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Come On, Eileen // dexysofficial

"Well, damn. He's a hottie," Misty says as we drive away from the cabin. "How does a guy like that just drop out of thin air?"

"Seriously. I practically fell on him. It's just luck that he didn't already have a girlfriend." I laugh and shake my head. But I still can't believe the guy is single. I don't quite trust the universe, yet.

"I need to fall more often."

"Let me know how that works out for you," I say. I take in the view, now that I can see it with the sun overhead. We didn't get much time to explore Salt Creek or the resort while it was light out. Most of our time was spent at the music festival and then Jeff and I stayed up late talking by the fire. Now I'm watching as we zip past trees and wish we could have hung out longer.

"We should try coming up here again."

Misty snorts. "And stay where? I can't afford that resort, and neither can you. Your dad wouldn't foot the bill and I don't think Jeff's friend has as much pull with his uncle as he says he does.

"What do you mean?" I turn to face her. Misty keeps her eyes on the road as she talks.

"Everything he said about the cabin or the food or the view had his uncle's name attached to it. Like he was trying really hard to prove he's getting special treatment. It's the 'I'm friends with the owner' bullshit that I get told at the restaurant all the time when someone wants to get seated right away."

"But he actually got the cabin. We stayed in it. There was food in the fridge. So..." I shrug with hands stretched out.

"Meh. I still say he's trying too hard."

"They were both nice guys. I'm sure he wasn't playing us or anything like that."

"No way. Micah has a massive boner for his friend so he wouldn't bother playing us. But I don't think she feels the same way. Too bad for him."

"What makes you say that?"

"I heard them talking this morning. I think he came up to her room to wake her up and she got pissed. The walls in that cabin aren't too thick. I pretty much heard everything."

I lean my head against the passenger side window and wait but Misty doesn't elaborate.

"Well, what did they say?" I ask when it's clear Misty isn't going to share.

"Oh, sorry. I don't gossip."

"What? Yes, you do. You just did a second ago when you told me they were arguing. You just suck at it."

"That wasn't gossip. That was a fact. They argued. But what they argued about is none of our business."

"You're a tease. Don't dangle details in my face and then snatch them away." Why am I friends with her?

"It's not teasing if you know up front that I'm not giving the deets." Misty points out the window. "Hey, there's a Starbucks. I'll buy because I teased you." She smirks.

And that's why I'm friends with her. She's upfront and generous. With Misty, what you see is what you get and pity the fool who thinks they can talk her into being anything else.

"Sounds good. I could use the caffeine."

"You didn't get much sleep." The innuendo is clear in her tone.

"Ha, ha, as if. That's only because we were talking until late. Gotta love a guy who enjoys a good conversation."

"Very true. What did you talk about?" Misty asks as she pulls into a parking spot. The to-go line is long. Misty doesn't like waiting around in her car.

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