"It all started 14 years ago. Me and your Mother's marriage wasn't really going well, so you see, I started drinking. I thought it was all over for me. We had no luck, She was 3 months into the pregnancy, and had just been told there was a chance that you might be disabled, we was having money problems, your sister Cathy, beautiful Cathy, was wonderful and 13. But being a obvious teenager. And we had just found 2 year old Jonathan behind a church,. so you see, we was struggling.
Somehow I stumbled my way home that night, when I finally got in it was late and dark too, as the servants had already finished and gone to bed. So I went upstairs, got into bed and went to have a fumble with your mother. Turns out of course, I had stumbled into your sister Cathy's room, and I raped her that night, in my drunken stupor. I woke up that morning in her bed, but she wasn't in it. You could see the blood stains where I had broken her in, and the tear marks in the pillow and I realised what I had done.
Afterward she jumped out of bed, put on some clothes, filled her little suitcase and fled the house early in the morning. We soon found her of course, by then she was already three months gone and you had just been born. She told your mother everything, and we got into a fight. That was the first time I ever beat your mother. I raped her too. Just to be sure she would never tell what happened. We al covered up, pretending that your mother was pregnant again. She would wear pillows under her dresses,
One disastrous night, in your sisters ninth month, she finally went into labour, it was long and hard for her, since she was so young and her body wasn't progressed enough to accommodate the birth. She gave birth to a bouncy baby boy, named Emmett Alex Rosewood. Before she could grow attached to him we took him away. We searched the country up and down for more Rosewoods, and found your Aunt Isabella Rosewood, You were named after her you see. And he went to live with her.
Your sister then became withdrawn, she never spoke to me again of course. And she always wanted to be sent away for her schooling. She always brooded for her darling Emmett. She would sit inside, when she was home, and just stare at the window. When her mother asked her what she was doing, she said she was waiting for her darling Emmett to come back.
Me and your mother got worse after that, we had constant arguments, mostly because she thought because I couldn't get any attention from her as she was already pregnant I had simply turned to Cathy, but that was not that case. And she has never seemed to grasp that. When we had our reckless arguments she always referred to me as a dog, for having sex with my daughter, and referred to Cathy as a slut for sleeping with her own father, which was also another reason for her never wanting to be home. Her and your mother got into arguments too, because your mother refused to believe that she was raped. Everyone was apparently scheming against her and Cathy just learned to hate her after that. I don't blame her.
We never told you because we always assumed that we would never see the boy again. But now he has simply reappeared into our lives as if by magic to conjure up more trouble. And no I don't blame him. Its is my fault, for being so careless and getting myself so drunk that I had no control over myself. When Cathy returns this summer you are to let her know that you are informed about Emmett, and what he is, and what really happened. And as you have probably figured out, he is your brother and your nephew. But never ever let your mother know that you know the right story. She will try and infatuate you with her lies.....
Promise Samantha, darling. Promise me?"

Teen FictionSamantha Rosewood has everything she could ever want, A huge Mansion..... Lots of money.... A boy who loves her.. and loads of friends. Samantha's life is this way until an unknown brother mysteriously reappears and theres a major jump start in her...