listen to whatever she has to say. 

Y/n sighs, like she's bracing herself. "Okay. So, I've known Sasuke for years. You know, with the Academy and hanging out with Naruto and all that. About three years ago him and Naruto were my bodyguards for a trip to visit my extended family, and I guess we developed feelings for each other. A few weeks after that trip, we started secretly dating. It didn't last that long. Sasuke left the village, and of course it ended after that. But the time we spent was like a dream. Well, it was like a dream for fourteen year old me. We had fun together. Sasuke was vulnerable with me, not like he was with anyone else. We understood each other. But then he started putting up walls that not even I could cross. After he fought Naruto and wanted to leave the village, I tried to stop him. Talk him out of it. But I just made things worse. It hurt so much when he left. And when I heard what he did to Naruto..."

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