I'll come back for you, promise

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(A/n:  I don't feel like writing it)

Midori and Tooru called the Aoba Johsai team, Kageyama, Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, the Miya Brothers and the cousin duo of Itachiyama to meet them in the Oikawa Residence. The almost broken voice of Midori saying 'We have something important to say so please meet us at our place in the eve' was enough for all of them to visit her a.s.a.p. And here they were sitting in her front porch, leaving all there job behind to meet her and her brother.

"We called you here to say something..... ah! Kiyo follow me... Nii-chan will tell the others." Midori said.

She made her way to her bedroom with Sakusa following suit. He went inside and looked at all the pictures of her and her friends but caught his eyes was a polaroid of him with her that they took while the U19 training came during sunset in front of a 7/11. It was stuck on the corner of the mirror, isolated from the rest. That kinda made his day. He went and sat on her bed, she was maybe the only person he was comfy with, no problem with her germs. 

There was a not-so-comfortable silence in between the two and Sakusa broke it as it was too much to handle by now.

"What did you want to say?"

"Sooooo..... ah...."

"Just spill it out!"

"Ni-chan..... Tooru is moving..... out of the country"

"Oh..... is that so.....?"

"Yes.... He is going pro and joining Atlético San Juan"

"So he is shifting to Argentina?

"Yeah.... and the thing is..."


"You see we have never stayed away from each other for more than a month..... it's very difficult for both of us.... so....." His eyes went wide as he got the hint what was going on "....... I'm shifting..... with him..... and joining Atletico San Juan as well as their assistant strategist.... we are leaving tomorrow."

"Oh........... Congrats I guess" He said and maybe, just maybe his voice broke a bit.

Again the silence...

"Will you forget me?" He asked taking the authority of breaking silence.

"I can never forget you....."

"Why is that?" He head that was hanging low took a peep at the girl his heart belong to. She was crying but a smile form in her face with that question being asked.

"Because....." She looked at him and he did too. Midori's eyes were filled with adoration and love that was all pointing towards him. It was all for him and this made him feel both happy and sad at the same time. He knew that his feelings were reciprocated "I'm leaving my heart here and I'll come back for it soon" He smiled at that with tears that escaped the corners of his eyes

"Is that so....?"

"Hai!.... I'll come back for you, promise"

"You better"

They talked for a while thinking that they were having a private moment. But what they didn't know was that someone heard that and his heart was broken now.... It was Iwaizumi Hajime who heard everything and it broke his heart. One thing he became sure of by now was that no matter what girl steps into his life, it will always be Midori that will occupy most of his love. First he thought that  it was nothing but simple friendly affection but as soon as the days passed and the way his eyes always searched for the Betterkawa even when he was with his girlfriend made it clear....

That Iwaizumi Hajime was in love...... with none other than Oikawa Midori....

And it hurt a lot to see that he lost his chance and maybe in someway he deserved it. But he wanted one last chance.... it was gone... and he wanted to stop her... beg her on his knees to not go but he can't.... that's too selfish...

On the other hand Sakusa wanted to same... he never wanted her to leave. But he can't do anything. Its about her future and he will never step in between her and her career. Sakusa knew that this was a golden opportunity and he knew that it hurt her the same or maybe more. She had to leave her country and go. But it was for a greater good. And to him, even if she forgets him and moves on, he will hold those memories close and that's enough for him. The good old memories of the girl he loved and who loved him back. The memories of the girl who accepted him for who he is. That was enough.


As the day got over both Sakusa and Komori made there way home. Both were silent with Komori giving his cousin little space while Sakusa lost the ability to speak. Suddenly he stopped in his track and feel on his knees, clenching to the cloth lying above his chest. He didn't care he was on the ground, he didn't care about the germs. The feelings were too much, too overwhelming...

"It...... It hurts...... it hurts so bad..... I can't.... she's leaving............ I love her..... I lover her so much..... damnit!..... I hate it, I can't stop her.... but I want her.... It just hurts so bad" He started crying, the man who never cried once in his life time, was crying.... and he didn't even care.

The scene was so sad that it made Komori cry as well. His cousin was in pain and he was loosing a great friend as well.

The next day....

A plane departed taking two passenger with them.... Oikawa Tooru and.....

Oikawa Midori.....

They left.....

Midori laid her head on her brothers shoulder, sobbing "I love his nii-chan.... so much"


"Kiyo..... Sakusa Kiyoomi"

"Did you tell him?"


"I'm sure that he loves you back, the way he looks at you makes it obvious.... He will wait for you, I know"

"I'll come back for him, promise...."

A/N: Wrap? Nah! Still one chapter left.

As we are in the end, tell me which part/chapter of the story is your favorite....
Do ya people like Midori?

Plus I wrote the whole chapter yesterday and published it but the whole story was gone and I felt like a shit as I didn't really have a draft... Like fuck I had to rewrite it....

My bad luck is denser than Sakusa's love for Midori!

⌘︎ 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘐 𝘌𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘸𝘢 ⌘︎ // (An OC story)Where stories live. Discover now