Deadly Venom

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Stockman examined a brain worm that he held in his pliers. He looked over at Leo who was strapped to an examination table. Leo struggled against his restraints. "Leonardo I'm going to help you. Just like I finally turned you back into a turtle." Stockman said as he flew over to Leo. "Stockman if you don't let me go I'll tear off your wings and shove them down both your mouths!" Leo yelled as he continued trying to pull himself free. Stockman buzzed angrily as he placed the brain worm onto Leo's face. Leo tried to pull himself away but it was no use as the worm entered his brain. Leo cried out in fear and pain. "Nooo!" Leo yelled. But soon his cries were silenced. Shredder watched the process with evil glee. He smirked behind his mask. He was joined by Rocksteady.  "Did it work?" Shredder asked. "I demand proof!" Shredder commanded. "Yes master. The parasite has bent his mind to be obedient to you and you alone." Stockman buzzed. Stockman freed Leo from his restraints and he slowly stood from the table. Leo opened his eyes to reveal his sapphire colored snake eyes. "Leonardo attack Ivan Steranko." Shredder commanded. "Ha the snake turtle will be no trouble for Rocksteady. Let us do this." Rocksteady said confidently. Leo let out a hiss as he jumped up and began attacking Rocksteady. He chucked a katana at the rhino mutant. He jumped back up and caught his katana on its rebound and kicked Rocksteady in the face. "Big mistake! Now Rocksteady is dropping the hammer!" Rocksteady yelled as he tried to smash Leo with his hammer. Leo was able to dodge all his attacks. He leapt up and continued kicking Rocksteady in the face. Leo held his katana at the rhino's throat. "Stop!" Shredder ordered. Leo immediately pulled back. "You have done well Stockman." Shredder praised as he gave the mutant fly a candy bar as a reward. Stockman greedily tore the wrapper off and spit acid on the bar. Then he disgustingly slurped it up. "But the true test remains. Leonardo destroy Splinter, the turtles, and their pathetic human allies. Eliminate them." Shredder demanded. "Yes master." Leo said with an evil smirk. Meanwhile in the sewers, Karai and Master Splinter were about to begin sparing. They slashed at each other with wooden practice swords. They seemed to be evenly matched. Although Karai was able to push Splinter down. She was about to take the final blow but paused when she saw how weak her father looked. Splinter had recently been injured in a previous battle and was still recovering. Karai couldn't bring herself to strike her father in this state and allowed him to get back up. "You had me at a disadvantage but did not attack. Why?" Splinter asked. "No reason father." Karai lied. "Then stop holding back and attack." Splinter instructed. Karai sighed and continued to attack her father. Their sparing match continued. They didn't notice Raph and Donnie watching from the door. Suddenly Mikey appeared behind the two turtles wearing a creepy mask for some reason. "What's up my ninjas? Any of you guys seen my stuffed iguana?" Mikey asked. Raph shushed him and Donnie simply flared at him before they went back to watching the match. Mikey slid back down before appearing in front of them. "The one with the top hat." Mikey continued to question. Raph and Donnie both angrily shushed him. Mikey pulled his mask off. "Hm my ninja senses are telling me you want me to be quiet." Mikey deduced. Raph slapped him across the face. "Man they're really going at it. Sensei still hasn't fully recovered." Donnie said about the sparing match. "Slash messed him up pretty bad. It's gonna take a while before he gets all his strength back." Raph said. "Ah I found him!" Mikey yelled as he held up the stuffed iguana in triumph. "Go ninja go ninja go!" Mikey made the iguana say as he played with it like a puppet. Once again Raph and Donnie both shushed him angrily. Karai and Splinter continued to fight. Splinter stopped as he felt pain in his knee. Karai to advantage of this and kicked her father back. She held her wooden sword in front of him indicating that she'd won. Splinter stopped to catch his breath. "You succeeded." He said. "Only because you're still recovering father." Karai reassured. "Very true." Splinter agreed. Then he started breathing in