Chapter 2

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"kai pls St-stop it. hurts" jungkook sobbed trying to cover himself and his baby bump from the abusive hits.

"pathetic..... Can't you even make something for me to eat when I come back from work. You know what you are useless" he spitted those words angrily and went out of the house closing the door loudly. Jungkook badly flinched at the sound.

"I'm so-rry, I d-didn't feel go-od today. I fe-felt like I wo-would col-lapse if I ge-tt up fro-om the be-ed. I was na-us-useous, diz-zy. I'm so-orry" he sobbed curling into a ball on the floor.

At first months their marriage was the best. Kai even helped jungkook with house work. Always hugged him, kissed him, took him on dates and showed him all his love. But after an year he started distancing himself from jungkook. Then slowly he started snapping at him, yelling at him even though they were in public. Then one day he slapped jungkook. He hit him and raped jungkook countless times. That's how jungkook got pregnant. But jungkook didn't say anything to kai yet. Cause he was scared that kai would tell him to abort the baby. Jungkook was traumatized so much. He was threatened not to leave the house.

The door bell rang. Jungkook's body shivered from the fear that was creeping into him. He slowly got up and hissed when he felt pain all over his body. He slowly walked towards the door and opened it hoping to see his husband but he was met with his parents.

"hello bab-" jimin stopped on his tracks seeing his son's state. Yoongi also looked shocked.

"m-mo-mom-my" he stuttered.

Jimin's eyes watered and a sob escaped his mouth.

"what h-happened?" he asked in a whisper. He had no energy in his body seeing his son like this.

"m-mo-m-mom-y" jungkook sobbed and jumped on his mommy hiding him tightly. Jimin also hugged him back. He really wanted to know what happened but this is not the time. He has to take care of his son first. Then he felt his son was only a bone structure.

He looked at yoongi with helpless eyes.

Yoongi got what happened.

bruises all over body, malnutrition, stuttering, all indicates domestic abuse. His blood boiled.

"you stay here with our son ok?"

Jimin nodded and yoongi went in and came back after sometime with a bag of clothes. Jungkook's clothes to be exact.

"let's go"

Jimin tried to take his son but he backed away with horrified eyes.

"n-noo h-he wi-will ki-ki-kill me-m"

Jimin and yoongi both were in so much pain.

"baby don't worry he won't do anything to you. Trust me, trust your papa OK? I will protect you with my life. Come with us" jungkook hesitantly nodded biting his lips.

They took jungkook and went to their hotel room. Jimin went to give a bath to jungkook and he asked his husband to order something for jungkook.

Jimin was washing jungkook's hair while he was just sitting in the bath tub looking at water. So quiet. Jimin remembered the old times he used to wash little jungkook. He would always splash water everywhere and jimin's favourite thing was his son's cute little giggles.

A tear escaped his eyes.

'what did they do wrong? Where did it go wrong? What happened to their marriage life? They looked so happy and whenever they called, jungkook always said they were happy and all of a sudden the calls stopped. Jungkook didn't answer their calls anymore. And jimin and yoongi didn't have much money to come to see their son considering that yoongi was a police officer and jimin worked at a cafe. When they collected the required money they immediately flew to US to see their son. And they were hoping to see a jungkook who is smiling and giggling happily and all they saw was a jungkook who is crying and stuttering in fear. One word broken'

Jimin finished washing jungkook and drained the water in the bath. He wiped the water droplets off jungkook's body and made him wear some sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. He held jungkook's hand and took him out.

The food was already there. He made jungkook sit on a chair and toon the soup feeding him. Yoongi just watched them sitting on the bed.


"pls baby you didn't even finish a half of it"

"I w-will pu-puke. I-i ca-can't. Sorry" he bursted into tears. Jimin kept the soup aside hugging him tightly.

"baby you are safe with us. Pls eat, you should gain more weight. This is not healthy. You are not healthy" he said trying to keep his tears in his eyes.

"n-not he-hea-lt-thy?"

"no baby"

"fee-d m-me" he said urging jimin.

"I wa-wn-nna be he-hea-lt-thy. M-my ba-bab-y"

"what baby?" jimin asked confused.

"m-my ba-baby. I-i'm p-p-preg-nant" he said shocking jimin and yoongi both.

"you're pregnant?"

Jungkook nodded and held jimin's hand urging him to feed him and jimin did.

After that jungkook slept. Yoongi and jimin went to the balcony.

"we have to take him to a check-up yoongi. I doubt if the baby is still alive. Look at him. Just a skeleton. M-my son. He was such a bright person. Helping everybody, hopping everywhere and his bunny smile, everything is gone yoongi. Everything is gone. I want my son back" he cried in his husband's chest hugging him tightly. Yoongi was also tearing up.

They can't take any legal actions as they don't have money and they are not even in their country.

"let's leave here tomorrow with our son. We will go to Korea. Let that bastard fuck himself" yoongi said.

"OK...... Lets go and sleep"

Both went and slept with heir son in the middle. Jimin again cried seeing his son's bony face. He remembered how once they were so chubby. He wiped his tears and tried to sleep which he succeeded after few hours.

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