The Pig And The Rhino

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Steranko and Zeck screamed out in agony as they looked at their new mutant forms. "Look at me! You turned me into a dang pig! I don't wanna be a pig ladies don't love pigs! Can't you turn me into something cool like a mongoose?!" Zeck yelled before Steranko pushed him out of the way. "You mutated me into a giant talking rhino! You will pay for this!" He yelled as he and Zeck jumped up to where Shredder was. They went to attack him. Shredder's henchmen tried to help but Shredder stopped them. "No, I will deal with them myself." He told them. Steranko and Zeck attacked him but he easily took them out. He walked over to where they lay. "Ivan Steranko, Anton Zeck, you will either serve me or fall by my hand!" Shredder said sternly. Zeck sighed. "Being a pig does have limited employment options. I'm in!" He said. "We will serve you Shredder, for now. What is it you want?" Steranko said. "You found the turtle snake creature once, you will find him again! Fail me and I will introduce you to new kinds of pain! I want that creature in my army!" Shredder boomed. The turtles, Karai, Casey, and April sat watching an episode of 'Crognard the Barbarian'. Karai paid little attention to it. Her mind was focused on a more important matter. She clicked off the tv. "Alright let's get this meeting started." She said ignoring Mikey's anger at the tv being turned off. The group walked over to Donnie who was typing on a laptop. "Alright I got things to do and bad guys to beat up." Raph said. "Leo is still out there. The last thing he said to me was the word comet." Karai told them. "So what's that supposed to mean? A giant comet's coming? The Earth's doomed?" Casey asked. "Feels like it could be a location. Maybe where he's hiding out." April said. "Donnie found three locations with the word comet in them. D?" Karai said. "There's Comet Cleaners on Bleaker St. here, Earth vs The Comet Creeps is playing at the Argosy Theater here, and then we've got the Coney Comet roller coaster on Coney Island here." Donnie said pulling up a picture of each location on his screen. "One of these places could be his lair, theoretically." He finished. Mikey ran over and shook Karai. "Can I check out the roller coaster? Please, come on Karai hook a turtle up!" Mikey said with puppy dog eyes. Karai lightly pushed him away. "Donnie and April you take Comet Cleaners, Raph and Casey you take the movie theater, me and Mikey will check out Coney Island." Karai told them all. "Aw yeah! Thanks Karai!" Mikey cheered. Donnie tossed Karai a bottle of retro-mutagen. "I have just enough retro-mutagen brewed for three doses. Each team gets one. It'll be weeks before I can make more." Donnie informed. "So in other words don't waste it, got it." Raph said. "Leo's condition is unique, he's been double mutated but he can still transform back into his original turtle mutant form, there's no telling if this'll even work on him." Donnie said with a frown. "All we can do is try Donnie." April said as she gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Zeck and Steranko ran across the rooftops. "Man Steranko you are one ugly horn headed Jurassic looking fool! Zeck teased. "I'm am a rhinoceros!" Steranko yelled as punched the ground. "Listen comrade Zeck, forget the creature. We must destroy the turtles! For what they did to me, I mean us!" Steranko yelled to Zeck. "You're right! If they hadn't interfered at the docks then none of this would have happened! I say we take those freaks down!" Zeck yelled. "I say we split up. Track them down and squash them where they stand!" Steranko said. "My piggy nose is better than a bloodhound." Zeck said sniffing around. He ran off. "I just need to catch a whiff!" He yelled back to his partner. He finally caught their scent and went to attack. Donnie and April walked out of the cleaning building. "Well no sign of Leo, the place is completely abandoned." Donnie said as they walked away. "Well, one location down. I'll call Karai, maybe they had better luck." April said as she got