Chapter 11

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"You're late," Nolan's mom said the moment they walked into the house. Her arms crossed, a look of anger in her eyes. Hailey tried her best not to make eye-contact.

"I'm sorry, traffic was bad," Nolan tried to reason, but Hailey knew it wouldn't make a difference. Mrs. Coleman didn't believe in accidents, just bad planning. She was about to scowl at him some more, by the look of it, when Anna came around the corner.

"Little brother," she exclaimed and hugged him. "You're just in time for dinner."

"Hi, sis," Nolan said when she let go of him again.

"Hey, Anna. Good to see you again," Hailey said with a smile. Her hair was shorter than last time she had seen her. It only just reached her shoulders now. At least she hadn't dyed it. Hailey could only imagine Mrs. Coleman's horror.

"I'll just bring Hailey home and then—," Nolan started to say, but Anna interrupted him with a wave of her hand.

"Nonsense, I made enough. She can join us," she said with a wide smile, that Hailey couldn't genuinely return. The look in Anna's eyes made Hailey think that there really was something up with her.

"Thanks, Ann, but I don't want to bother you," Hailey said, knowing that it wouldn't be enough to get her out of a dinner with the Colemans. Hailey and Anna were old friends, they had known each other for a long time, and she felt about as much as a sister to her as anyone. Hailey wanted to know what was up with her.

"You won't. Come on in." Anna put her hand on Hailey's back and even though Nolan's mom was reluctant they went inside. Nolan followed them. Hailey could feel the fiery gaze of his mother on her back. They went into the dinner room where the table was neatly laid with their expensive plates. Quickly Anna put another one of those at the head of the table. Everything was in its place. The small statues on the mantle were dusted and smaller versions of Nolan's family members were looking back at them from the pictures on the wall above.

Anna was smiling and talking to Hailey as if it hadn't been years since they had seen each other last. Hailey was doing the same, despite the tension. She always regretted that it was so hard for her to be herself in the home of her best friend. But despite all her best efforts to make Nolan's mother like – or at least, tolerate – her, nothing seemed to work.

Anna was restless, moving around, keeping her hands busy, which was unlike her. Anna was the calm, composed sister. It was Ella who was the bouncy one. Maybe it was stress. Anna never had any trouble in high school and as far as Hailey could tell from Nolan's updates, Anna didn't have much more trouble in medical school. But then, what was going on?

"So," Anna said, because they were all looking at her. "Food?"

They took their seats and Anna brought out the steaming meal. It was obviously her own cooking. It was simple but nice. Mrs. Coleman usually cooked with a bit more – unnecessary – flare.

Surprisingly everyone's plates got filled without anyone saying something passive aggressive or sarcastic, in fact nobody said anything but thanks. It made Hailey feel uncomfortable. Mrs. Coleman made everyone pray before starting, which Hailey joined in with, despite not being religious herself. And then they ate in silence for a while.

"Hailey," Nolan's mom suddenly said, clearing her throat. Hailey stopped chewing abruptly and quickly swallowed. Mrs. Coleman addressing her directly was never a good sign. "How is school going?"

Hailey took a breath before she answered. She wasn't doing all that well in school and surely Mrs. Coleman was aware of that.

"It's fine, thanks. Taliyah has been helping me out a great deal," Hailey answered, not quite sweetly but at least it wasn't a snort. Even if she did want Nolan's mother to not hate her as much, she wasn't the kind of person to completely pretend obliviousness.

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