chapter three

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lyndon williams
monday, september 2nd

"Did Charlie seriously think that was a good way to start off the year?" I complained to Guy.

"I know, he just said that we would skate to the gate then go in for the assembly." He whispered back to me. We had been looking at pictures in an office before Charlie chimed in.

He swung his arms around my shoulder, "Don't worry Lyndon, these prepsters aren't going to do anything to us." His train of thought suddenly shifted to the ant farm in the room. "Check it out! Antsville!"

"Look at 'em go." Fulton said.

Suddenly a head appeared from in front of the glass. "You can learn a lot from ants." The head said, It was Dean Buckley, "These Brazilian fire ants can teach you a lot about successful societal structure. Come here. You see there's one queen in there. The rest are dedicated worker ants. Everybody pulls their weight. Nobody complains. There's harmony and growth. Same here at Eden Hall. Only you are the workers, the backbone." He pointed his finger at us.

"And you're the queen?" Russ snickered. We all broke out into a quiet laughter while he handed us our class schedules. At the beginning of August we were sent a form that let us choose four other classes other than core classes.

        Upon opening me, Guy, Connie, Julie, Averman, and Adam made sure to compare. I had gotten really close with Averman and Adam over the summer since we lived close to each other.

Biology 1
Common Literature 2
Lunch Part A
Historical Studies
Algebraic Learning
Physical Education
Politics 9

I had almost every class with Guy, which I was so grateful for. We had Biology, French, Choir, Historical Studies, Physical Education, and Politics. We didn't have any math or English classes together. He was in the sophomore math class, Pre Calculus, while I was in a sophomore English class, Common Literature 2. It was crazy how we were both really good at opposite things.

This wasn't the case for me, Connie, and Julie though.

Me and Julie had Biology, Choir, and Physical Education together. Whilst me and Connie only had Choir and Physical Education together. As for me, Averman, and Adam all we had together was Physical Education.

After getting our schedules, Guy, Julie, Kenny, Russ, Dwayne, and I headed to find biology. It was super easy to find considering we were two doors down from it. We took our seats in the middle of the room. The teacher came in with a sour look on her face.

"Hello class, my name is Mrs. Shite, not the swear word. I take this class very seriously since I've been teaching here for 30 years."

Guy leaned into my ear "I'm surprised they let her teach here that long." I tried stifling a laugh.

"Every Monday you'll have a practice quiz, every Wednesday you'll have a real quiz, every Friday you'll have an exam, and anytime I feel like it you'll have a surprise quiz or exam. But that just depends on whether or not my cats decide to poop on my bed instead of in their $400 litter box. Now I'm passing out two worksheets, one of them it's to get to know you whilst on the other side it's 6 problems about Potential and Kinetic Energy. You should have learned this last year but you can think of it as a reminder."

Why not? • Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now