her T-phone out and called Karai. April suddenly held her head and groaned in pain. "April!" Donnie said as he ran to her side. "Someone's watching us." She said and they both drew their weapons. They looked around. "Hmm I don't see any-" Donnie started but was cut off as he was punched to the ground by an invisible force. They could hear laughing. Donnie quickly stood back up. "Ow!" He cried as he was hit again. He backed up to April. "Oh what's his name, the fly guy, Baxter bug head, he fixed my invisibility tech. Wow to the wow to the wo-" Zeck said but was stopped when April slashed him with her tessen. "Aw man! How'd you find me?!" Zeck yelled. "Cause you never shut up! Who is this guy Donnie?" April asked. "He was a thief named Zeck. Looks like he got a little mutated." Donnie replied as they went to attack. Zeck blasted at them as they came. He hit April and she was thrown into the wall and trapped in some sticky substance. "Ugh is this glue?" She groaned. "You think you can take me?! I will drop you like an ex girlfriend!" Zeck said as he dodged Donnie's attacks. "You're skills are weak pig head!" Donnie yelled. Zeck continued his blasts and shot one that broke Donnie's staff and knocked him to the ground. "Donnie!" April cried. "No worries, my hip lasers were set to stun. We need you guys alive to bait your turtle bros." Zeck said. "Hmm what's this?" He said as he picked up the retro mutagen he then picked up Donnie's T phone and laughed as he saw that it showed where the others were. "I got some sweet news Steranko, not only did I catch a turtle I know exactly where the other freaks are going! Check out the Argosy theater on houseton, me and my new homies are going to Coney Island." Zeck said to his partner. "Hey! Who do you think you are?!" April yelled as Zeck threw her and Donnie in a van. He closed the doors. "Let us out!" April cried. Raph and Casey snuck out of the theater. "Ugh these ooze specks aren't working right, maybe I should call Donnie." Raph said as he took off the goggles. "It's not your specks dude, we searched every inch of this place. Leo is definitely not here." Casey said. "Let's check one last time maybe there's a basement." Raph said as they began to walk back in. Suddenly something smashed down behind them. They quickly turned around. "Well well well, comrade Zeck was good with the info, turtle is here and strange human friend." Steranko said. "Woah! Another mutant? Dude, he's kinda rad!" Casey said as he pulled down his mask. "Rad and strong!" Steranko said as he picked up a car and threw it at them. Luckily the two dodged it. Raph ran at Steranko with his sais. Steranko simply punched him away. Raph got back up and attacked again but Steranko just hit him harder. Casey started hitting Steranko with explosives. "Fourth of July fireworks do nothing for you!" Steranko said as he yelled as he ran at Casey. "Then let's see what this does! Goongala!" Casey yelled as he took out his bat to attack. The bat sadly broke on impact and did nothing to Steranko. "Okay that didn't work." Casey said he looked at his broken bat. Steranko punched him into the wall and went to finish him off. "No! Casey!" Raph yelled. Steranko turned and went to attack him instead. Raph screamed as Steranko picked him up with his horns and smashed him to the ground and threw him over near Casey. He fell unconscious. Casey went over to him and shook him. "Raph? Wake up Raph! Wake up!" Casey yelled. He heard Steranko behind him and slowly turned around. Steranko let out a yell as he attacked. Karai and Mikey shone flashlights around the island. "Dude Karai this is so cool! Can we go on the whirlwind? How about the wheel of fun? Oh can we play robot ring toss? Please." Mikey begged. "You promised you wouldn't goof around Mikey. Seriously we don't wanna scare Leo off." Karai told him. Mikey sighed sadly and kept walking. "He's gotta know we're here by now right? Why doesn't he just come out?" Mikey asked. Karai frowned and looked down sadly. "Maybe he's not in his right mind. Or maybe he's worried he'll loose control and attack us. I