chapter two

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lyndon williams
monday, september 2nd

"He really said it to me!" I thought while getting dressed. While putting on my lipgloss I couldn't help but wonder what made him say it. I slipped my shoes on and ran downstairs. To my surprise my dad was still home and frying up eggs. "Dad? Why are you still here?"

        He looked up from the sizzling pan, "Oh Lynnie you're done getting ready. I took a couple hours off to see you and Dylan go to your new school." I was surprised, ever since we moved here he's been in the office as much as possible. But I was happy he was home.

        I pulled the barstool from under the counter, "What're you making?"

       "Just some eggs and french toast. Do you know if Guy is coming for breakfast?"

       With Guy practically living at my house my parents were used to making an extra plate for him. Or one for Connie, or Adam, or Charlie. They always knew to ask just in case one of my friends came to eat with us. But in Dylan's case it was a different story. He really hadn't made any friends yet. He'd gotten a job working at the mall but he hadn't hung out with anyone. He was always home.

"I don't think so, he left around 6:30 to get ready and I think I'm meeting him there. But I'll pick up a coffee for him." I took a sip of orange juice.

He brought four plates back, "Wanna go get Dyl for me and I'll get mom."

I got up from my chair and walked up the stairs. I grabbed my backpack and Team USA duffle bag out of my room and knocked on Dylan's door. "Breakfast is ready!"

"I'll be down in a minute!" He shouted back. After hearing that I went back and threw my stuff onto the couch. I greeted my mother who was already sitting down. Her job had been relatively nice and letting her work from home.

She gave me a smile while handing me my plate, "Are you excited?"

"I'm kinda nervous," I poured syrup onto the french toast that sat in front of me, "I've never moved schools before. At least I have my whole team with me."

"Except for Dean and Jesse." She said nonchalantly.

"What?!" I almost yelled.

She looked at me with shock, "You mean they didn't tell you? Their moms told me. Jesse doesn't want to play for a different team. And Dean's family can't afford it."

I knew what she said about Dean was bullshit, we got full ride scholarships, housing was offered, and Hendricks still paid for almost anything we needed. I don't know if he was okay with someone other than Bombay coaching.

       After scarfing down the food and the endless amounts of pictures taken, my parents finally let me and Dylan leave the driveway.

       "Remember to get a picture with Guy outside of the school!" my mom shouted. Her scrapbooking addiction was up and running once again. I gave her a thumbs up while shutting the door. Dylan started his car and we were off. Getting out of the driveway we saw Adam dressed in his preppy clothes that his dad was making him wear. I gave him a big wave and he made sure to wave back even though it ruined his mom's photo.

        "Okay. We'll stop at Starbucks really quickly, then do we need to pick up anyone?" Dylan said. I thought to myself, it's weird that no one needs a ride, usually everyone needs one from us.

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