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I'm so sorry guys... I posted the epilogue but somehow it got deleted. hence I wrote it all again. I really thought I was done with this story for good. AHHHHHHHHHHH


Atsumu, Sakusa, Bokuto and Hinata were warming up with the others of the team, they were a part of the MSBY Black Jackals now.

"I heard we are gonna have a new strategist plus manager today" Commented the captain, Meian Shugo. Bokuto, Atsumu and Hinata looked at each other and smirked.

"I've heard its a she" Smirked Inunaki, the libero.

"I hope she maintains her distance from me" Scoffed Sakusa.

"This way you will never get a girlfriend Kiyo-kun" Smirked Inunaki

"Don't call me that" Sakusa glared at him remembering hoe Midori was the only person allowed to call him so.

"Yes yes Inunaki-san don't call Omi Omi that.... There's just one person who can call him so" Said Atsumu giving off a playful smirk while Sakusa made his way to his isolated bottle lying above the bleacher.

"What do you mean?" Asked the captain

"Ok let me tell you. There was this girl who was very talented and well known in volleyball at her mid-school" Stated Atsumu

"Wait by any chance are you talking about the Humming Bird?"

"Bull's Eye!... Wells he was in love with our Omi-kun and Omi Omi loved her back..." Multiple gasp was heard to this." But they never got to tell each other that they love each other as she left the country"

"Oh! That's sad"

"Yeah Sakusa is still waiting for her return" Stated Bokuto.

Suddenly the door opened and coach Foster walked in with a beautiful girl following behind him, hiding.

"Guys! Here I preset you your new manager and strategist, she used to work for san Juan previously" Stated the Coach while Atsumu, Bokuto and Hinata raised their hands waving at the brown haired girl.

"long time no see" Said Atsumu while the other two nodded waving. She smiled at them while eying the gym.

"He's over there Dori-san" Said Hinata pointing at Sakusa who's back was facing him. He was at the other side of the gym. Looking at his back was enough to form tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Excuse me" She mumbled while she ran towards the guy.

"What's going on?" Asked the captain

"It's her" Said Atsumu

She suddenly hugged the torso of the man making him shiver

"What the-"

"Kiyo...." Her voice took him off guard and he raised his hands to hide his eyes which were tearing by now.

Light sobs could be heard from both the figure. Suddenly Midori had her senses back and she left Sakusa to give him some space.

"i-I'm sorry i shouldn't have acted on my impulse and hugged you...sorry." She said. Everyone was shocked except the 3.

Sakusa turned towards the girl and fall on his knees making her shock.."


"I love you..... Marry me... i can't be away from you anymore... I missed you so much... please Midori marry me" He said crying

Midori was shocked and it took her 5 minutes to answer him anything. After getting out of her trance she looked at the fallen man with soft gentle eyes

"Okay........  I love you too." She chuckled "Let's get married and live together" This made Sakusa snake his arms around her torso and hug her while she ran her fingers through his hair


So this is how Oikawa Midori became Sakusa Midori and was a former volleyball player and became the strategist of one of the most powerful team in the world, MSBY Black Jackals. 

This is the end of the story of a broken yet strong girl who became the manager of Shiratorizawa and found a new version of herself. She also mended her relation with her family.

It's the end of the tale of a beloved sister, manager, strategist, wife and mother.

After getting married to Sakusa she gave birth to twins, a girl and a boy. The boy had brown hairs while the girl had black curls. She gave birth to two future prodigies who made great name in volleyball from both mens and females. 

This is how the story of beloved Midori-chan ended... she found her happily ever after.

The End <33

⌘︎ 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘐 𝘌𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘸𝘢 ⌘︎ // (An OC story)Where stories live. Discover now