feel so bad for him." Karai said. They continued to look around. "Hmm no sign of him. I hope the others are having better luck." Karai said finally. Leo stood looking at them. He then accidentally knocked over some boxes and hissed. "Woah dude I think I just saw him!" Mikey said pointing. They ran over to where he was going. They finally stopped in front of a building. "He went in to the ghost house." Mikey said with a gulp. They slowly walked in. The place was covered with scary decor. Mikey laughed nervously. "This place isn't so bad." He said. Suddenly a fake Frankenstein popped out causing the two to scream. Karai groaned as she walked up and pushed on the fake monster. "It's just a painted board." She told Mikey. Then suddenly a monster head attached to a string dropped down. Karai screamed and cut it down with her sword. "That didn't scare me at all." Mikey said nervously. He continued walking but screamed an ran back as he saw a monster painting. They heard hissing and saw Leo's form slither away. Karai shushed Mikey and walked over. She was near a bunch of mirrors. Finally she caught sight of Leo and sprayed him. But what she saw was just Leo's reflection. Karai ran over to Leo but he slithered away. Karai and Mikey kept chasing him. Leo was about to slither out of the building. "Mikey don't let him escape!" Karai yelled as they ran after him. Mikey was distracted by all the mirrors and stopped to play in them before following after Karai. "I got him!" Mikey said but ran into a mirror. "He's right here!" Karai yelled but also ran into a mirror. "Leo!" She yelled. They finally chased her away from all the mirrors and out of the building. Leo slithered quickly around the whole island. Mikey threw his chain and stopped him. Leo hissed at them. "Leo we wanna help you! Don't you remember us?" Karai yelled. Leo hissed and jumped on Mikey. "Get him off! Get him off! He's trying to eat me!" Mikey screamed. "Leo stop it's us! It's me Karai! Try and remember, focus!" Karai yelled. Leo stopped and backed away. "Karai...." He hissed out. "We wanna help you Leo, can you transform back?" Karai asked. Leo let a small sad hiss and looked down indicating that he couldn't. Zeck drove up in his van. The noise from it scared Leo and he slithered away. "Leo!" Karai yelled. The two then went and found somewhere to hide. They peeked out to see who was in the van. Zeck stepped out and looked around. He called Steranko. "You here yet Steranko? What's the deal yo?"He asked his partner. "Ah comrade look behind you." Steranko said. Zeck turned and saw Steranko carrying an unconscious Raph and Casey. "Whew rhino legs are very fast, a good workout. Better than Pilates." Steranko said. They opened up the back of the van. "You can't do this! We have friends that are gonna kick your butt!" April yelled angrily. They ignored her, threw in Raph and Casey, and shut the doors again. "So the other ones are here?" Steranko asked. Zeck looked around using his heat sensing goggles. "Turtles come out and play!" He yelled. He soon spotted Mikey. "Gotcha!" He said. "If you surrender the humans go free!" Zeck yelled. "Pinky promise!" Steranko added. "Forget it we don't trust you dudes!" Mikey replied. "You have no choice! In five seconds I'll pop the humans heads like blueberries." Steranko said. Zeck walked up and began counting down. Mikey looked over at Karai. She gave him some hand signals and he nodded. Mikey ran out from his hiding spot. "Okay I surrender just don't hurt them! Let's talk this over! Um what do we call you guys now anyway? You need mutant names!" Mikey said. He glanced over and saw Karai going to pick the lock on the van. She gave the signal to keep them distracted. "Um and it just so happens I am awesome at naming stuff! How about...?" He looked around. "Pork rind and Chili cheese fry!" Zeck and Steranko groaned and shook there heads. "How about... Sprinkles and Hot sauce?" Zeck and Steranko shook their heads and walked closer to Mikey. "Uhh the Royal Weenies?" Zeck Steranko were now getting mad as they yelled no. "Then how about...?" He looked