and centering himself. He began saying a chant and making different hand movements. This caused his hands to start glowing white. When he finished he touched his hands to where he felt the pain. "Father what did you just do? And how did you do that?" Karai asked. "It's an ancient technique known as the healing hand. Would you like to know it's secrets?" Splinter asked. Karai kneeled in front of her father and nodded. "Together with me." Splinter instructed as he began the healing chant and hand movements again. Karai copied every move he made. The three turtles continued to watch them from the door. Meanwhile Casey and April had just finished watching a movie at the theater. "I thought a night out would be good for me but I still can't shake everything that's happened." April said as the exited the theater. "At least dad's back. I just want a little normalcy in my life." April continued. She then turned around and noticed Casey wasn't following behind her anymore. Suddenly Casey jumped out and scared her. April let out a scream. "Casey!" April said annoyed. Casey just laughed and ignored her. "The Six Deadly Poisons was cool but I would've smashed that scorpion dude in one hit!" Casey said as he kicked the air in front of him. He was referring to the movie they'd just saw. Casey continued to punch and kick the air. "And then yesterday my head fell off my neck and now I can't find my head so I have to walk around with no head." April said to try and get Casey's attention. Casey continued to ignore her. "Not listening to a single word." April said annoyed. April's father watched her arrive home from the window. "You wanna know what my favorite part of the movie was?" Casey asked before she could go inside. "I don't know Casey. The nonstop violence?" April guessed. "It's the way the hero never gave up against all odds." Casey replied. He then hopped onto his bike. "Good luck finding your missing head. I'm sure it'll turn up." Casey said revealing that he'd been listening to her the whole time. He winked at her before riding off. April giggled before heading inside. Later that night, April found herself in a nightmare. "Hello?" She asked as she walked around in fog. She heard a noise behind her. "Who's there? Show yourself!" She cried. April found herself in front of the movie theater but it crumbled to pieces. April screamed and covered her head. Suddenly a giant snake appeared behind her. The snake hissed at April and she screamed once more. The snake began chasing her. April tried to run but the snake caught her in it's jaw. April shot awake. She gasped for air as she looked around her surroundings. "It was just a nightmare." She sighed relieved. She felt something on her legs. She lifted her blanket and saw a large group of snakes surrounding her. She let out another scream. "April!" Her dad cried as he rushed to her aid. He saw his daughter on the floor unconscious and a snake slithering away. The turtles and Karai were just chilling in the lair when April's came rushing in. "Help! Turtles!" He cried. "Kirby?" Karai questioned. Kirby was holding an unconscious April in his arms. "Snake bite! Please help me!" He begged. "Guys quick give her some space!" Donnie said as he looked April over. April groaned in pain. "She's gonna be ok right Donnie?" Mikey asked. "Oh no." Donnie said as he looked at the bite. Casey beatboxed as he rode his bike home. He didn't notice the footbots following him. Suddenly they all jumped down and surrounded him. Casey gasped as he skidded to a halt. "What the what? Footbots!" Casey yelled. He began riding away while attacking the bots. "Better warn the guys." Casey said as he tried to escape. He pressed a button on his bike repeatedly. Footbots cut off his path. Casey pulled his mask on and shot and the bots disabling them. Casey laughed gleefully as he escaped. But his joy was cut short when another bot was running after him. Casey engaged a contraption on his bike that looked like a bunch of spikes. He used the curb as a makeshift ramp. "Goongala!" Casey yelled as he was launched into the air and stabbed the bot. He skidded to a stop and set off a firework that shot up and came back down to destroy the rest of the footbots. "Ah yeah! You better robo check yourselves before you robo wreck yourselves son!" Casey said triumphantly. He didn't