Chapter 6

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The next day Hailey walked to school. All the way, she tried to clear her mind of Jayson but every time she tried, she got angry all over again. So, she attempted to occupy her mind with unimportant things, but her mind always seemed to get back to Jayson.

Mr. Becker is probably going to give a pop quiz today... Jayson is in that class too... Only two more turns until I reach the school... If I turn left on this crossroad, I'd get very close to Jayson's house... They should really redo the school's parking lot, it's got holes... I think I see Jayson's car...

It didn't help.

She had purposely left her house later than she normally would, just to make sure most people would have gone into the school by the time she arrived. She would rather be late to class than have some sort of public confrontation with Jayson.

When she reached school, she knew it had been a good decision to leave later because there was nearly no one left in the parking lot. She looked at the time and knew that if nothing happened now, she would even make it to class in time. But didn't they say you shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch? Well, someone was on their way to come and stomp on Hailey's eggs to ensure there were no chickens left.

There was suddenly someone who grabbed her wrist. Hailey had been looking the other way and had in no way expected it. After a moment of shock, she recollected herself. Without looking who it was she twisted her wrist out of the person's grip and threw a punch towards the expected location of their face.

"Whoa, whoa!" the person said, only barely side-dodging the punch.

"What the heck!" Hailey yelled after seeing his face. She couldn't believe it, but she was sure that she hated him even more than she had before. "What do you want?" she demanded.

"I want to talk to you." His voice was different than when his friends were around. They were completely alone now, and all that Hailey wanted was to get away from him.

"Well, that's too bad, because I don't want to talk to you." She turned around and started to walk away, but Jayson grabbed her wrist again.

"Please," he begged.

"Would you stop grabbing my wrists all the time, it's terribly annoying." As soon as she said it, he let go.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry about the rumor from yesterday, but it wasn't me who came up with it." If anything, this so-called apology only made things worse. She knew he was lying; she always knew that. It was so easy for her to see when people were lying. She could make a fortune at poker if she wanted.

"Yeah, right. You expect me to believe that bullshit?" Hailey gave Jayson a deadly glare. It was strong enough to get him to take a step back. With long strides, Hailey walked away from him. She was already inside the school when Jayson caught up with her. Annoyed, Hailey asked herself why he couldn't just stay away.

"Hailey, come one," he said with his hand on her shoulder.

"Leave. Me. Alone," she snarled, saying every word as if it were a sentence on its own.

"I'm genuinely interested in you. You're the girl no one can get, I intend to be the one to get you, Hailey―"

"Excuse me?" Hailey looked him straight in the eye for the first time in very long. He could literally not have said anything worse. She was usually not the slap-in-the-face kind of girl, but extreme actions called for extreme reactions. "That was my last warning." Jayson looked shocked, covering his cheek with both his hands. Hailey just walked away, not looking back once, hatred stirring in her gut.

She was angriest at herself, for allowing some guy to hack at her wall like this. For whatever mask she might put on, he was getting to her. More than she would ever admit. The moment Jayson was out of sight Hailey ran.


"Hailey Adelaide Fell to the Principal's office," said a crackling voice through the speaker on the wall of her classroom. The other students stared at her, but Hailey ignored them while she picked up her bag and with a roll of her eyes got out of her seat. Why do they always have to say the middle name too? She thought. I hate it!

It's your mother's name. Her dad had said.

She walked out of the classroom ― all the eyes still on her ― and into the hallway. It wasn't a long walk to the principal's office; she found her way there without thinking. She knocked on the door, just beneath the plate saying Principal Hendriks.

There came a muffled sound from the other side of the door indicating she could come in. The principal sat behind his desk with a stiff look. To Hailey's surprise, Julia and Jayson were seated in two of the four chairs that stood before the desk. Hailey suppressed the impulse to ask what they were doing here. That would probably not sit well with the principal.

"Take a seat, Ms. Fell," the principal said coldly. She took the seat furthest for the twins and turned resolutely forward.

The principal wasn't ancient, but he was old and even though he had some old-fashioned morals his punishments were usually very creative. This school really stressed the man out, Hailey could see that in his dark baggy eyes. His hair hung slack over his ears which was not how it used to be if she had to believe the pictures around his office. It looked like he'd been very successful at some sport, for a while anyways. She felt bad for him, clearly this wasn't how he had planned his life to go.

"You understand this meeting concerns your insubordination of yesterday." Principal Hendriks folded his hands and looked at her knowingly.

Hailey looked at Jayson questioningly – though still seething with anger – trying to understand what the situation was. Jayson wouldn't look at her. She quickly turned back to the principal because he cleared his throat. Hailey nodded.

"Unauthorized absence is not tolerated, Ms. Fell." His voice was emotionless, he didn't worry himself all too much about the matter, although he might just be too tired to show worry.

"Um," Hailey began. She was confused; if this was about skipping the whole day of school why were Jayson and Julia there? She looked at Julia this time. She glared back.

"Don't mind Mr. and Ms. Smith." The principal's low voice attracted Hailey's attention again.

"Right. I'm sorry for not being at school yesterday, Principal Hendriks," Hailey said, attempting to think up some excuse that wouldn't give away the truth but wouldn't get her in too much trouble either.

"You understand I can't leave this unpunished, especially if you're unable to provide an appropriate excuse, which I highly doubt," the man said while appearing to think hard. This meant his penalty was close. "Detention should―"

"Sir, if I may," Jayson unexpectedly said. Principal Hendriks seemed to be surprised as well but he leaned forward on his desk and studied Jayson closely. There was a certain admiration in his eyes that Hailey knew was because Jayson had gotten this middle-of-nowhere school noticed by winning some important hockey matches.

"Yes, Jayson, go on. What have you got to say?" The principal used Jayson's first name probably without noticing it. It made it all too clear who held his favor. If Jayson were going to say anything to make Hailey's punishment worse, she would have no power to change it.

"It was my fault Hailey wasn't at school yesterday, I take full responsibility. She should not be punished on my behalf." His voice was different, there wasn't a hint of his usual conceited tone. He was clearly using the principal's admiration to get whatever he wanted to achieve. Hailey was very lucky that he was using it to her benefit, but she didn't like it.

"Interesting," the principal said thoughtfully. He was quiet for a minute before nodding his head. "As noble as you may be, Mr. Smith, we cannot let Ms. Fell's actions slide." He turned back to Hailey. "You will have to attend the upcoming hockey practices and assist Coach, starting tomorrow."

Hailey gritted her teeth, but she only nodded before standing up without a word. Before the door of the office closed behind her, she could see Julia giving Jayson a most exasperated look, but Jayson was now watching Hailey leave and didn't notice his twin. Their eyes crossed only for a second, but it was clear that Jayson was much too happy with this outcome. Hailey didn't like to think about what Jayson imagined he could do with all the extra quality time that was forced upon her.

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