chapter four

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lyndon williams
monday, september 2nd

After the most tiring practice of my life, and that includes when we lost against Iceland. We plopped in the locker room and the boys started chanting while me, Connie and Julie just sat there. We looked at each other in complete shock. We couldn't believe that our practice was that hard.

        "I'll teach you to play like what? Starts with a 'W'!" Charlie yelled.

        "Wussies!" Russ yelled.

        Charlie yelled once more, "That's right! Wussies on offense and defense!"

        "Defense! Defense! Defense!" Russ grunted back.

        Suddenly the door swung open and a male voice started talking, "Eden Hall Academy requires you to maintain a 'C' average to compete. But I believe that's a bad rule."

        "Go coach!" Goldberg cheered.

        "I want B's or better or you're gonna be riding the pine pony." He quickly shut him down and moved on, "Now you got 15 minutes after each practice to clear this locker room. You got homework to do. Oh, one more thing. Stay clear of the varsity until we play em' in the JV/Varsity Showdown. You got that?"

        I gave him a small salute and he walked out. "Hey guys, look he posted our positions." I said.

       Connie, Fulton, and Russ went up and Adam followed. Connie stayed up to read the whole thing while Fulton and Russ complained about their positions. Me and Guy walked up with Dwayne as soon as Adam started talking.

        "I'm not even posted." he said.

        I stood on my tiptoes to see the list when I saw his name, "Yeah, you are. Adam Banks, third line, center for Varsity?"

        "I made Varsity?" he said in question as he walked back. I scanned the sheet up and down and looked at the starters. Guy, Russ, Fulton, Averman, Charlie, and the goalie was me. I was the starter goalie? I checked the second line up; Luis, Ken, Connie, Dwayne, and Julie as the goalie. They'd have to bring in someone from the starters but Goldberg was the backup.

"That's the great thing about being goalie, you know? You always know where you stand. I just mind my business, take my place between the pipes." Goldberg confidently stated.

Averman chuckled, "You're riding the pine pony pal."

"Very funny."

"I'm starting and Julie's two." I said.

He pushed his way to the front of Dwayne and Guy so they couldn't see, "How can he do this to me? What am I, chopped liver? And Lyndon, you're on twice!"

Before I could look back the board Dwayne spoke up, "Hey who's Captain Tibid?"

"That's Captain T.B.D., to be determined," Guy corrected. "And yeah Lyndon you are on their twice."

"Oh. I see," Dwayne laughed, "Wait no I don't. That's your job Charlie."

I ignored that and finally got my way to the front, I was on twice. In bold writing at the bottom it stated:

Why not? • Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now