notice Leo watching him. Casey continued his ride home and his beatboxing. Leo continued to follow him. Leo jumped down and kicked Casey off his bike. Casey grunted as he hit the ground. But he quickly pushed himself back up. He could hear the sound of hissing. He was shocked to see Leo standing in front him in his turtle form. "What Leo? What are you doing here? Are you okay?" Casey asked worried. "I'm doing just fine Jones." Leo said with a smirk. He suddenly began to attack Casey. "Leo you're a good guy and one of my best friends! I don't wanna hurt you!" Casey cried out. "But I wanna hurt you, slowly,painfully." Leo said as he drew one of his katanas. He continued his attack on Casey. Casey did his best to defend himself without harming his friend. He knocked Leo back but caught his arm before he hit the ground. "I'm not sure what's wrong with you Leo but I'm gonna get you help." Casey said. "I don't need any help." Leo said with a his as he pulled himself free of Casey's grip. Leo shot out his snake arms at Casey. Casey did his best to dodge them. He able to get Leo pinned. "It's over Leo." Casey said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "It's not over until I say it is." Leo said as he once again freed himself. Leo took advantage of Casey's surprise and wrapped him up in a snake arm. Leo smirked evilly at Casey as he squeezed his body. Suddenly Casey felt a sharp pain and Leo released him. Casey tried to walk around but he could only stumble. "Woah what did you do to me?" Casey asked. He continued to stumble around. "Why do I feel all numb?" He asked. Casey coughed and gasped for air as he fell to the ground. "The numbness is one of the effects of my venom. Some go faster than others." Leo replied nonchalantly. Casey gasped in worry. "First weakness. Then paralysis. Then blackout." Leo continued as Casey struggled on the ground. "You're the second. Now I'm gonna poison the turtles and Karai. One by one." Leo said as he kicked Casey down. Then he walked away. He transformed into his serpent form as it was faster. The turtles, Karai, and Kirby watched over April as she laid on a table in Donnie's lab. "He condition's getting worse. The poison's not showing any signs of stopping." Donnie said. "Bitten by a poisonous snake in her bedroom? It doesn't make any sense." Karai commented. Suddenly Raph burst into the lab. "Guys we got an sos from Casey's bike. I'm gonna check it out." Raph informed them. "Take Mikey with you." Karai told him. "Why?" Raph asked. "Because you might need backup and I'm busy helping Donnie." Karai said. "Fine!" Raph groaned. Mikey jumped excitedly as he followed his brother. "But no Turflytle!" Raph yelled at Mikey. "Mikey and Raph! The new A team! Let's to this boy!" Mikey cheered. Kirby sighed as he held April's limp hand. "Maybe I should've taken her to a hospital." He admitted. "No no! You did the right thing Kirby." Donnie reassured him. Donnie went back to look in his microscope. He gasped as he saw something. "What is it Donnie?" Leo questioned. "Non of the anti venoms are working. If I can't come up with the right additive soon." Donnie trailed off. He didn't have to finish for the others to understand. Raph and Mikey drove the party wagon to spot where Casey's signal occurred. "This is place where Casey's bike was sending out the signal. Maybe we should split up." Raph said as they exited. "Dude listen! You hear that?"Mikey said. They could hear the sound of someone groaning in pain. The followed the noise to the source. They found Casey on the ground behind some garage cans. "Casey what happened?" Raph asked as he and Mikey checked on their friend. "Attack. Foot. Bite." Was all that Casey could say before falling unconscious. "He's not making any sense." Raph said. "He's asking you to bite his foot! You better do what he says!" Mikey yelled. Raph pushed him away. "Why don't you make yourself useful and grab his legs!" Raph yelled. Together they loaded Casey into the party wagon and began to drive home. "Hopefully Donnie will know what to do." Raph hoped. "Oh no. No no no. I think he's been bit. You need to suck the poison out bro!" Mikey cried. "I am not sucking the poison out! I'm driving! You suck it!" Raph said annoyed. "But I think the bite's on his butt! That's gross dude! You do it!" Mikey demanded. He didn't noticed