Chapter 1: Prologue

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There was that feeling again. It was a feeling of light, of happiness, of safety. She was back in her sanctuary.

It was no memory, and it was no dream. It was something real, but she didn't know what it was at all. There was just the feeling that sometimes visited her in her dreams or in her thoughts. Most of the time she didn't expect it and it was always a fleeting thing. One moment it was there, the next it wasn't.

Always an image of a face lingered. But it wasn't really an image because she had no idea how it looked. She didn't know anything about it or what it meant but the image's presence was always strong.

She was so sure she knew this person so deeply, but she never knew the person's name. As if she had been writing to someone and receiving their letters all her life but never meeting the writer.

Usually, she wouldn't have liked the unknown, she would have been desperate to find out about the identity. This was different. Every time the feeling resurfaced, she felt strength and it had a tendency to surface only when she needed it. These were moments when someone or something had sucked the energy out of her, and she couldn't find any strength inside herself anymore.

It was like a guardian angel that protected her whenever she couldn't protect herself. This was not very often. She would've liked to have that guardian angel pay her more visits but the situations she had to be in were never pleasant. It was therefore a rare gift.

This time she didn't know why the feeling had come to her. She wasn't in a situation she needed to be rescued from. At least she didn't think so. She had been dreaming and it hadn't even been a nightmare.

The feeling was slightly different from previous occasions. It was almost as if the guardian angel knew it would be needed badly in the near future and it was warning her of it, telling her to be strong.

It alarmed her but also alerted her. This feeling had never betrayed her, it had never left her alone or abandoned her when she was in pain. Therefore, she trusted it.

Something ominous was coming and, with or without her guardian, it was going to be like nothing she had ever experienced before.

The Five Dimensions Part 1: Shadow WorldWhere stories live. Discover now