Nathaniel heard the thud and knew something wasn't right. He pushed open the door and when he saw the scene in the room he rushed in and picked Samantha up quickly leaving the room and moved onwards towards the living room.
"What's up, what happened to her?" Richard asked as they all followed him.
"One of you guys get the police on the phone, Samantha's Dad's been murdered." Nathaniel muttered as he laid her down gently on the sofa. He was angry. Why couldn't anything go right for this girl?
David got out his phone and dialled 999 as Nathaniel tried to wake up Samantha.
She wouldn't budge. So Nathaniel gave up and instead made her comfortable while he tried to think of something to do. Just then he heard a creak as the door slowly opened. They all turned around.
A slim, blond haired woman glided in. Her eyes were cold and grey, and her face was set in a cold mask. She was beautiful, but you couldn't tell at that moment. In her hands there was a gun, and she eyed them all as she moved in slowly, raising her eyebrows. They all stood up slowly, backing up, and unsure what to do.
"All of you move away from my daughter and go and stand against the wall" She said slowly and clearly. She gritted her teeth. Nathaniel stood slowly and looked at her.
"You killed your husband. Why?"
Elena's head swivelled round to the young boy and her eyes narrowed as she looked him up and down.
"Who are you to ask any questions?"
She scrutinised him. Her hands tightening around the gun slowly as she stepped closer. Nathaniel raised his hands backing up a bit.
"I'm no one. But don't you care about the welfare of your daughter?"
She twitched when he said that. And impulsively she backed down a little before resuming her position.
"Of course I do" She smiled. It was slightly too big, and too forced. "She's my little baby, I have to care about her. No matter what problems she causes for me." She brushed back her neatly trimmed hair out her face, pushed back her head and laughed.
"Why shouldn't I give up all of my life for her" She nodded towards the unconscious Samantha on the sofa.
"She put me in this position. I never wanted this" She gestured around the house.
"I never wanted the money, I never wanted her pathetic father. Always so soft and sappy. Bringing round his disgusting roses and throwing his dirty tainted money at me. After I got pregnant with Samantha. I didn't have a choice. I needed a man to look after me then. I couldn't raise a-"
She paused smiling in a childlike fashion before continuing in her ruthless attack.
"... brat. All by myself. I was just barely a child myself. I had Cathy of course. From a course of events in my life that forced me to have to mature way before my time. But you know what the big problem was?"
Her hands wavered. Her face twitched, and Nathaniel realised that this woman was not sane at all.
"DO YOU KNOW?!" She repeated. Her face twisted and squashed small from her intense anger.
"I never got to live. I was stuck with that sad excuse of a man. ALL BECAUSE OF HER" She roared, her breathing visibly heavy with the depth of her emotion.
"What the hell do you mean you bitch?"
All heads turned towards the sofa. Samantha was no longer propped up, she was standing tall and firm, her face identical with her Mothers, but not with the same emotion.
"You killed Daddy, because your a selfish little tart, that's why. Nothing was ever enough, not for you. Even if you hadn't murdered him, he would have died anyway, from the burden that you brought him!" Samantha was screaming. They could all tell she was enraged.
"Samantha stop" Jasmine hissed.
Samantha turned back to her. "Don't tell me what to do Jasmine. And don't get involved. You've watched this all happen, and you never tried to stop it. Well I am"
Samantha turned back to her Mother, taking a step forward. Elena stepped back shaking, but held her ground.
"Stay back you little bastard" She hissed. Raising the gun, and her chin defensively. "I will shoot Samantha, I don't care"
Samantha laughed slowly and shook her head.
"If you're going to call me something, at least make sure its true"
She took another step forward balling her hands into little fists.
Elena threw back her head and laughed to full effect, waving the gun. She pressed it to the side of her own head and sighed before pointing it back at Samantha.
"Oh it's true. I was never married to YOUR Father Samantha. That man in the study is not your Father. He's not any of your Fathers. He's never fathered a child in his life"
She giggled, her eyes rolling.
Samantha lunged at her Mother, grabbing her hand that contained the gun and tried to turn it to face her Mother.
"Face up to the damage you've done Mother! Look around! Looked at what YOU'VE caused!" Samantha screamed as her and her Mother fought, dancing around the room.
Just then there was a big crashing noise as the front door was kicked down, and at least twenty armed SWAT filled the room.
And the gun went off.

Teen FictionSamantha Rosewood has everything she could ever want, A huge Mansion..... Lots of money.... A boy who loves her.. and loads of friends. Samantha's life is this way until an unknown brother mysteriously reappears and theres a major jump start in her...