chapter six

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lyndon williams
wednesday , september 4th

      Guy had spent the entire night at my house while his mother was at the hospital. She didn't want him to be around bad thoughts while our first game was today. Of course my parents didn't care since he was basically family.

      "Love, wake up." I slightly pushed him. The sun has barely made its way into my room.

His eyes fluttered as he laid under my dark purple comforter. He wiped away the small amount of drool from the side of his chin and fixed his hair, "What time is it?"


"Why so early?" he moaned, absorbing me in her arms. He pushed my hair away from my face while resting me on his chest.

I drew circles on his shirt, "Because I love to torcher you, plus I want to get ready."

      He closed his eyes, "I don't have any clothes here."

      I pushed myself off of him and laughed. I made my way to my dresser and pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans, a white Thrasher shirt, and a pair of black Nike socks, "You left these here over the summer." I went to a smaller drawer and grabbed a travel toothbrush and deodorant and added them to the pile. I had those for whenever anyone spent the night, which was often.

I took my phone off the charger and pressed shuffle on Spotify, Belly (The Grass Stains) by Rex Orange County played.

      He finally got out of my bed, "Thank you," he said kissing me on my forehead, "I would kiss you on the lips but morning breath."

     I let out a small laugh and went to my closet. Guy went the opposite way and went to the joint bathroom I shared with Dylan. While he changed and brushed his teeth I picked out my outfit, a black cropped tank top with my Team USA zip up, along with a pair of boyfriend jeans.

      "You almost done?" I asked.

      The door opened, "Yeah I'm done."

      I left the door open while I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I opened my makeup bag and put on my mascara and concealer and Guy watched in awe.

     "Are you okay?" I smiled.

     Guy snapped back into reality, "I think so but why are you doing that. You're already so beautiful."

"Thank you," I said thinking about what he said, I grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped the concealer off, "Can I leave the mascara on?"

"Only because I can see your beautiful eyes." he said.

I then remembered why he spent the night, "Are you doing okay?"

Last night he was a wreck. Hyperventilating, sweating, and every emotion ran through his body. "I'm doing better. The last text I got was after I fell asleep and it just said that they were moving her out of the Emergency room and into a regular room. So I'll be able to see her after the game."

"That's amazing." Marley was almost like a little sister to me, I still couldn't believe what happened or that some texted me admitting to it.

"You lovely folks are halfway through your first week! Today we're going to be starting our first unit!" Miss Hollenbook announced while passing a thick stack of papers back, "We will be reading Romeo & Juliet! For your mid semester assignment we'll be doing a reenactment!"

    Rick tapped my shoulder, "You know last year they had the youngest person in the class play Juliet and the oldest play Romeo? If she does that again that means I would get to kiss you."

     "Don't you have a girlfriend you could be excited to kiss?" I groaned, I turned back around and whispered, "Plus I think I'll be sick that day."

     He huffed something under his breath while our teacher continued to speak, "Now the quarter ends on Halloween, so I'm thinking we pick rolls in a couple days and that way when we read we'll have all the characters!"

     The bell rang and I shoved my stuff into my backpack, "Thank god!" I whispered while I pulled my phone out before swinging my backpack around my shoulder.

Usually literature was my favourite subject but Rick was making it so difficult. Before I could leave the classroom I called for.

"Lyndon! Before you go to your 3rd hour, i was wondering how you would feel playing Juliet!" Wow maybe Rick was right about something, "Usually I have the youngest girl in the class play her since she was only thirteen, and yes you are the youngest but I was thinking you could do it!"

"Yeah I'll have to think about it!" I pondered the thought, "Usually the oldest boy is the one playing Romeo right?"

"I tend to do that, but you won't have to kiss Rick, I know he's quite a handful."

I sighed in relief, "That's perfect, thank you."

While I made my way to French to I remembered that I had my first game tonight. I was nervous. I knew I was starting, but I had never started a game before. In softball yeah, but hockey was different. Everyone seemed to be ready except me. I had played in front of a million people representing team USA but I couldn't do this. I was terrified.

     "Hey love!" Guy greeted me, I hadn't realized I'd walked in my class. "Are you going to sit down?"

     The bell rang, "Mademoiselle Williams are you planning on joining us or are you going to stand there like a stale croissant?"

     Her accent was thick as mud, but I nodded my head and took my seat. Guy, who sat behind me, tapped my lower back with a thick piece of paper folded into a square.

    Are you okay? Did something happen in Common Lit? Was it that junior?

     I opened my notebook to pretend to write notes while I wrote a response.

     im okay, im just scared to play tonight

    I passed the note back, he rubbed my back with ease to call me down. What would I do without this boy?

authors note!
merry christmas! or if you don't celebrate christmas happy december 25th! i hope you enjoyed this chapter:)
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