Black*Star x Reader

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You were a current student at the infamous academy, Death Weapon Meister Academy, or the DWMA for short. You weren't one to talk a lot, mainly, you just kept being one of the generous smart girls, much like your good friend, Maka Albarn. Her and her weapon, Soul Evans have been very kind to you. For instance, inviting you to their little get togethers at their apartment. Even though you were quiet, they still thought of you as a fun person to hang out with.

You had met some other people as well. There was Death the Kid, Lord Death's son. There was no way you could forget about him. He was always trying to fix your hair or clothes to make them "absolutely perfect." In all honesty, you found it funny. His weapons, Liz and Patty, we're great as well. No one was as adult-like and fearfull as Liz. And no one was as enthusiastic and out there as Patty - well, except for one person. Black*Star.

Over the full two years you had been here, the feelings you had felt toward the bluenett gradually rose into you first crush, and onto your first love. In you mind, however, you believed him to be a bit oblivious about that certian type of love, which made it even harder just thinking of ways to confess to him.

Tsubaki was the only person who knew about this, even before you told her. She stated, "I could just tell by the way you look at him."

You hadn't really fallen for someone this badly, so only one person knowing was still a bit much.

"YAHOO!" yelled a very familiar voice. As you were walking out of the school, you saw Black*Star up in his usual spot. You smiled slightly at his way of thinking, how eveything should be about him.


"Oh great, there he goes again." Soul claimed with a heavy sigh at the end.

"I wonder how long it will last this time." Maka said.

Watching him boast about how amazing he is, it soon came to an end when the tip of the large spike broke off, causing him to fall down to the ground. Soul laughed at his stupidity, Maka sighed knowing that was going to happen, and you walked over to his limp body.

"Black*Star? Are you okay?" you asked softly, trying not to laugh. He bounced back onto his feet and gave you a thumbs up.

"Of course! I am the almighty Black*Star after all!" he exclaimed. You giggled at his statement, seeing that he really was alright.

As you were about to leave the school grounds, someone behind you yelled your name. You turnes around to see Spirit, Lord Death's Death Sythe, running toward you. Luckily, Maka had left long ago. He looked around you to see if his beloved daughter was around, resulting in a fake, bulging tear falling down his face.

"Yes?" you asked, getting him back to reality. He shook his head and gave you a serious expression.

"(Y/N), Lord Death needs to see you in the Death Room immediately." he claimed. You assumed it was important, considering the fact that it was after school and having to dend his Death Sythe after me. You nodded and followed him back inside the school. Most of the lights were already turned off, only the ones by the doors were on.

When you both arrived, Lord Death faced me with Spirit to his left.

"(Y/N), I would like you and your weapon to go on a mission for me. There is a kishin on the lose in the city of London. He's been on a soul-eating rampage, almost as bad as when Crona was still under the control of Medusa. I would loke you to leave tomorrow morning." the reaper explained.

You thought about it for a while.

"Will Dylan be alright with this? I hope so."

"Okay, I will tell Dylan and have him be ready tomorrow morning." you claimed. Lord Death gave you an okay sign, signaling you to leave.

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