Chapter Sixteen: "She's My Girlfriend, You Fucker."

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So, of course, when someone popular as Billie dates someone as weird as Chelsea, things are sure to go around like a wildfire. I'm thinking that this is a totally cliched part in every story and since I have never been bullied, I found it hard to write :( But you guys can go tell me if it sucked and I wouldn't hate you :))

I'm spazzing out over the comments I've been receiving and omg, thank you so very freaking much for everything!! <3

Without further ado, here's chapter sixteen :-bd

Chapter Sixteen: “She’s My Girlfriend, You Fucker.”


- Billie -

I walked into the school’s cafeteria with my head up, ignoring the slowly increasing whispers from the people that I pass by.

“Did you know that Billie and Chelsea are…”

“I heard them talking in the library yesterday…”

“Is it true that Billie used to date Chelsea?”

I chuckled at their words and approached my lunch table, which was already filled with my favourite group of people.

“Hey peeps,” I greeted as I sat down and looked alert as they all stared at me.

“I heard something interesting happened in the library regarding you…” Mikey began, “what was it?”

I shrugged, “Chelsea heard me and Gerard talking about the dare and, well, she figured it out.”

“Aaaaaand? What did she do?” Frank pressed.

“Are you guys still ‘together’?” Mike asked, stressing the word ‘together.’

I nod, winking, “she was…easy to persuade. And I’m quite a great actor, so…” I shrugged it off.

The entire table suddenly burst with exclaims and, laughter. “Oh, man, you’re good!” Tre commented, clapping my shoulder rather painfully; I wince. “Hands down, buddy!” Ray exclaimed, doing the little gesture over and over.

I laugh, “Haha, thank you, thank you,” I grin and sit up straighter and look to the left as Mike exclaims, “Oh, look, Gerard’s here!”

As soon as Gerard reached our table, I began to open my mouth to tell him what happened but he got there first. “Don’t worry, Billie,” he smirks, “I already know and, congratulations, you passed!” his smirk grew bigger.

I felt my mouth drop open, “holy shit,” I began, “don’t tell me you did that on purpose.”

He winked, “maybe I did.”

“Fuck you, Way!”

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