Sakamaki Kanato x Reader

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You were currently stolling through the halls of the Sakamaki mansion. Being as bored as ever, you finally decided to go outside and admire the beauty of the full moon.

As you softly pushed open the front doors, you were hit with a warm breeze that tickled your soft skin. You headed for the patch of grass that had a perfect view of the starry sky, and laid down, admiring the stunning little lights above your head.

"Ah, it's nice to be out here, alone and peaceful. I don't necessarily mind living here, it's just, the Sakamaki are always, trying to get a jump on me for some of my blood."

It had been a bit difficult for you to live here. Mainly because of the vampires that had given you fang marks almost all the time. One time, you passed out after almost having the life sucked out of you by the infamous Laito.

You let a deep sigh come out of your mouth, resulting in the teddy bear lover, Kanato, sneaking up behind you.

"What are you doing out, here?" he asked, pissed off to be exact.

"I came to get some fresh air. Being in the house forever gets to be a pain, you know, since I'm human and all." you explained. He didn't seem to like your tone of voice, so he fell on top of you, for once releasing his Teddy. "Hey, I wanna show you something." was all he said before he immediately got back onto his feet, pulling you along with him.

"W-wait a second! Kanato! Hey!" you yelled trying to get his attention. The purple headed book sucker just ignored you as he dragged you back into the large house.

"Kanato, let go!" you screamed as you shook yourself out of his grip.

There was, in fact, something about you that made him wonder:

"What makes her any different from Yui?"

He stared at you for a while, still pondering about his thoughts. "I-I'm going to my room. Goodnight." you exclaimed pacing away.

"Man, that was a bit frightening. No, that's wrong. It was, a bit, weird. Normally, if I talked to him, or anyone for that matter, like that, I was for sure giving them the okay to drink every drop of my so called 'delectable' blood."

You had noticed that Kanato had been acting strange lately. For instance, sometimes when your in the mood to greet him with a simple hello, he would smile at you, then tell his Teddy to say hello as well.

When you first arrived, Kanato wouldn't even look at you.


"Hey, who's this girl?" the man with half of his pants pulled up asked. "She is supposedly the new young woman who would be staying with us for the time being." the one with the glasses had explained. "What? New girl? Is she supposed to be a replacement of Yui or something?" the white haired man asked.

"Replace... Ment?" you thought in your head, annoyed. You eyebrow started to twitch slightly, but to your amazing luck, none of the brothers noticed.

"Be quiet. It's not like it matters anyway." the blonde stated.

"These guys are seriously pissing me off."

"Well, it looks like I've got a new Bitch-chan." the fedora wearing brother claimed.

"I'm going to kill these bastards."

"Hear that Teddy? It looks like we're going to have some rich, fresh blood again." the final brother said.

"That's it!"

"I'm sorry for interrupting this, interesting, conversation, but for the record, I didn't come here to be your buffet. I came here because my parents don't have the money to support me. Now if you don't mind, I'll be up in my room, away from all of you." you said.

Some of them ignored you and left. Others just stood there in confusion. And some, you seriously made enraged. "Hey! You shouldn't talk to people like that!" the brother, Ayato, exclaimed. "For that..." he purposely showed his sharp fangs to you, and bit down onto you open skin. You winced from the pain, the feeling of the blood leaving your veins made your mind go hazy.


~End of flashback~

"So that's how I got in this mess, how do I get out of it?" you asked yourself.

After thinking for a long while, you sighed quietly - remembering what happened last time you sighed - and turned in your bed.

"Hey, I wanna show you something."

"What did he want to show me?" you asked yourself again. "Heh, probably his bride dolls again." you answered a bit creeped out.

"Hey." someone said in the darkness. It freaked you out, causing you to fall out of your soft bed and onto the the cold, hard ground. "Ouch." you said rubbing the back of your head.

"Idiot." the person said grabbing your arm. "I need you to go outside for a bit." Subaru demanded. "What? Why?" you asked.

"Just do it!" he said, literally throwing you out of your room.

"Okay, weird." you thought,  making your way back to the front doors. You pushed them open, revealing Kanato sitting on the edge of the fountain.

"Kanato? What are you doing out here?" Right as you asked that, an ice cold gust of wind blew by, forcing you to close your eyes due to the force.

"Geez, it's freezing. Let's go back inside." you offered, lightly tugging on his arm. "(Y/N)..."  he said getting up and facing you, making your grip on him a little tighter.

He stared into you orbs for the longest time, making you feel a bit uncomfortable." Uh,  K-Kanato, are y-you okay? You seem out of it... " you claimed. He kept staring at you, at least, before he leaned closer to your face.

"K-Kanato. W-what are you doing?" you asked nervously.

Before you knew it, his lips had locked with yours. They were mush softer than you had originally expected. It was warm, and sweet, unlike all the other times he had bit you, which was painful and not at all sweet.

He pulled away a little too soon, and placed his forehead on yours. "You know, you kind of annoy me sometimes." he claimed.

"Hey! Says the one who kissed me out of the blue!" you argued. He had his eyes behind his hair, mainly trying to cover up the fact that he was blushing.

"Sh-shut up." he said, as he kissed you once more.


This seriously sucks! But to be fair, it is 2 in the morning and I'm really tired.

I haven't seen that many fanfics for Kanato soooooo here you go!!

Heh heh


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