Chapter 12

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Hailey didn't want to be here but there was no choice in the matter. Usually she liked being outside, but now she hated it. And it was cold.

Really, she shouldn't blame the cold, it wasn't the cold's fault that she had to endure this nightmare. But it was easier to blame the cold than to blame the person who was really responsible.

Hailey was running laps around the hockey field while the team was setting up for the tryouts. She had had P.E. before this and for some inexplicable reason Coach had chosen to single out Hailey. His excuse had been that she hadn't been participating, which in fact she hadn't, but she never did, and he'd never had a problem with it before. Apparently though, Coach was suddenly worried about Hailey's physical wellbeing and thought it highly necessary that she make up with running laps.

Jayson, as the captain of the hockey team, was pointing out what his teammates had to do while Coach was busy with the guys who were there for the official tryouts. It was a big group; from the other side of the field Hailey couldn't recognize any faces. There were also people sitting on the bleachers, like Nolan and Taliyah, like they had promised. Nolan hadn't talked to Hailey since the fight – not like she had tried talking to him herself – and Hailey suspected that Taliyah had forced him to come anyway.

Hailey was decidedly keeping her eyes away from the bleachers, but she didn't need to look to be alerted of the girl's presence. Julia's voice could be heard even from the distance:

"Go Jayson!" came her shrill voice from all the way across the field.

Hailey rolled her eyes and focused on finishing her laps, trying to block out all the looks she knew she was getting. It was only when Hailey nearly ran past the group next to Coach that she realized who was there; she heard his voice.

"I don't have any experience with this particular sport, but I'm sure I can figure it out," Ash said with a tone of arrogance. Hailey couldn't stop her eyes from rolling again. She was sure that if she rolled her eyes any further, that they would get stuck in that position.

"Our team is very prestigious, most guys have to train for years before they can make it through tryouts," Coach said lazily, his eyes trained on his clipboard. Just then, Ash turned his eyes to Hailey, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

"I'm sure when I show you what I can do, that you'll welcome me on the team." Ash's eyes stayed focused on Hailey. Then she remembered she didn't like him, and she sternly focused her eyes straight ahead, but from the corner of her eye she could see Ash wink. Her head filled with confusion. What was that supposed to mean?

"We'll see how confident you are after the drills." Coach turned around, without looking at Ash, but gestured for him to start running.

"Nope," she whispered and sprinted away. Hailey was a great runner. Surely, she would be able to finish her laps quickly enough to keep a distance between Ash and her. She was wrong.

"Hey, you," Ash said casually, as if Hailey was not ardently trying to escape him. She tried running even faster but no matter how fast she was going, Ash stayed next to her side as if it was nothing.

"What―" Hailey stopped, not being able to go on anymore. She put her hand on her knees and tried to calm her breathing.

"You're a fast runner but don't strain yourself trying to outrun me." Ash's voice was as calm as always, no sign of any physical strain at all.

"What... are you... doing here?" Hailey felt embarrassed she was so out of breath. She was even unable to comment on his cockiness.

"Hockey try-outs, obviously," Ash answered.

"No, that's not what I meant. Why are you stalking me?" Finally, her breathing got back to normal, and she stood up straight, crossing her arms defiantly.

"Not everything is about you, Hailey." Ash grinned in such a way that only made her that much surer that he was following her. He was wearing a tight, black shirt that hugged his chest, showing off his muscles. It was distracting.

"Don't pretend that I'm stupid, or deaf for that matter." Hailey felt an anger rising in her chest that she had felt before as a result of Ash's mere presence. She welcomed the emotion, though, it kept her focused enough to not be distracted by those bright eyes.

"Keep those legs moving or you can start your laps all over again, Fell!" Coach yelled from the middle of the field, where he was watching over some sort of exercise that included people running in infinity loops; occasionally he pointed at someone and kindly told them to leave. Hailey sighed.

"Have you considered the possibility that I just like your personality?" Ash asked without looking at Hailey. His voice was more serious now. Hailey studied his face but then turned her focus away from him again.

"I'm not a likable person."

Ash laughed at that. Hailey couldn't help but smile herself, even if she really didn't want to. She got a weird feeling in her gut, a familiar one. It was a sense of safety even though she knew she should feel cautious instead. Then she suddenly remembered a moment from about a month ago; the sun beginning to come up, a rustling of leaves close by... But... Ash couldn't be... No, he wasn't.

They were running around one of the corner flags when he answered, "If you're not likable, at least you're funny." 

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