chapter one

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lyndon williams
sunday, september 1st

"It's a great honor to be here today to introduce you to a truly great group of kids." Bombay started off strong. "Sure, they can be a little rambunctious. They've run me ragged and played more than their fair share of pranks. I still haven't forgotten about those eggs. But I hung in there, and they hung in there for me. We became the Quack Attack, the Flying "V'', the Bash Brothers and The Goalie Sisters. I've never had a better time." I squeezed Guy's hand. "These kids are winners, each and every one of them. But more than that, these are good people. I hope that they enrich and enliven your school and your lives the way they have mine. Now I hand you over to the capable hands of my old biology teacher and the current headmaster of Eden Hall, Dean Buckley."

We all clapped hearing him talk about us like that. Hating him back in June felt like a fever dream. That last three months had been amazing.

Guy and I had been dating for almost three months now and it was going perfectly. We hadn't said the three magic words but I'd spent almost every day with him. Skating around St. Paul, campfires, and drinking slushees at his work at midnight. He helped me get a job at Han's with Charlie. After telling everyone I was moving here life just got better. I hadn't talked to Sierra in what seemed like years but I couldn't. She just made me mad.

"Gordon Bombay has a lot to be proud of. We are happy to welcome the Ducks to our great educational institution. So, today it gives me great pleasure to award you these full athletic scholarships to the Eden Hall Academy where we hope the Ducks will be happy Warriors and lead us on to glory and divisional championships." The Dean spoke. I was excited to be playing here. I knew that Bombay wasn't going to be out coach but sometimes new things are better.

The crowd applauded and I heard Dylan start to cheer. They took almost a million pictures. Guy held my hand while we stood in the front by Connie and Averman.

"Had Bombay told Charlie yet?" Connie whispered into me and Guy's ear.

"I don't think so." Guy said back.

I looked back at Connie, "How's he going to react?"

She shrugged her shoulders and smiled again at the camera. Once the flashes stopped we made our way to our parents. Like usual my parents were next to Jessie and Marley. Marley sat on top of Dylan's shoulder to see better. She climbed down to hug me. She small arms pressed against my Ducks jersey that was paired over a white lace dress. Around my neck was of course my necklace, and on my hand was Guy's ring.

"I say we go out to celebrate!" Jessie shared, "Old Spaghetti Factory on me?"

"Hell yeah!" Guy shouted.

"I don't know if I'm ready to start school there." I said swirling my Alfredo around my fork. The thought of going to a huge private school kind of scared me.

Guy rested his hand on my thigh, "You'll be okay, love. I mean you'll have everyone with you."

Jessie gave me a sweet look from across the table, "Plus, you're gorgeous so you really have nothing to worry about."

"Why are the Germaine's the sweetest people in the world?" I laughed.

       "It's just the way we are!" Guy said stuffing his mouth with chicken.

       My dad patted my shoulder, "You and your brother are also sweet people. You're good at sports, funny, and smart. You'll do great."

       We ate until we couldn't eat anymore, Guy had come over to help me pick out a first day of school outfit. He'd picked out a white shirt, skinny jeans, a black flannel, and my white converse. I decided to pair it with a belt and a couple rings.  For him I picked out his dark green sweater, baggy jeans, and his white converse to match. I was scared.

        Guy laid down on my dark mustard yellow comforter where he had slept every other night in the summer. My parents used to never let me have boys spend the night until I started dating Guy. We of course hadn't done anything but Dylan being Dylan he always joked about it. He stretched himself out like a cat and went under my comforter. "Love, come on lay down. I know you're scared. Just breathe and lay down."

        I stood from my vanity, flyer brushing my hair. Wearing my Nike shorts and Guy's hoodie. A couple weeks after I moved here I bought him a couple and stolen his old ones. I rolled into my bed and tapped my arms around his stomach. He pressed his lips onto my forehead. "Thank you."

       "Lyndon can I tell you something?"

       "Of course."

       "I love you."

       "I love you too." I said back with my heart exploding.

authors note!

Why not? • Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now