The Fourfold Trap (Alternate Ending)

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Splinter breathed deeply and began to recite the ancient healing mantra. Leo reared up to attack but Splinter began to hit him with his healing hands. "I love you Leonardo." Splinter said before he struck the final blow. He touched his healing hands to Leo's head. Leo spit acidic venom at Splinter before he coiled himself around him. But suddenly the healing began to take effect. Leo let out a hissing scream and lost control. He began to fall back off the platform but Splinter grabbed his wrist. "I have you my son." Splinter reassured as he pulled Leo back to safety. Leo transformed back into his turtle form and fell to his knees. Splinter and April watched with worry as he let out screams of pain. Suddenly he started to choke and gag. Leo leaned his head back before spitting something onto the ground. April and Splinter gasped in shock as they saw that it was the brain worm. Without hesitation Splinter threw the worm far away letting it fall into the swirling waters below. Leo still sat on his knees breathing heavily. Splinter kneeled down beside him and put his hands on his shoulders. He was surprised Leo didn't swat him away and attack him. "Leonardo?" He asked. Leo finally lifted his head to look at Splinter. Splinter was surprised to see his son was crying. "Father?" Leo asked through his sobs. Splinter let out a choked sigh and wrapped his son in a hug. "Oh my son! I have missed you!" Splinter said as tears of happiness slipped out of his eyes. Suddenly Leo pushed him off of him. "How can you forgive me so easily?!" Leo sobbed. Before Splinter could respond, the turtles and Karai jumped from the ceiling onto the platform to join them. "Leo!" They all cried. They tried to go in for a hug but Leo backed up in fear. "How can you all just forgive me so easily?!" Leo sobbed out again. Everyone looked at him in worry and confusion. "What do you mean?" Karai asked. "What do I mean?! I attacked you countless times! I poisoned you all! I put you in deadly traps that almost sliced you, baked you, mutated you, or fried your brain!" Leo yelled. Splinter cut him off before he could say anymore. "That was not you my son. You were not in control of your mind." Splinter said. "Yeah everything that happened was all Shredder's fault!" Raph added. "You're our brother Leo and we love you!" Mikey cheered. Leo let out a watery laugh. He felt all the worry that had built up inside him fade away. "I've missed you all so much!" Leo said as a smile spread over his face. As soon as Leo said that he was immediately wrapped in a bone crushing hug by everyone. Leo felt his entire body being squeezed but he didn't care. All that mattered to him now was being with his family again. They stayed like that for a long moment before reluctantly pulling apart. This probably wasn't the best place to stay and they still had to tell Casey and their other friends the good news. "Let us go home." Splinter said with a smile. Karai put a hand on Leo's shoulder. "All of us." She told him. They began their journey home, talking and laughing the whole way.

Authors Note: So like I said I wanted to write an alternate version of The Fourfold Trap where Leo is reunited with his family right there. Keep in mind this is not cannon in the story of this book. It was just an idea I wanted to explore. I hope you like it. I still need to write the real ending for this book but I couldn't get this idea out of my brain. I plan on writing the ending soon. So I hope you stay tuned to see the finale I have planned. 💜

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