Chapter 4

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"jungkook where were you? Do you know what time is it? I was so worried. Please be more responsible. If you get late you could have at least message me" jimin rambled with a worried face.

"sorry mommy" jungkook looked down guiltily.

"it's OK. All I want is your safety. Come here give mommy a hug" he said with open arms.

Jungkook immediately snuggled to jimin inhaling his mommy's sweet scent.

"so who was that?"


"that man"

"ohh I met him at the park. His daughter bumped to me and she was lost. So I helped her to find him. Then he treated me for some cake and a banana milkshake. We are friends now"

"b-baby you are not stuttering anymore" jimin's eyes became glossy.

"yes mommy. I'm not scared anymore and I'm not thinking about past anymore. He is no one in my life. I will soon send the divorce papers to him. All I want now is my baby's health"

"I'm proud of you son"

2 months passed by a blink. Jungkook signed divorce papers and sent it to kai who just signed back without hesitation. At last jungkook was free from a monster.

During this time taehyung and Jungkook became good friends. In fact best friends. Jungkook's baby was getting more stronger and healthier by the in take of healthy foods. Everything was going well and everyone was happy.

"mommy taehyung is coming in 30 minutes ok?"

"OK baby. Baby?"

"yes mommy?"

"what do you think about taehyung?"

"what about him mommy?" he asked confused.

"he is in love with you"

"w-what no he isn't" he said in an unsure tone.

"yes he is baby. I can clearly see it from his eyes"

"but mommy we are best friends"

"think about it baby. If you don't like him reject him. Don't make him hanging on. I think he is just scared to confess. So confront him and I won't be home till afternoon. I'm going to meet one of my friends"

"OK mommy I'll think about it" jungkook went to his room scowling.

Jimin left the house and taehyung arrived in an half an hour. Jungkook opened the door and greeted him. Both sat on the sofa with some snacks and beverages. They talked for sometime and Jungkook thought it's the right time for the main talk.

"taehyung I want you to be honest with me. My mommy told me this and I want to know if its true"

Taehyung was confused.

'did I do something? Did I steal something? No I don't remember. Wait a damn minute why would I steal? I'm a damn ceo' he snickered at himself in his mind.

"yeah... I mean OK" he said awkwardly.

"do you have any feelings for me? Like for a lover?" jungkook asked with a neutral face.

Taehyung stiffened.

"ahh.... Jungkook I'm sorry but yeah..... I have feelings for you. You know what? It's ok. I will try to move on. I know you are not ready for a relationship yet with what happened in the past" he said biting his lips.

Jungkook was shocked. He didn't know how to answer.

"uhhh..... You should leave taehyung"

"but jun-"

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