Aladdin x Reader

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"Well, I guess this is it." you claimed to yourself as you stood in front of the dungeon towering over your tiny body. You gripped the bandaged wrapped hilt of your pure silver sword, and entered.

It looked as of the dungeon was going to eat you alive, waiting for you to enter it's open mouth. You closed your eyes tightly due to the bright flash of white light that had engulfed your vision.

Before you knew it, you landed softly onto a, patch of grass.

"Okay, now this is just weird." you thought calmly to yourself as you stood on your feet. You looked around a little, trying to decipher every clue and detail your could lay your eyes on. Finally, you locked your eyes on a beautiful blood red door, leading to the unknown.

"Hey, Alibaba, Morg, when we're done capturing this dungeon, we should go out and have a feast!" someone exclaimed in the distance. You immediately panicked, and his behind the giant tree near the large, mysterious door.

"Great. Just what I needed today." you thought, hiding yourself even more from the strange group of brightly colored headed teenagers. The girl had hot pink locks that was in a partial ponytail on the left side of her head. She word rugged clothes, much like slaves clothing, as a matter of fact. The older looking boys hair was full on blonde, maybe even more yellow if you looked closer. He was dressed in white cloth, with two different styled shoes to go with it.

And the last one, caught your attention the most. He was younger than the other two, maybe around your age. The boy had a long, blue braided ponytail coming from the back of his head. He had bandages that covered his chest, slightly covered with a blue cloth.

"A door." the girl said aloud, pointing towards a completely different part of the room.

"Huh? That's not where the door is. It's over here." you thought as you checked behind you to make sure that it didn't grow legs and run away.

As you thought, the door you had once spotted was still there, waiting for you to open it.

"So I guess only I can see this door." you concluded.

"Well, if that's the case... "

You carefully moved away from your hiding spot and made your way to the blood red door. You gripped the handle, and opened it, slowly and quietly.

"Hey guys look! Someone else is in here with us!" the blonde one yelled. You knew something like this was going to happen sooner or later, but you just had to take the risk. You opened the door fully, and dashed inside, not noticing the one who had followed you inside.

Once you had made it completely through, the door closed itself behind you, and dissolved. "Oh great. Now how am I supposed to get out of here?" you asked aloud.

"Ouch. That kinda hurt." the blue headed boy exclaimed. You didn't realize that you had been followed, so you freaked and pulled out your shining sword and pointed to the boy's surprised face. "W-whoa, hold on a second. I didn't mean to startle you." he explained, putting his hands up in surrender. You sighed quietly and slowly put away your weapon.

" Aw, look at that! I've caught a cute pair today!" someone's voice boomed through the room. You didn't notice it, but the room you had entered was covered in the colors pink and red. There were hearts that covered the ceiling and the walls. "I feel like I'm in a love hotel." you mumbled. The boy seemed to hear you, and began to day dream about something. "Hey! Keep your guard up!" you whisper yelled, hitting him in the back of the head. He snapped back onto what was known as reality and rubbed the spot where you had hit him.

Suddenly, a pink smoke had filled the air around you, causing you both to cough heavily. "My my, you little humans are cuter than I had first anticipated." The smoke finally cleared, revealing a female Djinn. Her hair was a light brown color with it falling just below her shoulders. She wore a turban on her head, much like the boy. Half of her body was smoke, while the other half was covered in a silky pink robe.

"Who are you?" the boy asked nonchalantly.

"My nameh
is Ife. I am the ruler of this dungeon. I only let those in with a common fate,  and if you aren't dumb, that means that you two have an intertwined destiny." she explained whole heartedly. "What's that supposed to mean?" you asked in an annoyed tone. "Why, just look, you both are here right now, together. Do you not think that and something?" asked Ife with a smirk. "W-what!?"  you exclaimed blushing.

"Yes, (Y/N) the Swordsman and Aladdin the Magi."

You both went wide eyed as she said your two names. "Wait! So you're the pipsqueak Magi I keep hearing about?" you exclaimed loudly. "The... pipsqueak Magi?" he repeated.

"Now, I will let you two out. And if you decide to come back, read the rules." she explained. The both of you were perplexed by her suggestion, but soon forgot it as you were both suddenly back outside in the real world.

"H-huh? How'd we get out?" you exclaimed. "She said read the rules... Maybe the on that sign I saw earlier." he confessed.

"Wait, you mean that sign that was in a completely different language?" you asked. He nodded and grabbed your hand. "Come on! I'm pretty sure my friends are out by now, and Alibaba can read all sorts of languages." he said.

Your face had soon been dusted by a light shade of pink.

"W-what... Is this...?"

You were too busy figuring out your jumbled up thoughts, that you didn't realize that Aladdin had found his friends.

"Okay, so it says:
1. All must be able to attend to capture this dungeon.
2. There has to be at least more than one person to enter.
3. The ones that meet the Djinn, must have a destiny to fall deeply in love with each other."

As Alibaba finished reading the rules aloud, your face had turned fifty shade of red, along with Aladdin's. "Well, me and Alibaba didn't see the Djinn, did you two?" Morgiana asked oblivious to your expressions.

"Y-yeah... " Aladdin suddenly answered.

" Hey! Don't tell them that!" you yelled, embarrassed. The two older teens just laughed and left you alone with Aladdin.

"Heh heh. Maybe the rules are just to make you not enter the dungeon." you suggested. Aladdin stared at you for a second, then smiled.

"Well, I have to go report this to my boss now. So I guess I'll see you around." you said walking away. Before you could get far, Aladdin had grabbed your hand once more.

"I hope I get to see you again, (Y/N). And maybe, we can capture this dungeon together!" he exclaimed.

You blushed even harder than before, with his offer repeating in your mind over and over again.



Hello! So I know this not the best thing ever, but I just wanted to start this off right away!

Sorry for any typos! >.<

Remember, you can still request any character to fall in love with you!

And if you can't think of a character, then maybe a scenario!

Thank you for reading!


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