Kyoya Ootori x Reader

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You were a current student at Ouran Academy, the school for the rich and beautiful. As luxurious as it sounds, you weren't bred from that world. You came from a simple family that weren't rich and famous. You all lived in a house just outside of the middle school you used to go to.

You weren't the only commoner that went to Ouran, however. There was another girl, Haruhi Fujioka. She came from the same middle school as you, in fact, you two took the exam together.

You had heard about her little predicament with the host club, which is how you met all of the members, including Kyoya Ootori. Ever since you had met him, you had been thinking about him non-stop.

However, there was one girl that would never let you get close to him. Her name was Renge Houshakuji. Many said that she didn't like Kyoya anymore, that her feelings had faded away, but, everytime you would talk to him, she would always be there, glaring.

"(Y/N)?" someone asked you from behind. You turnd your head slightly, away from your textbook, to see Haruhi.

"Oh, hello Haruhi!" you answered cheerfully. She smiled, sitting down next to you.

"Are you studying for the math test we have tomorrow?" she asked peeking over your shoulder. You nodded as you noticed that she had the same texbook in her hands.

"Do you want to study together?" you asked. She agreed and the two of you began to work out math equations.

Before you knew it, the bell rang, signaling Haruhi to get ready for her "club activities." She began to pack up her belongings, about to leave me in the library.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" she asked.

"Yes?" I replied, wondering what she was about to ask.

"Do you want to come hang out with me at the Host Club? I don't believe it would be very busy today sonce Tamaki-senpai is at home with a nasty cold." she explained. I looked up at her, realizing that if I go with her, I would be able to see Kyoya.

"Alright!" I agreed, putting my textbook in my backpack. Yes, that's right, I have a backpack. Let's just say, it involved a stray dog by the park.

When we arrived at Music Room #3, Haruhi opened the door.

A white light suddenly flowed through the open door. I covered my face from brightness, which was soon followed by tiny sparkles.

I opened my eyes to see that everyone had dressed up in butlers' uniforms.

"Welcome to the Host Club." the group of boys said in unison.

"Haruhi! You're late! Oh and, hello there (Y/N)." Tamaki said. Haruhi was baffled as to why her senpai was here.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were sick?" she asked recieving her uniform.

"That doesn't matter right now! There will be many customers today. Now hurry up!" he demanded. She sighed heavily and went to change.

"(Y/N), if you would pease have a seat over here, I can get you some tea. And don't worry, the table is far enough away so you don't have to be around any of the girls." Kyoya said.

"O-okay. Thank you, Kyoya." I said with the heat already creeping up to my face.

Sitting down at the table, I decided to get my math textbook back out so I could study some more. Kyoya had brought your favorite te, telling you that you could stay as long as you wanted.

As time went by, you were slowly trying to keep yourself from falling asleep. Whenever you got to the next problem, you became even more tired.

Before you knew it, you were out like a light. You were lucky enough for Kyoya to let you dit at a table far away from any of the activity going on.

While you were in dreamland, the raven haired third year had noticed that you were asleep.

"Please excuse me for one moment, Mistress." he said holding his hand over his heart and bowing. The girl he had been with completely lost her mind and fainted from the sudden fluster.

He smirked slightly and walked over to you, admiring your sleeping face. He then put his journal down on the table and picked you up slowly, making sure you didn't wake up.

Kyoya had taken you to the back of the room, setting you down on the pink and fluffy couch, soon draping a blanket over your body.

Just before he left, he leaned down, hovering over your face, and giving you a quick peck on the forehead.

Satisfied with his actions, he returned to the others, leaving you there to dream.

~Time Skip~

You gradually fell back into consciousness, fluttering your eyes open, and letting them adjust to the room's bright light. You groaned quietly as you stretched out your body.

After a little while, you noticed that you weren't at the table.

"I fell asleep in the middle of studying, great." you said face palming. You stood up and went over to the main area where the customers usually converse with the boys. Looking around, you had finally spotted your backpack, which was by the door the led outside of this room.

You went over to grab it, but right as you were about to, the door suddenly opened, hitting you right in the head. Falling over in pain, you had yet to realize that Kyoya was the one who had opened it.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright? Sorry about hitting you with the door." he said in his normal tone of voice, with a slight hint of concern.

"Yes, I'm fine. I should've watched where I was putting my head." you confessed with a chuckle. He put his hand on your head, trying to feel if there was a bump, and there was.

"I'll go get you some ice. I'll only be a moment." he said walking away.

"Oh no you don't have-" Before you could tell him that it was okay, he was already gone. You sighed quietly and went over to the table you had fallen alseep on.

Waiting for Kyoya to come back, you tried to feel where the bump was on your head. Before long, you had managed to find it. However, you put pressure on it by accident, causing you to flinch from the sting.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Kyoya said. You looked up at him with a sly smile.

"Heh, I guess your right." you said standing up. Kyoya walked over to you with a bag of ice. Before you could take it from him, he place the bag on your head.

Despite the top of your head being cold, your face began to heat up.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright? Your face is all red." he asked, placing his other hand on your forehead.

"Y-yeah! Totally fine!" you exclaimed. A smirk appeared on the handsome boy's face.

"Really? Are you sure about that?" he asked, closing the gap between you. You could only nod as you shut your eyes, waiting for something to happen. The ice pack had been removed from your head just before your lips were enveloped with warmth.

Your eyes widened as you looked into Kyoya's, which were slowly closing. Following his movements, you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

After a short while, he pulled back, smiling.

"Great job Kyoya!" Tamaki exclaimed. You could hear the applause from the others as you looked behind Kyoya to see eveyone there, watching.

Blushing madly, you decided to hide behind Kyoya, who you could tell was a bit annoyed.

"It looks like you have to make fun of you even more, (Y/N)." the twins said draping their arms around your shoulders.

"You guys..." Kyoya said, about to blow a fuse.

"Um, maybe I should leave now..." you said. Haruhi nodded and walked along side you.

When you both left the room, the glass breaking and screams had started.


Yay! After many days of procrastination, I have finally posted a new chapter!

Don't forget to request!


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