Chapter 59

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"I have been thinking," Alex told Hailey after a time of him doing this while silently walking next to her. Ash was walking a little distance ahead. Not far enough to be out of earshot but enough to take the hit even if any more surprises come up. He had told them they would take a slower pace after recovering from the shock of the cracked sky. Speed wasn't worth the risk if it got them killed, he had said.

"About what?" Hailey asked. Their voices were hushed just in case someone ― or something ― was close by.

"Our mind connection works without either of us truly noticing until one of us actually says something inside the other's mind." Alex was twiddling his hands the way he always did when he was thinking very hard. Hailey could see ― no, feel ― the gears in his head turning at full speed.

"But I haven't been in your mind without you knowing, have I?" Hailey was trying to remember all the moments their connection had been particularly strong, and she was starting to doubt her thoughts.

"The only time you tried was when your mind was focused on me." Alex gave her a look that told her he was getting at something, but he wanted her to understand before he would tell her what it was.

Now it was Hailey's mind that was spinning around. Would it work by simply focusing on Alex? But hadn't she done that many times before without reading his mind?

I do not know whether you are there...

Hailey stopped herself from reacting to Alex's voice. If what he was saying was right... Hailey thought she started to understand.

I genuinely cannot tell whether you can hear me now. I hope you cannot, then my theory would be wrong. Please let my theory be wrong.

But Hailey knew that Alex's theory was exactly on point. She couldn't think about what that meant, she had to test some more first. This time she intentionally focused on Alex's mind, letting herself go deeper into his thoughts. What if she could access more of him without him noticing?

Books stacked to make a tower of unread knowledge, much higher than me. It was young Alex, sitting in the library with a light to read in the dark. The big doors open, father is in the doorway. "Again, Alex?" Then the memory shifts. Green hedges all around. "Ash? Where are you?" Looking around frantically but no one is there. "Ash, do not leave me alone. I do not know the way out of the maze." It changes in a flash. The first day of school, teachers recognizing the name and looking at me fearfully, scared I might be like my mischievous brother Ash.

All the memories that Hailey could access at first were from long ago, when Alex had still been a young child. She pushed harder and found herself wading through memories that come closer and closer to today. One was even about her.

Hailey sitting across the table, reading a book I picked out. She likes it, I knew she would.

There was something hidden behind that memory. Something that had to do with Hailey, but it was much deeper. This was a secret that Alex must've even tried keeping from himself. This was one of the deepest parts of Alex's mind. Hailey reached for it... she was close... almost there... she touched it!


Hailey was thrown back as if physically pushed. Then she got back to reality and realized that Alex had indeed shoved her backwards.

"What the― Alex?" Ash had sprung around and put his hand on Alex's shoulder as if to keep him from touching Hailey again.

"I'm sorry," Hailey panted. She was out of breath from all the pushing she had done to get to the deepest part of Alex.

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