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Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic // The Police

I'm nervous. I don't date much so I'm unfamiliar with these types of nerves. I wasn't even this nervous taking Alison to the cabin, even though I was faking most of my confidence. But when I pull up to the address she gave me knowing the course of the evening may confirm how meant to be we are...or destroy every fantasy I've had this week, I want to puke.

How do guys handle this level of pressure? I know people think the pressure of performance on the field before hundreds, or even thousands, of screaming fans is too much to take. But this shit is next level. I don't go home with the fans yelling at me. I don't want to hold them close or have them look at me with dark eyes and open hopes.

Alison is the only person I absolutely need to see me that way. It's taking me by storm, this draw I have to her. I know infatuation is a serious possibility but that would usually involve sex. We haven't had any. My draw to her is all intellectual.

Fuck. That's not true. I'm turned on just looking at the girl, but there's more to my attraction than base lust. She's funny. She's smart. And damn that girl is determined. She's carving a path for her future that most people right out of college have no drive to do. But Alison does and she's working it like a boss.

Is it too soon to be proud of her the way I am? I have no idea but I am. And I could care less if this is hyper speed. I rarely go for what I want. But this time is different.

Alison is who I want.

I get out of my car, a dusty Camero that my dad found at an auction. We may have money, but he's always emphasized working for what you've got, not handouts to his kids just because. I had to mow a lot of lawns and paint a lot of trim to earn this car. His methods worked because I love this stupid car.

Once my doors are locked, I make my way up to Alison's door. She's on the ground floor, first door on the right. I knock twice and seconds later I hear footsteps right before the door swings open. As soon as it does, I understand why she was able to answer so fast. Her place is the size of a postage stamp.

"Hey," she says, breathless. I feel the same. Gorgeous. Her brown hair is pulled to the side in a braid and she's got a similar outfit to the one she wore the night we met. Realization dawns that I did the same. Dark jeans and a button up shirt, this time plaid, with a white t-shirt underneath.

And fuck. I also realize I left the flowers I got her in the car. I'm hopeless at this.

"Is something wrong?" Alison frowns and asks tentatively. I must have made a face about the flowers.

"No. I just remembered something I left in the car for you. Are you ready?" I flash a reassuring smile. The last thing I want is to start this date on a bad note. I've waited all week for this. We've been texting and talking every day since I came back, before and after my practice or her shift. It's been silly, simple conversations, nothing heavy. And none of it has been awkward. Yet. But this is face to face. And I don't want to fuck it up.

"Sure. Let me grab my bag." She steps away from the door giving me a full view of her little place. The room in front of me is small but filled with a sitting area surrounding a small T.V. and her bed against the opposite wall. There's a bookcase overflowing with books and I see the edge of a desk next to the door. I don't step all the way in, she didn't invite me, but from the threshold most of the room is visible.

"Okay," Alison says breathlessly as she returns from the back corner, "we can go now." I wonder if she's feeling the same nerves that I am. The thought calms me down. We're both putting ourselves out there.

She steps around me and locks her door. Then I put my hand on the small of her back and lead her to my car. My fingertips tingle at the contact. We get to the car and I do the gentlemanly thing and open her door. Alison slides in, I close the door and round the car to the driver's side.

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