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Alison // Elivis Costello

"Please tell me you have the tickets." That's the last thing we need. The drive up here was long enough. I don't need to do it twice in one day. I grew up coming to Salt Creek with my family every chance we got. I know these roads like the back of my hand. Doesn't mean I like driving them.

"Yeah, I got 'em." Micah pats his pockets. "Right here, baby. Safe as can be."

I nod, leaning against the fence that blocks off the entrance. Micah's uncle helped organize this festival. He pushed it to be a mountain top version of Coachella, but I have my doubts. I'm not getting the vibes from this place. But that could be because I haven't been to a concert in forever. No time with school and football. I've had a job every summer since ninth grade. My dad insisted I take this summer off before college to relax a little.

I'm not sure I know how.

"Is your friend coming soon?"

"Yup. Charlie lives in town so it's only a ten-minute drive. Her sister's joining us." Micah wiggles his brows at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"She can be your date."

"Hell no. I'm not doing a last-minute blind date. What kind of friend are you?"

Micah doubles over. "You shoulda seen the look on your face! I'm joking."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" This is why I don't go out. I'm too high strung for pranks. I think my blood pressure is skyrocketing. I can't end up on meds before I turn twenty.

"God, I love messing with you. You're so easy. Charlie's sister is like thirteen. She just wants to hang at the boy band stage.

Fuck. I need to calm down. There's a reason I'm a loner and this is it.

"How many stages are at this thing, anyway?"

"Four. Not as many as my uncle was hoping for. He really wants this to blow up, bring in revenue for his resort."

My parents are regulars at the Salt Creek resort. It's a weird coincidence that I met Micah at school and his uncle happens to own the resort. Small world. Even smaller because Salt Creek is a tiny town. Maybe six hundred people live here. The chances of one of them being on the same college team as me have to be miniscule.

Micah checks his phone for the tenth time. "Looks like they're here. Charlie and Syd should be walking up any minute now." He glances around so I do, too.

There's an eclectic mix of people milling around. Some tried to pull off the signature Coachella bohemian look with floppy hats and sloppy outfits. Like hippies with jobs. I've noticed a few people with odd face paint. They almost look like clowns with white paint and giant red lips. I squint at one guy a little closer. Is that...blood? I shake my head and look down at myself. Boots and a button up. For some reason I pictured a mountain vibe more than this mix of madness. Where's the flannel? Where's the beanies? Shouldn't a setting like this, with the rushing creek bordering the venue and the surrounding white capped mountains inspire a fireside vibe?

I'm confused.

I look back around and my eye catches a flash of blue. Somehow, I home in on it. Plaid. Not just a blue shirt, but a blue plaid flannel shirt. My peeps! I lean over to see around the tree that's blocking this other human of my same mind. The plaid is accompanied by long brown hair with streaks of gold that have to be from the sun. Jeans and boots complete the look and I wonder what else might be similar. Then she turns around.

The most beautiful smile beams at someone. I'm instantly awestruck and almost as quickly searching for whoever she's smiling at. Is she taken? I freaking hope not. I need to meet the only other person at this event that had the same thoughts I did. Even Micah is wearing some ridiculous shredded pants and t-shirt combination.

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