Chapter 51

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In her room, she had found a dress. A dark blue one that flowed to the floor when she held it in front of her at arm-length. She didn't spend a lot of time looking at it, before pulling it over her head. The upper part was tight against her skin, from the waist it fell loosely to the ground. It was pretty but Hailey felt uncomfortable wearing it. She put her hair up hastily, hoping that it looked decent. The ends of her hair tickled her neck when she moved.

Despite the isolated location of her bedroom Hailey heard when the guests started to arrive. The classical music in the ballroom reached throughout the whole mansion. Hailey knew that she probably should've gone down earlier but she hoped that if she waited long enough there would be enough of a crowd for her to disappear into.

Hailey chose to take the main staircase, which she regretted immediately. She hadn't even thought about taking the secret shortcut, which would've attracted almost no attention. There was no way to avoid the staring and pointing and whispering behind hands now.

While descending the final stairs, Hailey looked around trying to find a familiar pair of eyes and she did, at the bottom of the stairs. These were the eyes that she hadn't looked at recently, not closely, but she would recognize that blueness anywhere. Ash.

He was wearing a fancy black suit and he was completely cleaned up. There was no trace left of the Ash Hailey had seen standing in the middle of the road with a sweaty face and his hands covered in ichor.

Hailey forgot about the things he had said about her because she was too happy to find someone she knew, she even started walking faster. Ash looked her up and down and he seemed to be surprised. Then, when Hailey had three more steps to go before she reached him, he turned and walked away.

Hailey was so surprised that she stopped where she was, one foot on a step lower than the other. She was too shocked to try and find someone else she knew, so, after recovering herself she walked into the ballroom on her own, her eyes cast on the floor.

Even if she had wanted to, it was impossible to get to Ash. He expertly slipped his way through the crowd and was gone. Hailey didn't want to push anyone aside because that could attract unwanted attention. So, she was forced to level herself with the crowd's slow pace.

All around her people were talking to each other, it seemed like everyone knew everyone. This made it even harder to move forward because the people in front of Hailey occasionally stopped to chat. She hoped to find Alex, so that they could finally discuss what they had figured out in the carriage.

While she looked around in her search for him, she saw the ballroom properly for the first time since she entered. During her days in the mansion, she wandered around sometimes, and she had seen the ballroom before, but it was unrecognizable now. Each of the pillars placed around the room were adorned with glittery swirls of thin fabric, all the candles in the magnificent chandeliers were lit, and large antique vases standing on pedestals in front of each enormous window were filled with colorful and strongly fragrant roses. At the back of the room, on a raised platform, stood musicians, all black in black suits, playing a beautiful melody Hailey had never heard before. She stood up on her toes to see what instruments they were playing, but she could only recognize a grand piano before something else caught her attention.

Hailey was surprised to find her way blocked by someone with vivid red hair. Luckily, it wasn't Mrs. Ravensdale.

"Hi, Phoenix," Hailey said casually, hiding her shock. "Nice dress." It was the same color as her hair and tighter than Hailey's dress, which was saying something because compared to the dresses all the other women were wearing, Hailey's dress was already daring.

"You too," Phoenix answered without actually looking at what Hailey was wearing. "Are you alone? Have you not made any friends in your time here?"

"They're occupied." The girls stared at each intently. Hailey tried to understand what Phoenix was getting at. Then she unexpectedly looped her arms in Hailey's and pulled her close to her side.

"We will go to the rest of the Team then." Phoenix showed a wide smile that couldn't possibly mean anything good.

They walked through the crowd together, or rather, Phoenix pulled Hailey with her. Phoenix didn't seem to mind pushing other people. Indeed, she looked rather entertained at the scandalized looks they received. Hailey didn't enjoy seeing how those looks changed when they spotted Hailey. How did all these people know who she was anyway? Did she have human written on her forehead? But she had to admit that Phoenix's method was an efficient way of getting to the others and she was relieved to not be alone.

All the members of Team Beta and all their family members made for quite a group. Leo was with his wife Hazel and daughter Luna. Hazel gave Hailey a warm but distant smile. Max and Bridget were standing together with their two small children in-between. Their oldest, Theodora looked very much like her father, but Nathaniel had Bridget's blue eyes.

Brooke was next to a man that looked just like her, he had the same sort of beauty and Hailey didn't doubt he was her brother. His dark curls, which were very similar to Brooke's, painfully reminded Hailey of someone else with curls. Someone she hadn't seen in some time now. Hailey stopped that thought and turned to the other people standing around her.

Next to Brooke's brother were most likely their parents, who were also very good-looking. Behind Marlene were a bunch of people. Hailey thought that they were her parents and grand-parents, and there was also a younger girl that couldn't be older than six. Ruben and Jeanette were by themselves but the whole group was having conversations with each other as if they were all part of one big family.

"Why isn't Zech here?" Hailey asked Leo, who was standing next to her.

"His father, Mr. Barrows, is the leader of the Soul Order," he answered as if that was more than enough to explain his absence. Although it didn't clarify anything for Hailey.

Phoenix was on Hailey's other side and pointed out where Zech was standing. He was in the ballroom, to the right side, standing next to an important-looking man talking to other important-looking men. Mr. Barrows had the same black hair Zech did, but he was taller and had wider shoulders than his son. Hailey noticed that Zech stood alone behind the man, there was no one that could've been Zech's mother.

Hailey didn't say much but mostly listened to others' conversation. She saw that Mrs. Ravensdale was dancing with Mr. Barrows. They were probably friends but maybe they were only keeping up appearances. Mr. Alborn was twirling around with an older-looking woman and Alex was dancing with Aribelle. They were all smiling and laughing, and they seemed happy. Soul Hunters were also very good at pretending.

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