It had been three months now since Emmett had joined the household. Things weren't really all that different, but it was fun.
Emmett had started dating Jasmine. Which was an upside. They had gotten over everything that had been between them before, whatever it was, and it was sweet to watch them together, they really had a connection, strong like Samantha and Jonathan's, but with more promise.
And Samantha had been numb. Ever since she had found out the truth. She hadn't spoken, she hadn't been outside. She had just sat in her room and stared out the window, looking for... She didn't know what. At first it hadn't been easy. Her Father had come in and tried to make her talk, but she didn't. Jonathan had tried, he had kissed her and held her but it didn't work. She was unresponsive as stone. Even Jasmine had been called to the house to try and make her talk. But she wouldn't even sleep.
She had thought her home life had been bad. But when she found out about Cathy, her Father and Emmett. That had been the last straw.
It was another day, when she was staring out the window. When Jonathan burst in, blazing. He grabbed Samantha and shook her madly. "For gods sake Samantha just talk to me! Please?!" He had screamed, thrown her around the room in a rage and collapsed down in the middle of the room. In a heap, just crying.
Silently, like a ghost she drifted to him and held him in her arms. Hugging him on her lap. And finally her wall broke. At tear, fresh and salty, fell down her cheek. And the first time, with no dignity. She fell into tears. Heavy sobs that rolled through her body and had her on all fours. Screaming as if she was in agony. Jonathan grabbed hold onto her, and held her in his arms mumbling words that would bring her back from the dark pit that had consumed her heavy heart.
The clouds that now festooned in the sky were dark and menacing, the wind howled and shook violently as the clouds rumbled fiercely. Almost as if they were screaming too, and forewarning the dangers that Samantha had sensed would come.

Teen FictionSamantha Rosewood has everything she could ever want, A huge Mansion..... Lots of money.... A boy who loves her.. and loads of friends. Samantha's life is this way until an unknown brother mysteriously reappears and theres a major jump start in her...