Chapter 5

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He saw a lump in the middle of the bed. He heard small sniffles indicating that the person under the blanket was crying. He face palmed and went near him hitting the back of his head hard.

Taehyung flinched turned back to see an angry bunny glaring at him. He was shocked, happy, confused to see the love of his life standing in front of him.

On the other hand jungkook felt his heart breaking at the sight of Taehyung's tears.

"bunny" jungkook's heart broke more hearing the raspy sound. Taehyung's deep velvety voice has been replaced by a weak, croaky one. He had blood shot eyes with a runny nose. He looked like a mess.

Jungkook sat on the bed and pulled taehyung into a tight hug. Taehyung cried more hugging jungkook like his dear life.

They pulled away.

"go wash up, I will cook something for you. No buts, do as I say" he said giving double bunny vibes. Taehyung gulped and nodded.

Taehyung was looking at the soup.


"I can't, I haven't eaten in 5 days"

Jungkook sighed. He picked up the spoon.

"eat" he said holding the spoon near Taehyung's mouth. He slowly took the soup in the spoon gulping it down.

"can't eat anymore" taehyung said before finishing half of the bowl. Jungkook nodded. He knows how hard it is to start to eat after starving so much, so taking food in small amounts and gradually increasing is the best.

He washed the dishes and both sat on the sofa.

"taehyung I'm sorry I asked you to leave. I was confused and scared. But I thought about everything again and again then I understood that I didn't love kai. It was just an attraction. I never felt the spark or anything with him" jungkook shrugged.

"But with you I feel butterflies. I missed you so much these five days. So I thought to give it a try and I was about to come here tomorrow but jinnie came to my house saying that one idiot is refusing to come out of his room and he has even stopped eating. So to make sure that idiot won't die I had to rush here" he said with a glare to taehyung who was petrified.

"s-so you m-mean-"

"yes we can still be a couple if you haven't moved o-" he was cut off by a bone crushing hug.

"idiot, if I have moved on I wouldn't be crying like this. I was never a cry baby like this" taehyung said nuzzling his face into jungkook's neck who hugged him back.

"can i kiss you?" taehyung asked nervously.

"of course dummy" jungkook chuckled.

Taehyung immediately latched his lips on to jungkook's cherry lips. Both felt so many butterflies dancing in their tummys. They both poured their all feelings in to the kiss.

"you're so tasty baby" taehyung said giving another peck. Jungkook blushed madly.

"are you ok with me being pregnant?" he asked in a small voice.

"of course baby. In fact I love this little trouble maker" he said pointing at jungkook's bump which was now moving. Jungkook chuckled poking his tummy and he got a kick in response. The baby was still small but strong. So the doctors were positive that jungkook will give birth  safely.

"I trust you with my heart. Don't brake it"

"I would never" taehyung said kissing the top of Jungkook's head.

"you know because of you taeyumi was crying" jungkook pouted.

" poor baby" taehyung said really worriedly.

"it's OK.... Make sure to talk with her tomorrow"

"I will. Come here bunny I wanna cuddle you" he said dragging jungkook into his chest. Jungkook hummed in satisfaction and leaned on to taehyung.

"jungkook will you be my boyfriend?"

"I thought I already was your boyfriend" he said confusedly. Taehyung chuckled at the adorable bunny.

"yeah but want to make it official"

"OK I will be your boyfriend taetae" he giggled happily.

Everything went well. Jungkook gave birth to a healthy baby boy even though he was small in size he was really strong. Kim tae-yu was his name. Yes jungkook gave him Taehyung's surname. Tae-yu was really handsome taking all of Jungkook's features. Jungkook was glad that his son didn't have any of his rapist's features. Tae-yu was a mini jungkook.

Taehyung was the first one to hold him. He was crying so much. He is now a father of two. He felt so lucky. He promised himself that he would protect and cherish jungkook all his life. Jungkook trusted his heart with taehyung and taehyung was glad about it.

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