the snakes that slithered around Casey's body. "Just do it already!" Raph screamed angrily. Mikey whimpered in disgust as he looked at Casey's butt. He slowly lowered himself towards it. He looked like he was gonna cry. Suddenly the snakes popped up and Mikey reeled back in shock. "Now what?" Raph asked annoyed. But his annoyance was quickly replaced by shock and fear as he saw the snakes biting and attacking his little brother. Mikey sunk down to the floor while screaming. Then the snakes turned to attack Raph. The party wagon swerved and and ended up crashing. Footbots surrounded the totaled vehicle. Donnie was trying out more anti venoms on April as Kirby watched. "Any luck Donatello? Anything?" Kirby pleaded. Donnie shook his head. Splinter hobbled into the lab holding a scroll. "Father what are you doing? You should still be resting." Karai as she rushed over to her father. "Not when April is in danger. Not when I have this. An ancient poison draining mantra." Splinter said as he unwrapped the scroll to show. Then Karai heard her T-phone go off. The caller ID showed Raph calling her. "Raph? Where are you guys? Raph?" She answered. "Hello Karai. Your brothers are right here, with me." Said Leo through the phone. "Leo? Is that you?" Karai asked shocked. "Though they don't appear to be in the best of health. I'm afraid that if you and Donatello don't come soon then Raphael, Michelangelo, and Casey Jones will all expire. Come to the old abandoned street station and bring Donatello with you. I'll be waiting." Leo said nonchalantly. "Leo? Leo?" Karai shouted into the phone but Leo had already hung up. "She's not getting any better! I brought her here because I thought you could save her!" Kirby shouted angrily at Donnie. "Calm down you two! We have another problem." Karai said. "There is no other problem! April is the only thing you two should be worrying about!" Kirby yelled. "I'm doing my best Mr. O'Niel." Donnie promised. "Silence all of you! If I can focus I may be able to the poison out of her system." Master Splinter said. "Kirby stay here. Help Master Splinter with whatever he needs. Come on Donnie you're with me." Karai instructed. Her and Donnie ran out of the lair. April was transferred to the dojo. She laid on a mat while Splinter and Kirby sat on either side of her. Kirby watched worriedly as Splinter began the mantra and hand movements over April's body. His hand glowed white and he placed them on April. Soon the glowing had begun over both of their bodies. April's pulse began going haywire. She groaned and shifted in pain. "April! No!" Kirby cried. Splinter paid him no mind as he continued the chant. Once he finished April's pulse returned to normal. "The poison, is it still?" Kirby asked. "I've stopped it from getting worse but she is not out of danger yet." Splinter answered. Karai and Donnie arrived at the sewers under the old street station. "Ew this water smells extra nasty." Donnie commented. "Come on. This is the way." Karai said as she climbed up the ladder. "Ugh I don't feel so good." Donnie said. Karai looked up and saw her vision blurring. "Me neither." She said but continued up the ladder. They got out of the sewers and wobbled to the station. "Karai and Donatello. Sneaky coming from the sewers. How are you feeling?" Leo's voice rang out. Karai and Donnie started to feel even worse. "Nauseous? Dizzy?" Leo asked condescendingly. "My brain is melting." Donnie said as he grabbed his head. Karai looked over at him and to her his head looked like a pineapple. "Ah why do you have a pineapple for a head?" Karai asked confused. "We've been poisoned!" Donnie concluded. "Oh, we have to act fast!" Karai cried as they took off running. "My venom is highly toxic in any form. Even in water. It seeps through the skin in seconds." Leo said as Donnie and Karai finally got to him. Donnie collapsed behind Karai. She looked back him worried but she had to focus on Leo. She drew her sword and took a fighting stance. "It's over Karai." Leo said smirking at her. Karai's vision blurred completely and she passed out. "You and your friends are finished." Leo said and that was the last thing Karai heard before fully blacking out. "Finally after all this time. Put them with the others. I wanna admire my trophies." Leo commanded his footbots. The bots went and picked up