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"hello Lisa"

"Kim taehyung let me go" she screamed at the top of her lungs trying ot break free the ropes.

Taehyung snickered an swatches the girl's attempt.

"You are so dumb. You can't break them"

"then untie me" she glared. Taehyung's smirk disappeared. He held the girl by her hair.

"because of you I lost my baby and also my husband's eye sight. I heard you are pregnant by your so called boyfriend who left you"

Lisa started to shake in fear. At last she settled down with a boy she loved but that boy dumped her. After few weeks she found that she was pregnant. She loved the baby. So she kept it. Now Lisa was in her 4th months with a belly.

Taehyung traced her belly with the knife.

"n-no my baby. Don't do anything to them. Pls I want that baby in my life" she cried pathetically.

"don't worry. You won't live to have this baby in your life. Eye to eye and so this will also be"

Taehyung lifted the knife and brought it down but-


"what the fuck are you doing taehyung? It's a small baby" jungkook came running trying to stop his mad husband. Lisa was shaking and sobbing loudly.

Taehyung looked at lisa and gritted his teeth in so much anger then he turned to jungkook with broken eyes.

"we lost our baby because of this slut. So why not? She should pay for our precious son" he cried. Jungkook pulled him to a hug and tried to calm down taehyung.

"taehyung listen. Don't do something you will regret. Our baby was precious to us right?"

Taehyung nodded looking down trying to control his sobs.

"so is this baby. I'm sure that she has changed now. She did that cause of jealousy and anger. I insulted her in front of the whole company. This is a small child who hasn't even seen the world yet. Don't do it. Let the baby live" he tried to convince taehyung with a soft voice.

"ok i will spare the baby. But this woman will have to pay. Pull her eyes out and drop her at a hospital. Make sure nothing happens to the baby" he said before dragging jungkook away from the basement.

"taeee I wanted to tell you something"

"what is it baby?" he asked pulling his husband to his lap.

Jungkook smiled at him. Then he dropped the bomb.

"I'm pregnant" he held the test in front of Taehyung's eyes who was frozen.


"yes. I am pregnant again"


Screams of joy of three excited people echoed through the whole house for the next half of the day. And the on ewho was pregnant was done with them.

"IT'S A BOYYYYY" both screamed jumping up and down. Both were smiling widely while taehyung was teared up.

"ah ah... That's not all"

Jimin came to the from with another balloon and popped it.

The couple was frozen on their tracks.

"you are having twins...... A girl and a boy"

Let's say that taehyung fainted.

"oh my god they are so cute...... Jungkook loooook" taehyung said excitedly. Jungkook looked at his husband and smiled tiredly.

"yeah the cutest"

"yeah the cutest"

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"taehyung I thought we were finished having babies. Then what is this? Bit I am happy" jungkook scowled while taehyung gulped.

"I th-think the condom was a bit weak" he stuttered.

"weak? It's just you were wild. taehyung I don't know how but why are we getting multiples? At first it was one, then twins and NOW QUADRUPLETS. Four babies..... We are financially okay to provide them but what about me?" jungkook asked with wide eyes.



"oh shit better run"

Taehyung ran for his dear life.


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Officially finished.

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