chapter seven

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lyndon williams
wednesday , september 4th

    I threw my bag into my mom's car feeling like absolute crap. We had tied the game and I couldn't believe we let it go, to top that off I was sitting in wet clothes from the locker room thanks to the varsity team.

      To make matters worse, I had to deal with being Juliet while Rick was Romeo, dealing with Rick is it's own problem. Just because life is amazing, I still haven't thought of Guy's big birthday surprise yet. I haven't even told him about the text I got.

      "How about we get something to eat?" my dad asked not knowing what to say. This was only the second time he'd been to an in person hockey game and didn't know how to react to a loss.

      Baseball and softball were more of his forte.

      I slumped into the car's seat, "I'm not that hungry."

      "Well! KwikTrip it is!" my mom cheered, "Oh! And we can run to Walmart and get stuff for Guy's birthday. Do you still want to do that tonight or should we get you a change of clothes?"

      I looked around her car to see what she had, my old, almost ancient, softball tournament sweatshirt. It was probably older than Marley was. I slid it on over my soaked T-Shirt, it suffocated my shoulders but fit pretty well in the other areas. "We can do it tonight."

After shoving my Airpods in my ears I gazed out the window thinking about what had just happened. We tied with the Bears, because of Charlie. Connie yelled at my boyfriend because of game. And because we stink I'm stuck in freezing clothes. We had to get back at the Varsity.

Not that long after leaving the school we pulled into the Walmart. We walked into the store and I had no idea what to look for. He already had some stuff coming in the mail, but he was turning fifteen! I wanted it to be huge.

       I made my way into the party decorations hoping to get some sort of idea. There were piñatas, balloons, and streamers but nothing that screamed Guy.

      We strolled around the store picking up some little trinkets. Like, a giant bag of candy, some guitar string and picks, and some of his favourite movies. But this wasn't good enough.

     "There has to be something better than this for Guy." my dad ruffed while we stepped out of the cold store.

     My mom nodded her head, "What did you get him so far?"

     I opened my notes on my phone and read aloud, "So far I got him a green Tommy Hilfiger crewneck, a new hockey stick, and the Clubmaster Ray-Ban sunglasses. He's wanted those since the games. I also got him something special that is just between me and Dylan."

     "What is Jessie getting him?" she asked.

     I scrolled further into my notes, "She's getting him the new GTA, Nike Pro Maxes, and a new skateboard."

     "Wow. So everything is really picked apart. We were just going to give him one of my old unused guitars." my dad said opening the trunk.

     I opened the car door and shut it behind me, "I don't know what else to do."

     "Oh! I have an idea!" my mom almost shouted, "Text Guy you're not able to hang out on your birthday."

     "He knows I scheduled off though."

     "Trust me."

     I obeyed not knowing what the rest of her plan was.

hey i want you to know that i'm really sorry but i won't be able to hang on your birthday.
i'm so so so sorry.

I felt so bad sending that but like usual he instantly responded.

Oh. That's okay. Don't worry.

He was crushed.

"You better have a good plan."

g u y  g e r m a i n e
point of view

     I fell back onto my bed, not knowing how to feel. Lyndon wasn't going to be able to hang out on my birthday. She's the only person I know I can look forward too. She's my love.

     "Hey Guy!" I heard my mom call from the kitchen. I bolted out maybe thinking that Lyndon said she was wrong.

    "What's up?"

     Once I was fully out there she hid her phone away from me. "I wanted to say sorry, because Marley's parent-teacher conferences are on Friday and I can't miss them. It's a really prestigious school and if I miss these then they won't accept her. Then that'll destroy my aura and the vibe in the house won't be good. So me and Marley won't be here on Friday from 6 ish to whenever they end."

     "That's okay, I'll probably just rent a movie or something anyway."

     "But! tomorrow after work I will make your favourite cake!" she yelled as I drug my feet to my room. I shut the door and laid down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling thinking about everything that's going on.

       Marley was finally moved out of the hospital after the two days spends there. She ended up have a couple breaks in her arm. They still haven't found out who did it which pissed me off. I was just happy she was back home.

        Lyndon can't be with me on my birthday, I know I sound dramatic but she's changed my life and I really wanted her to be here with me.

     I sighed and studied my room to distract myself.

My room has changed drastically since the Games. It's still super clean but I have pictures of everyone hanging up everywhere. By my bed consists of Me and Lyndon. Well actually, she's everywhere. On my mirror, on my desk, and taped to my guitar. She was the most gorgeous person in the world. Absolutely breathtaking. I know I'm just turning fifteen but I can see a future with her. I loved her.

I sat up and went to my window. The night looked beautiful. My vision drifted down to the corner of the glass where a picture of me and Lyndon sat. She put that there, Julie had taken a picture of us watching Reservoir Dogs at an outdoor movie over the summer. Lyndon obsessed over that photo. She still does sometimes. She's been there for me in everything.

How did I get so lucky?

authors note!
I AM SO SORRY I HAVENT IPDATED IN SO LOMG. I have had such writers block. but here it is!! chapter seven. what do you think lyndon's mom has up her sleeve?
how are you guys? honestly. are you guys doing well? feel free to privately message me if you aren't comfortable saying in the comments:)
please comment and vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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