at Karai who signaled him to keep going. He caught sight of the words on the van. "Bebop and Rocksteady!" Mikey yelled. "Is that what you do, randomly name enemies off stuff you see around you?!" Zeck said annoyed. "Hey it's not so bad I kinda like Rocksteady." Steranko said. Zeck glared at him. Suddenly he sniffed the air and looked over at the van with his goggles. He saw Karai. "Aha! You thought you could past my goggles girl! I saw you a mile away!" Zeck said as stopped her. Mikey came up and smacked him away with his nunchuck. "No one can stop Bebop and Rocksteady!" Steranko, or Rocksteady now yelled. "I am not gonna be called Bebop ok! That is the dumbest name ever!" Zeck, now Bebop yelled at his partner. Bebop held the retro mutagen in his hand. "He's got the retro mutagen!" Mikey yelled. "Retro mutagen huh I wonder what it'll do to mutant turtles." Bebop said as he pointed the spray bottle at Mikey. "Don't do it Bebop!" Mikey said nervously. "Stop calling me that name fool! I hate that name! I hate that name!" Bebop yelled. "Time for the next mutation turtle!" Bebop yelled as he aimed the bottle again. Mikey whimpered in fear. Karai jumped down from a building and tried to attack but Rocksteady punched him away. "Bebop wait think with your brain for once! Retro mutagen can turn us human again!" Rocksteady yelled. "Oh I didn't even think about that, let's do it! And stop calling me Bebop!" Bebop yelled. He pointed the bottle at himself but Rocksteady grabbed it away. "Why do you get to use it?" He asked. "You did not just do that!" Bebop said as he grabbed it back. They began fighting over it. "We need a better distraction." Karai said to Mikey from their hiding spot. Suddenly Leo jumped down and began attacking the two fighting mutants. He spit acid Rocksteady's eyes causing him to drop the bottle and smash it. Bebop fired lasers at him and started chasing him. Leo slithered back into the ghost house. "Get back here snakey snake!" Bebop yelled as he ran after him. Karai opened the doors to the van. "Karai!" April yelled happily. "Sorry it took so long April. You'll be free in no time." Karai said as she cut her free. The others began waking up. "Thanks Karai." Donnie groaned. "Ugh my aching brain. What him me?" Raph said as he rubbed his head. "That huge rhino dude, right there!" Casey yelled as he saw Rocksteady. Rocksteady groaned as he got up. "Turtles free?!" He yelled as he saw the turtles and humans. He yelled in anger and ran to attack. "What do we Karai?" Donnie asked. "You three go after Leo. Me, Raph, and Mikey will take Rocksteady!" Karai said. "Hey rhino man you want some retro mutagen?" Raph yelled as he waved a bottle of the orange liquid around. He and Mikey ran off as Rocksteady chased after them. Karai followed them. April, Casey, and Donnie ran into the ghost house. "Careful he's close, invisible. He's right-" April warned but was cut off by fake monster popping out. Donnie screamed. "Ugh I hate it when stuff jumps out at you!" He said annoyed. Suddenly he was smacked to the ground. "I know exactly what you mean." Bebop said. April and Casey drew their weapons and took battles stances. "Hey!" Casey yelled as his hockey stick was taken from him and he was hit with it. "Don't worry I would never hit a lady!" Bebop said. April backed up and suddenly fell down. "But I'll trip her!" Bebop finished. "Come out lowly cowards!" Rocksteady yelled. Mikey jumped out. "Come get us Rocksteady." Mikey taunted. "Hey Rocksteady looking for some retro mutagen." Raph teased from on top of the roller coaster. Rocksteady climbed up the coaster after him. Raph tossed Karai the bottle before he reached him. Rocksteady chased after her. "All aboard the turtle coaster!" Mikey shouted as he threw a ninja star and started the ride. The turtles and Karai sat in the coaster's cars and they rode away from Rocksteady. The group gasped as they went down the hill. Rocksteady ran after them. "Here he comes doesn't this thing move any faster?!" Karai asked. Mikey beat Rocksteady with his nunchucks. Rocksteady shook the car and caused Mikey