Chapter 12

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the angry man screamed trying to get away from the cuffs. The men around him didn't even flinch. The man groaned in frustration.

"why am I even here?"

The door opened and a man came in. It was dark so he couldn't see the face clearly. When the man came into the light he gasped.

"you? Mr. Kim why am I here? And tied like this?" he asked with a venomous voice.

Taehyung chuckled.

"ohh.....idiot. You are here cause my baby wanted you here. He wants to teach you a lesson" he smirked.

Jong in was confused.

"what baby? WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT?" he struggled.

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"baby come in"

The door opened again and Jungkook came in making kai gasp.

Taehyung held jungkook from his waist securely while jungkook clinged onto his bicep.

Jungkook waved his hand and gave an innocent smile to kai who was confused.

"hello ex husband or shall I call you rapist?" he smirked and kai shuddered in fear. He knew the innocent smile jungkook gave at first was not innocent at all.

"w-what are yu-you doing?"

"nothing much. I just wanted to release my stress and frustration by punching someone and who is better than you?"

"tae can you tell your men to go out pls?"

Taehyung signaled his men to go out and they did. Jungkook knew he would break down crying when he hurt kai. Not because he loves him. Heck he just wanted to kill kai. But his all painful memories would trigger and he was not strong enough to hold them in. He just want to cry and punch kai all he want.

Kai snickered.

"you can't do anything to me jungkook. You are weak"

"ohh....then watch me do" he punched kai in his jaw making his head go back. Jungkook held him from his collar and started to punch him repeatedly with so much anger. Kai spitted blood.

"you *punch* made *punch* my life *punch* hell"

"you hit me, scolded me, blamed me all you want and I just stayed like that. Then you threatened me to kill me if i keep a step out of the house cause you were scared someone would see my scars and talk bad about you. I didn't say anything caus I wanted our marriage to last long. Then YOU RAPED ME. HOW MAY TIMES? HOW MANY DAYS? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH OF A PAIN I WAS IN? YOU RAPED ME FOR 6 MONTHS EVERY NIGHT. YOU TOOK ALL YOUR FRUSTRATION ON ME. WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?  I JUST LOVED YOU LIKE A GOOD HUSBAND. I WAS TRAUMATISED. I WAS STUTTERING, I COULDN'T EVEN EAT PROPERLY. I couldn't even take legal actions cause my parents didn't have enough money. You bastard, you even made me pregnant" jungkook was sobbing so much while punching kai with every word he says. But taehyung didn't try to stop him. He wanted jungkook to let his pain go away. Actually he was crying too. Taehyung can't see his baby crying in so much pain.

"you g-got pr-pregnant?" kai asked with wide eyes.

"yes I got pregnant" jungkook scoffed wiping his tears away.

"don't tell me you aborted the child. Tell me you didn't" now kai was also crying. Jungkook and taehyung were both surprised.

"I'm not a heartless man like you kai to hurt an innocent life"

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