the unconscious Karai and Donnie. Leo looked over at Casey, Raph, and Mikey all tied up on the. The footbots took Karai and Donnie to join them. Fortunately Karai woke up and began reciting the healing mantra the Splinter had taught her. "The poison is slow. Within the hour you will all perish." Leo said. The footbots began tying up the two new prisoners. "I don't even care about any of you. You're nothing more than a means to get to Splinter." Leo declared. Karai continued reciting the chant. She was able to grab a small throwing knife. "The rat will eventually come for you and then I will have my revenge." Leo finished his monologue. Karai jumped up and took out the footbots. She winced in pain as she still had poison in her system. "Beating the poison, impressive." Leo said. "Shredder used some kind of brain worm on you." Karai said weakly. "Lies won't help you. I'll just have to finish you myself." Leo said as he grew his snake arms and attacked Karai. Karai took a fighting stance. "Leo you have to fight it!" Karai begged as she blocked Leo's attacks. Leo wrapped his longs arms around Karai and threw her across the room. April continued to writhe in pain. "April the poison is still inside you. I can slow it down but only you can defeat it." Splinter said. "What was I thinking? I'm calling the hospital." Kirby declared. "No, this venom has no cure. Only the mantras can save her now." Splinter said. Karai pulled herself back up. Leo shot out his snake arms and bit both Karai's arms. He used the grip of the arms' fangs pull her forward and kick her back. "Still feeling the effects?" Leo asked. Karai was gasping for air on the ground. "You're weak Karai. And you're done for!" Leo proclaimed. Karai stood up and began the healing mantra once more. Splinter began the same mantra in the lair. It was like they were doing it in sync. Their hands began to glow the same white again. "What are you doing? What is this?" Leo demanded to know. Splinter placed his hands on April's body. Karai smacked her hands on to her own body. She began to glow all over. Leo ran to attack her again. Karai dodged him and landed hits to his snake arms. Leo tried to kick her in the face but Karai blocked and landed a swift blow to his stomach. Leo gasped as the wind was knocked out of him. Karai the threw him back across the room and knocked him out. Meanwhile at the lair, April had finally woken up. "April! You did it Splinter! Thank you!" Kirby said then he hugged his daughter. "My sweet baby girl." Kirby said as he embraced her. Karai got her brothers and Casey down. "You're coming with us Leo!" Karai demanded. But when she turned around Leo was gone. "Oh Leo..." Karai said sadly. Karai brought her brothers and friend back to the lair where she and Splinter preform the healing mantra for them. Kirby and April watched as they did it. All four of the unconscious victims began to wake up. "Ah man, snake bite is the worst of the worst." Casey groaned out. "Snake bite's not that bad. I've been bit by giant wasps, mutant dogs, dream beavers, squirrels, squirrelanoids." Mikey said. "Are you still talking?" Raph asked annoyed. "It wasn't really snakes that almost took us out. It was Leo." April said sadly. "He's now under Shredder's control. He's the one responsible not Leo." Donnie said. Karai exited the dojo. Splinter went and followed her. "You should be enjoying your victory. You did a great thing tonight Karai. You saved everyone." Splinter told her. "Not everyone. I tried to get Leo out of Shredder's control. I failed father. I'm sorry." Karai said sadly. "We have saved him before Karai. Perhaps we can save him again. And now you show great gifts as a healer. Being at the edge of your life gave you power that few martial artists can tap. I am proud of you my daughter." Splinter reassured her. Karai gave her father a thankful smile. The three turtles then came up. "Karai we just wanted to thank you for saving us." Donnie said. "Yeah. You kicked footbot butt, stopped the poison, got us out of there, and you did it solo. None of us could've done that." Raph praised her.  Karai looked over to her father. "Maybe you're right. Maybe tonight was a win." She said. Splinter placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and gave her a smile.

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