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Y/n's POV

"Y/n, can you come in here a second?"

I stop walking down the hallway, peeking my head into the living room, where my parents are seated, looking at me. "What is it?"

"We want to talk to you about something," my dad says, patting the space next to him on the couch.

I walk into the room and sit down, a little nervous. They have their serious faces on, which rarely ever means anything good.

"As you know, the L/n clan has been shrinking in size over the past few centuries," my mom says.

"Yes," I answer, glancing back and forth between my parents. Where are they going with this?

"Our clan used to be very large and very powerful, and since there have been fewer and fewer people with our abilities, we've also lost a lot of our influence," Dad says. "We're practically obscure, Y/n."

"And that's a problem...why?" I ask.

"It means that we don't have as much sway with the kages or the feudal lords anymore, and that makes it harder for us to influence decisions in our favor or make sure that our investments are maintained," Dad answers. "Some of the leaders of these nations...they fear us, and what we can do. We don't want to risk anything."

"We just want what's best for you, Y/n," Mom adds, and Dad nods in agreement.

"What are you trying to say?" I ask.

"The head of the family, your grandmother, has a proposition for us - for you - that could improve the situation for our entire clan," Dad says.

"What is this proposition?"

"Your grandmother has some connections in the Village Hidden in the Sand, on the Kazekage's council, to be specific," Dad answers. "She's arranged for you to become the new wife of the Fifth Kazekage."

I stare at my parents, not believing what I'm hearing. "This is a joke. Right?"

"No, it isn't," Mom says. "We're serious."

"What?" I look back and forth between them. "We don't live in ancient times anymore. You can't just give me away like cattle to be some guy's wife."

"You're not cattle," Dad says. "This is a strategic decision, made with the good of the clan in mind. It is not something that we can just pass up."

"We? This seems more like a me thing, since I'm the one being married off to a stranger!"

"Fine, this isn't something that you can just pass up," Dad says. "With you married to the Kazekage, you'll have an in not only in the Land of Wind, but in all five great nations! You can keep us all safe. You can make sure that they don't do anything to hurt us."

"Do I have a choice in this?" I ask, though I'm pretty sure that I already know the answer.

"I'm afraid not, dear," Mom says.

I take a long, deep breath through my nose. I can't argue with them. There's no point in arguing with them. All three of us are just going to walk away with our feelings hurt, but nothing will change. Once my father makes up his mind, there's no changing it. Especially when the clan is involved.

"I'm going for a walk," I say coldly, turning around and storming out of the room. I burst out of the house, inhaling the warm air, trying to calm myself down.

It isn't working.

I'm about to head for the training field to throw some knives at stuff when I see someone running toward me, waving frantically. "Y/n! Hey, Y/n!"

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