to almost fall out but Raph caught him. Rocksteady climbed on the cars but Karai threw something and made him fall off. They came up a hill only to be met by Rocksteady who flipped the cars and knocked the group off the ride. They used their grappling hooks to get back on the coaster. "Eat it rhino!" Raph yelled as he kicked Rocksteady in the face while they swung by. Rocksteady grabbed Mikey and held him over the edge. "Mikey!" Karai and Raph yelled. "Now give me the retro mutagen!" Rocksteady yelled as he held up Mikey. "Come out pig! Show yourself!" Casey yelled. "His name's Bebop." Donnie said as he was knocked over. "My name is not Bebop!" Bebop yelled. Donnie suddenly got up and threw a smoke bomb in the direction he heard the voice. They heard coughing and once the dust cleared they saw Bebop now covered in white powder. "Aw dang!" Bebop cried as Donnie and Casey knocked him out. "Turtles give the retro mutagen!" Rocksteady yelled as he held Mikey over the edge. Mikey screamed in terror. "Put him down first! I don't trust you!" Karai yelled. "You give your word?" Rocksteady asked.  "I give my word." Karai said. Rocksteady threw Mikey over to her. Mikey almost slid down the hill but he caught himself. "Thanks sis." Mikey said. "Now give the retro mutagen!" Rocksteady boomed. "You want it? Take it!" Karai yelled as she threw the bottle. Raph swung by and caught it before Rocksteady. "No! You gave your word!" Rocksteady cried. "But I didn't!" Raph said with a smirk as he swung by. He tossed the bottle to Karai as he swung passed. The others shot their grappling hooks and swung away. Rocksteady threw his sickle and cut Karai's rope. "No!" She cried as she fell and landed in the roller coaster cars. "Hey horn head!" Raph yelled as he came up. "Booyakasha!" Mikey as he came up as well. Rocksteady stopped them before they could kick him and threw the making them crash into each other. Rocksteady stood at the bottom of a hill. "Rocksteady eat it!" Karai yelled as she came down the hill and the cars rammed into him. Donnie groaned as he hit the ground. Bebop was about to blast him but April stopped him with her tessen. "You picked the wrong night to mess with me girl!" Bebop yelled as got ready to through an energy Mohawk. Suddenly Rocksteady came flying through the air and rammed into Bebop. They both rolled and the hit the side of the van. "Everyone okay?" Donnie asked as he got up. "Think I only sprained a leg or two." Casey replied. "Leo! I know you're here come out! You don't have to be afraid anymore!" Karai yelled. Leo came out from behind a building and Karai walked up to him. "We can help you, with this." She said as she held up the retro mutagen. Leo bowed his head as Karai sprayed him. Nothing happened to him. "It didn't work. Donnie?" Karai said sadly. "I told you Karai, Leo is special he's not a normal mutant." Donnie told her. "Then it was all for nothing?" Raph asked. "It doesn't matter, you can come home with us Leo. We'll take care of you I promise." Karai said. "No... Too dangerous... My mind is... Going..." Leo hissed. "Th-then why did you want us to find you?" Karai asked. "Wanted... To say... Goodbye... To all of you..." Leo hissed sadly before he slithered away and jumped into the water below. "No! Leo!" Karai yelled as she ran to the edge. The others had tears in their eyes. "We'll figure out a way to help you Leo I promise." Karai said sadly. "Guys, Bebop and Rocksteady are gone." April informed. "Ah let them go! The next time I see them, they won't walk away." Raph said. "Come on team let's go home." Mikey said sadly as they walked away. Leo slithered through the streets. He went to capture a rat as a cage was dropped on him. Bebop and Rocksteady came into Shredder's throne room. "What is this?" Shredder asked. "We have the creature Shredder. Just like you asked." Rocksteady answered. Leo hissed in the cage. Shredder walked up to the cage. "Leonardo, don't worry by using you, I will soon have my revenge." Shredder said evilly. Leo hissed angrily at him.

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