chapter five

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lyndon williams
tuesday, september 3rd

        "Alright class! Tomorrow we'll pick up here!" Our choir teacher, Miss Front, said, I couldn't believe how fast the second day had already gone. I still haven't gotten any homework from English but Biology had already filled my folder. "Remember to practice your scales!"

        I packed my backpack up and stood up, to my surprise there were two boys standing outside the door. Guy and that junior. Guy was standing on the other side of the hallway with a small brown bag whilst the junior dude was standing against the door frame. Julie and Connie were already out the door since they needed to get their lunch, which I understood. But they still sucked for leaving me alone. I also hadn't told them about the junior who's name I'm pretty sure is Rick, asking for my snap and constantly flirting with me.

        Quickly walking out the door to the other side of the hallway, I gave Guy the biggest hug I could. I needed Rick to see this. He was in shock for a minute then wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Lyndon, I was only gone for two hours," he laughed referencing his doctor's appointment.

        I brought my eyes to his, "I know, but this junior boy is flirting with me." I felt relieved to get that off my chest.

        "Was that the pervert that was standing outside the door?"

        "Uh yeah, how'd you know?" I questioned.

        We started to walk down the hallway, "Well when I got here I saw the bell was about to ring so I decided I was going to wait for you, then when I got here he was waiting to see the hottest girl on JV. But you three are the only ones in choir. Once Connie and Julie left he still waited. Then you rushed out here."

        "I'm going to throw up in my mouth," I fake gagged.

        He looked down on me while we walked into the lunchroom, well it was more like a lunch ballroom, "If he ever tries something with you I'm gonna kill him!" He threw his arm around me while we sat with our team. He cracked open a Coke can and almost immediately guzzled it down. I almost stood from the table before Guy pulled me down, "Where are you going?"

    "To get lunch?"

    "Oh my god! I forgot this was for you!" He gave me the brown bag, "My mom insisted we buy you lunch!"

    Inside the bag consisted of a chicken ranch wrap, kettle chips, a tiny can of Sprite and an M&M cookie, "You are the best, and tell your mother that I love her with my heart!"

    "Is there any love for us?" Averman asked. He and Goldberg sat across from us. Goldberg with two trays, one with regular lunch and one piled with desserts.

    I looked away from the trays, "Of course there is!" While everyone sat down I looked for Adam, I know everyone was acting weird around him since he got picked for Varsity. I didn't want him to feel left out at all. At the same time I was also trying to find Dylan, he said he made friends but I also didn't want him to get into the wrong group.

    "Earth to Lyndon!" Goldberg snapped, "This tray is for you and Julie! I just wanted to congratulate you two on being number one! I didn't have time to bake a cake so I bought you a yummy array of goodies!"

Why not? • Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now