Chapter 09

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After almost 4 months jungkook was able to go home. Of course it was after so many exercises for his legs and arms. He healed fast so doctors said he is okay to go home.

During these 4 months taehyung tried his best to find Lisa but there was no luck but he never stopped. He hired a private detective and he got some information. Lisa was not in Korea anymore. He was in America with another identity. She knows what taehyung can do to her, so she hid after knowing that her attempts to kill just went to trash.

Jungkook was at the door holding on to Taehyung's arm tightly. Taehyung put the password and opened the door,

Jungkook started to count steps.

"take me to our room"


"from main door to our room 37 steps and on the 12th step and 25th step turn right" he mumbled recording it in a recorder that will help in the future. Taehyung was sad also proud at his husband. After the these he is still strong trying adapt to the new life style even though its hard.

"take me to the kitchen" taehyung did as he said.

"25 steps, two turns to right and then left each at 14th step and 21 step"

Like that he recorded every thing from going everywhere in the house.

"thank you tae"

"don't mention it baby" jungkook have taehyung a small smile.

"Now let's test this. Now I'm in the laundry room and I want to go to our room. So that means 53 steps with 5 truns. To right on 22nd,to right again on 34th to left at 39th, to right at 43th and now I'm in front of our room?"

"yes baby, you are just in front of the door" taehyung chuckled. His husband is smart after all. Jungkook grinnedand opened the door going straight in to their closet.

"tae can you give me some comfortable clothes. I can't count them or anything"

"of course baby, here" taehyung gave him some sweatpants and an oversized shirt of Taehyung's.

"the shirt is yours. Isn't it?"

Taehyung chuckled.

"how did you know?"

"your smell. I love it" jungkook sniffed the shirt that was now hugging him around his body snuggling more into it.

"wait, what about taryu and Taeyumi? When will they come?"

"eomma and appa wanted them there and kids were also eager to help them around the cafe with little little works. So yeah....they wanted to stay there for a week and it's still the 2nd day. So 5 more days for them to come here"

Jungkook nodded.

"what about your work? You missed them because of me right?" jungkook was guilty.

"No baby I have only a small amount of work cause I started working from home 3 months ago. I'm conducting online meetings and I will only go to the company for the most important occasions. We can spend our time together from today" he said excitedly. Jungkook smiled.

"then give me cuddles" he said with a cute pout and grabby hands. Taehyung immediately lifted him bridal style earning a squeak from jungkook. They both lated on the bed. Jungkook was on top of taehyung.

"are you okay baby?" he asked in a low voice running his long slim fingers through jungkook's soft long hair.

"My legs hurt a bit from all the walking. That's it and-" he was interrupted by his stomach growling. He shrank in embarrassment. Taehyung laughed making jungkook whine.

"let's go make your tummy full first"

Taehyung picked him up and carried him to the kitchen. He placed jungkook on a chair near the counter and started to cook. With each step he took he saw jungkook's head following him. It was almost like jungkook was not blind. His eyes were working normally. It's just that his eyes are not able to give him a picture of what's happening in front of him.

"here baby eat" taehyung kept the plate inf ront of jungkook and gave the spoon into his hands.

"tnx tae" jungkook started eating and taehyung sat there admiring his husband.

"tae, won't you get tired of me?" after sometime jungkook asked in a small voice.

"never. I love you. You are you baby even though you can't see I don't care, i will be your eyes"

Jungkook sniffed.

"you are thee best husband ever tae. I love you so much" taehyung smiled.

"OK finish your food and then we can cuddle"

Jungkook hummed and finished his food.

Both were cuddling on their bed. Jungkook had fallen asleep an hour ago an taehyung just stayed there running his fingers through his husband's hair. He felt jungkook stiffening. He rubbed his back but jungkook soon started to sob, shaking violently.

" baby, tae please save" he mumbled.

" please wake up"

"No...tae.... AHHHHH" jungkook woke up panting hard, he was sweating so much. He soon broke down sobbing so hard.

Taehyung took his husband into his embrace rubbing his back.

"it's ok baby, it was just a nightmare... Everything is okay, you're safe"

"taeee....our baby" he sobbed. Taehyung teared up. Jungkook always had nightmares whenever he slept. Doctors said if it doesn't stop he will have to get therapy.

"don't cry, odnt worry he/she is in a better place now baby. I'm sure....."

Jungkook just hummed and snuggled to taehyung while sniffing.

"let's sleep now OK?"


"appa..... Isn't there any way for us to find Lisa"

"we are still finding her, but I think there is someone else too. We have to be careful. You should protect yourself and your family. OK?"

"of course appa. I would never let anything happen to my family. Jungkook had a nightmare yesterday night too. I'm worried now"

"My poor baby, he suffered so much before and now too. What is he doing now?"

"he is sleeping appa"

"OK.....don't worry. If you can hire some detective from America. It will be better than doing nothing. I will also try to find some clues here. We have permission to arrest her if she is here. But she is do as I say"

"OK appa"

Taehyung hung up and leaned back to the sofa exhaling loudly.


"oh baby, you woke up?"

jungkook nodded and came to taehyung slowly holding on to the wall.

He sat on the sofa and searched for Taehyung making grabby hands. Taehyung chuckled and hugged his baby's waist resting his head in jungkook's chest.

"I love you baby"

"I love you too but now I'm hungry" he pouted. Taehyung laughed.

"OK then let's go eat"

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