Chapter Thirty-One: "That Made Me Love You Even More."

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Hello, guys! Today isn't a really good day for me because of the following reasons: 1.) My history teacher gave a a 1 out of ten for a homework since some of my classmates and I's answers are the same BUT DIDN'T HE SEE THAT I WROTE THE DAMNED SOURCES?!?!?!?!?!? I DID MY WORK, DAMN IT!

UGH, I'm pissed.

Then, I skipped chorale practice (because I was still pissed about our history teacher) only to find out that my clubmates had a written exam...I MEAN, WHO IN THE WORLD INCORPORATES WRITTEN EXAMS IN CHORALE??? FUCKING CHORALE!!

There's a reason why I joined chorale, damn it!!

But, anyway, I'm sorry, I just had to let it ALLLL out.

Okay, here's chapter thirty-one :D

Chapter Thirty-One: “That Made Me Love You Even More.”


- Billie -

I waited with bated breath as she sat up straighter, biting her upper lip. I noticed the pink mark on her neck fade away to the colour of her skin.

My eyes were brought back to her face as she exhaled heavily, “I haven’t exactly introduced myself so…I’m gonna start from the beginning.” She paused, looked down at her lap for a moment as if to compose herself, held her head up then smiled, making me smile as well.

“Hi, I’m Chelsea Agatha Rhone from Belleville, New Jersey,” she waved her hand to say hello. I grinned back; I’ve always known that she has some sort of accent there. And she came from NJ! Where Gerard also came from.

I shrugged awkwardly, “should I do the same or…?”

She shook her head, “let me finish first.”

I nodded and motioned for her to continue. She looked more relaxed as she said, “I’m born on December 28, 1993 to Wilson and Joanna Rhone. I have an older brother, Russell, who’s currently in Hollywood. My parents died in an airplane accident when I was fifteen.”

She had said those things so fast and with an almost bored expression that I took my time to comprehend what she said.

“W-what? Oh my God,” I gasped, bringing myself closer to her. She didn’t resist as I wrapped my arms around her.

She relaxed in my arms. I pulled away and leaned more into the couch, pulling her onto my lap.

I swept her hair to one side of her shoulder and laid my chin on the free side, “then?”

“I grew up as a rebellious adolescent,” she chuckled. “I kicked a dude in the nuts once during seventh grade.”

I laughed and cursed against her exposed neck, “shit. I shouldn’t be bad around you, then.”

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