Chapter 7

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I apologise for what is going to happen. It will be heart breaking but this is an unexpected plot for me too. Just came to mind and wrote that  :)

Jungkook came in slamming the office door shut. He sat on the sofa trying calm his breathing cause stressing is not good for him.

Taehyung was looking at him with puppy eyes. Every dom is always scared of his sub😐👍🤷. Jungkook suddenly got up a making taehyung flinch. He went to Taehyung's personal bathroom and came out with a wet towel. He went to his husband and wiped his lips with towel careful not to hurt him. The he threw the towel on the table diving into a heated kiss while taeyu was still asleep in Taehyung's arms. Seeing his angry husband taehyung immediately responded to the kiss taking the lead.

"baby I swear....."

"No need taehyung. I trust you and also I heard your argument. I know you didn't do anything" he breathed out nuzzling to his husband's neck. Taehyung released a relief breath.

"thank god. I don't want to loose you. I'm happy with what you did to that bitch. Now no-one will try come to me" taehyung said grinning like a fool making jungkook chuckle.

"ohh.... Yeah why are you here? Suddenly?" taehyung asked confused.

Jungkook gave him a smile before slipping out of his embrace and taking the box. He gave it to taehyung who laid taeyu on the sofa.

Taehyung opened the box with furrowed eyebrows. He gasped.

"is it true?"


"is it really true?"

"yes tae"

"don't joke with me"

"I'm not. I took it today morning"

suddenly jungkook was hugged by a crying taehyung.

" don't know how happy i am baby..... Omggg..." he was squealing happily. Jungkook smiled and kissed his husband passionately.


"hello taeyu" he cooed at the sleepy baby who was rubbing his.


They played with taeyu for sometime and it was time for go home. Jungkook has to make lunch too.

"kookie you go home with taeyu. It's still 10 a.m. I will try to come early OK?"

"OK" he giggled.

"noo wanna stay with dada" taeyu said.

"baby he has work" jungkook tried to protest.

"nooo....dadaaa"he gave glossy puppy eyes to taehyung who immediately bacem a puddle.

"I will take care of him kookie. You go home and rest OK?"

Jungkook sighed. He also didn't want to leave. He felt like something bad would happen. He just shrugged and nodded giving one last kiss to taehyung.

"bye tae, bye taeyu and don't disturb your dada"

"okie mommy"

Jungkook did good byes and left the company.

Taehyung's phone rang. It's jungkook. So he answered.


"is this Mr. Kim taehyung?"


"your husband has gotten into an accident. He is currently in seoul national hospital"

"w-what?" taehyung felt numb.

"please sir come. We need a guardian to sign the papers for his surgery. It's urgent"

"o-OK. I'm c-com-ing" he quickly got and took taeyu who was on the sofa playing with his ipad. He was confused why his dada looks so worried like he was about to cry.

Taehyung was driving in full speed towards the hospital. He felt tears in his eyes. It's just this morning they got to know that jungkook is pregnant and now this happens. Also what if taeyu was also in the car. Good thing he refused to leave. At least taehyung was glad about that. He parked the car and ran into the hospital with taeyu in his arms.

"Kim jungkook?"

"'re are his guardian? Please sign this so we can start the operation quickly. He is loosing too much blood and we have to act fast"

Taehyung quickly singed everything they asked for cause he want his husband and his baby healthy and alive.

"please he just today found out that he is pregnant" he said.

"we will take care of that" the nurses said.

His parents Jin, namjoon and Jungkook's parents jimin and yoongi immediately came to the hospital after picking up Taeyumi from the school. Both babies were crying without being able to understand anything. Taehyung gave taeyu to jin and went to the washroom. He closed the door and sat on the closed toilet lid letting his tears fall freely. He gripped his own hair in pain. All he felt was pain in his heart that he could feel it as a physical pain. He clutched his heart sobbing hard.

They got to know that jungkook's condition was critical and that's why the doctors even got a sign from taehyung. Because there is a chance they could loose him during the surgery.

'whyy? At last both of us were happy.....are we cursed? That we can't live happily?' he sobbed into his hands.

A knock was heard with a voice that taehyung immediately recognised.

"taehyung pls open this door"

He opened the door slowly wiping his tears. But as soon as he saw the person he broke down again.


"i know taehyung. He is strong. Don't worry" hoseok said pulling his little brother into a hug. They are friends from diapers so they were more like brother than friends.

"he i-is pre-gnant hobi. I shouldn't have let him go like that"

Taehyung sobbed into his friend's shoulder. Hoseok was more worried now. Cause it's not only one life that is in danger but two. And one of them hasn't even seen the world yet.

"don't cry tae. Trust jungkook, he will be safe. He is strong"

"b-but my b-aby. It is not strong"

Hoseok was silent. Yes it's true. The chances for a fetus to survive this kind of accident is impossible. According to what he heard jungkook was yanked out of the car breaking the windscreen because of the impact of the truck that was hoit into his car. He saw the accident place and the ground was covered in blood while the car was already wrecked so bad that it can't be even repaired.

"OK...lets go. Taeyumi and taeyu is crying so much. They want you taehyung. Go wash your face"

Taehyung nodded and washed his teary face. He took a deep breath determining not to cry in front of his children and went out with hoseok.

Jin was crying hugging a sleeping Taeyumi in his hands while taeyu was also asleep in his yoonie pa's hands. All of them were crying.

After a torturous 5 hours doctors came out. Taehyung ran to them.

"Mr Kim come to my office" the doctor said and left. Taehyung gave others a worried look and hurried after the doctor.

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